Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I never understand why people mix chest and tris and back and bis - you hit tris doing chest and you hit bis doing back, unless you're wanting to pre-exhaust. I seldom train arms anyway, however, if you are going to train arms properly, I'd say chest/bis and back tris a better combination.

I contemplated this when you posted something similar the other day - I've always done chest/tris and back/bis for this reason. If I'm doing weighted dips I'm hitting chest/tris quite heavily (esp for wide grip) and conversely other exercises for back/bis e.g. lat pull downs, work well together. My routine at least, seems to fall nicely into these two categories so splitting the other way would seem a bit counter-intuitive. Happy to hear advice otherwise though...
U_E! You're back! Where have you been?!

heheh, have i been missed? Came time to change the girlfriend for a younger model, lifting took something of a hit plus i screwed up a little coming off the juice giving myself a nice case of back and chest acne so ive cut back to a maintainance program for a little while to level myself out but theres been nothing to update so ive been lurking, good to see everyone still going strong, lots of improvments from the ones who've stuck with it. Sorry to hear you've been fighting injury FF, that sucks
heheh, have i been missed? Came time to change the girlfriend for a younger model, lifting took something of a hit plus i screwed up a little coming off the juice giving myself a nice case of back and chest acne so ive cut back to a maintainance program for a little while to level myself out but theres been nothing to update so ive been lurking, good to see everyone still going strong, lots of improvments from the ones who've stuck with it. Sorry to hear you've been fighting injury FF, that sucks

Missed reading your posts UE, for what its worth :)
Hit 85kg for sets on deadlifts today :D

I did a set on 90kg but the form didn't feel right so I brought it back to 85 and I'm not counting it.

BORs felt so light after that too, hit 40 kg on those now :)

Tried for some wide grip pullups at the end, but I could barely hang let alone lift myself :o

Trying to keep up my food intake at the minute too, because I've eaten like a pig for the last few weeks and its really starting to show some good effects. BF is a little higher than I would like so I'll just have to whack in some more HIIT sessions a week and I should be good to go :)

Some advice please, for the past 6 weeks or so I have been going for around 3 morning runs a week and a 1 or 2 bike rides per week. My goals are to get back to a 32" waist and lose the belly first and foremost.
I have purchased a basic weights bench and weights and plan on following GordyR's 3 day split in his stickied thread. I don't have a chin up bar or lat pull downs, what could I do to replace these?

Got any trees nearby? I used a tree with a horizontal branch for chin ups.

As for dips, you can do them in stairs on the rails if you have two, or between two chairs.

Does your local park have bars etc which can be used for pull ups?
Did my back day last night with the new straps and belt. Didn't get much extra done, but damn it feels like it did more.

6x110kg (fail)

I took the belt off at this point.. then my back felt like jelly and I nearly fell over so put it back on :p:o

V-grip pull downs:
10x49kg (if the weights were not on rails they'd have gone flying they felt so light by this stage!)

One arm DB rows:

Seated rows:
4x70kg (fail)
8x63kg (fail)

Standing Trap fly (weight in each hand):

Super setted with shrugs (weight in each hand):

Stiff as a board today, and sitting/standing absolutely upright :p
also, wrist straps.. do you guys wrap them with the hand, or against the hand? (i.e. same 'direction' as your fingers, or opposite?) or does it not matter? I thought opposite would be better so your straps 'roll' the bar into your fingers, and vice-versa (same logic as over+under grip)
How does this diet look (yesterdays diet), calories in brackets:

Wed 17/6 Wake 7.15 Sleep 11.20
Breakfast 7.40: 2 poached eggs (160) on 2 slices wholemeal bread (~180)
Snack 11.30: Porridge 80g (280), milk (~60), jam (~60)
Snack 2: Chicken leg (260), banana (60)
Lunch 3.10: Mackerel (190), wholemeal pita (140), apple (60)
Snack 5: 3 egg omelette (~250), ham (~80)
Preworkout 6.30: Banana (60), yoghurt (110)
Gym 1000m warm up row

Post workout 9 / dinner: 2 wholemeal pitas (290), tuna mayo and salad (190)
Snack 10.30: Strawberries (70) 10.30: Whey (100), 500ml milk (200)
Total: 2800

Normally I would go to the gym at 1pm and have a 600-800 calorie meal for dinner rather than the postworkout / preworkout yoghurt and should also prob. have less milk. I also need to get more green veg in, I tend to have some veg in my evening meal around 7pm.
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I wish I could scoff that much Craig. :)

I usually do any workout after a good day of eating but lately I've been considering heading to the gym in the morning(9-10am). This would leave room for 1, maybe even 2 meals max. Would this be enough for getting the most out of a session? :) I'd also be scared of tiring myself out before the day ahead.
yeah, it is a good one tbh. holds my weight more than ok. though i have had to tie something around the part which holds against the door frame as it was denting a little :D

Do you have a link to share please? Have looked at a couple of screwless ones, just not sure how secure they would be.

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