God I'm so tired I can hardly type. It was like the first time all over again, I don't think I've ever worked so hard.
Beach running is pretty tough to be honest Josh and the beach at Brighton has a steep incline, which makes it good for short sprints up it. Although he had us running a couple of miles along it last week which was very uncomfortable, as it's large pebbles and rocks and makes it easy to stumble, although it does force you to focus on your footing.
As to weights, we hardly ever use them. He does whip out the kettle bells when we're doing some circuit training, and with them we usually do bent over rows (alternating arms), a squat-overhead press type whole body movement, and also a movement which is a squat then works the shoulders but swinging it to shoulder height. I don't know the proper terms for any of them. As it's all geared towards amateur boxing and not professional we do a lot more punching drills focusing on speed and endurance, rather than developing brute strength, so we never do a weight routine as such. I also struggle with fitting in weights and my own workouts at home with the boxing days as I never want to compromise my boxing performance due to something I've done myself the previous day. Because of this I hardly ever get to do squats anymore.
Also as I think I said before our coach likes to go heavy on the sparring, which I agree with as there's nothing better to develop your boxing than actually boxing.
Also - today I watched all three Gatti vs. Ward fights.... my god, just simply amazing. I've never seen such iron will and desire to continue to fight. If you can find some way to get hold of them, do. The last fights was so emotional, Gatti broke his right hand in the 4th and still continued to throw it all the way to victory after 10 rounds, unbelievable.
Also worth a watch are the three Pacquiao vs. Morales fights which I re-watched yesterday. I've never liked Morales personally but he does know how to take a punch, and Pacquiao... well, a legend in the making (or already made).