Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I'm trying to cut down on volume somewhat and increase intensity/weight whilst trying to keep strict form which is difficult.

That for me was quite tiring, probaly because of the chins at the beginning that I'm not used to using up some core strength.

Just realised I missed 3 sets of DB single arm rows off :rolleyes:

I'm eating well, tipping over 3k calories a day.

I've always had high volume workouts. Overtraining is something I'm aware of. I guess I'm just a bit hooked on really working my nuts off. GVT probaly didn't help the volume addicition!

The volumes going to be cut significantly when the new routine starts. I think I try to do every exercise possible because it's a whole week until it next gets trained. 6 days with the new routine as of Monday. Each day has no more than 20 sets split over 4-6 exercises.

Benny has a very good physique, so it is obviously working for him. Some people just respond well to high volume :D

Thanks pal. How's the shoulder holding up?
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Benny has a very good physique, so it is obviously working for him. Some people just respond well to high volume :D

No I'm afraid it's not that simple. Yes he has a good physique, and he's strong and powerful - but that's not owing to his recent work but to the previous training. I just fear that he may plateau and over exhaust himself with his volume/intensity that he is doing now. Even pros and those that are on special hot sauce don't do that much.

I think what has happened is owing to your GVT experience you've become a little "hooked" on high volume - however even with GVT you're only doing 4 exercises 2 of which with high volume and the subsidiary ones as a "finisher". Now don't get me wrong, volume is good, if tied in with intensity, but there is too much volume.

I'm not saying this things in a derogatory manner, I'm trying to be supportive and guide those that I think need help as it's something I know a little about.
You're deffinatley right if I think about it.

Today is leg day which I like doing lots of volume but I'm going to increase the intensity slighty. Tomorrow will be shoulders which I will do 4/5 Compound exercises and 1 isolation or 4 compounds and 2 isolations. Totalling a maximum of 24 sets with a target of 16-20.
Now don't get me wrong, volume is good, if tied in with intensity, but there is too much volume.

I agree with you mate, but that is the key for me. We can't really sit here and say "na mate you're doin way too much volume" when (as far as I know) we haven't seen Benny train. If he is keeping up the intensity and recovering ok afterwards and subsequently growing, then I don't see the problem.
If however you are plateauing Benny then sure do what ever you need to do to get moving again. I'm just always a little wary when people are progressing well with a slightly unorthodox program and they are convinced to change when there may have been no need.:)

My shoulder is doing ok by the way, thanks. Did some flat benching for the first time yesterday and got upto 80k for 6 which felt great. I could feel a fair bit of strength loss in my front delts and the bar was quite hard to stabilise, but still felt good :D
The thing is Benny is no progressing, he's still in a "limbo" since his gvt program. The point is with that much volume he'd have to lower the intensity else he'd just burn himself out and actually become in a catabolic state or at least musculatory atrophy (or the start of it) which is daft. He's clearly not getting weaker, but I doubt all that volume is actually helping much. I think keeping to 4 clear movements per workout is more than enough if you go to the gym 4x a week then it's plenty to cycle through different exercises. If he's only going 3x a week and leaving a day or 2 between then maybe that's less of an issue, but still I'd suggest that after a long session like that he's not achieving much.

Good to hear about your shoulder though. :)

Thanks for your input & glad the shoulder is on the mend.

I'm progressing gradually strength wise. It's the same with any routine/method of training. It only works for so long. Come Monday is the start of my new routine which is similar but alternating every 6 days (2 resting) heavy with moderate weight and more reps with a maximum of 20 sets.

I eat plenty and I get more than enough rest averaging 9/10 hours sleep a night. There are other routes for me to try now. Having done 5x5 for WG Pull ups yesterday, even though I've written this other routine, I'm a tad curious about it.

Thanks for your input too FF. Facepalming myself slightly for not noticing just how much volume I've been doing.
How much will I miss out on my just doing front squats instead of back squats?

I've always struggled getting down far enough when doing back squats, I get to a couple of inches above parallel and I can't keep my back upright, and I end up bending over quite far. I know it's not possible to stay bolt upright throughout the whole motion but the further I go down the more I lean over until it starts becoming a lower back exercise!

I get on quite well with front squats, I can get down nice and low and keep a good posture. So for the moment I'm sticking to front squats, deadlifts and RDL's for my legs.

Hopefully If I stick to fronts for a while I'll increase my quad power a bit which might be one of the issues. I understand that it might also be related to poor flexiility in the hip region? How does this work?

I wouldn't consider myself particularly flexible but I don't struggle with any other exercises. Anything else I can do to help back squats?

I don't think you'd miss out at all to be honest, apart from the 'bodyshock' benefits that changing it up brings i.e. switching between the two.

I personally prefer front squats as they

- encourage a better posture and put less strain on your back (of course having the weight further forwards means that you can lean back further)
- are harder to stay balanced whilst performing, so I feel that it hits my core muscles better

That said I can't lift nearly as much weight front squatting as I can back squatting, but that might be down to technique.
Cheers Robbie.

Do they not do different muscles though? I know they're both hit the quads, but don't front squats focus a bit more on the front of your quads, whereas back are a more overall leg workout? I feel it a lot more in my glutes and hamstrings when doing backs compared to fronts. Sorry it would help if I knew the names of the individual parts of the quads so I could explain it better!

Change of subject, is there any benefit of having a small amount of cinamon straight out the tub so to speak? Or does it really only benefit if you do the method FF just spoke about; mixing with boiling water and straining etc?
The leaning forward is probably a flexibility issue. As for neglecting the hams - as long as you are deadlifting consistently then there's no problem replacing back squats with front in my opinion
mpledge52 - not sure but I'd imagine that the front squats focus more on the quads, yes.

I've never felt anything in my hams from deadlifting or squatting. I don't see how I can either, as the hamstring is never contracting against a resistive force.

For hamstrings it's good mornings or ham curl machine for me.
Thanks for your input too FF. Facepalming myself slightly for not noticing just how much volume I've been doing.

That's what we're here for, giving feedback and advice. :) Lots of people have helped me in the past too. :)

Change of subject, is there any benefit of having a small amount of cinamon straight out the tub so to speak? Or does it really only benefit if you do the method FF just spoke about; mixing with boiling water and straining etc?

Cinnamon is a good replacement for sugar and used as a sweetner - though to promote the insulin response that you need from it you need to really do the protocol I've posted - it takes a while to prepare and kick in but definitely worth it and will be doing it again soon.

Lean forward. I make sure I keep my back straight. I've progressed slightly, I used to be verging on a good morning half way through a squat!

Leaning forward sounds like a hip flexor issue. Though front squats are great you should still be able to do ATG back squats. Try them without any weight on the bar and just see how you feel, and then work on your flexibility. :)
Couple of questions guys, I need some protein, I usually get it fro myprotein, is there anywhere else I should look at?

Also, what would you consider the best exercises for the back of the shoulders/rear delts?

I do a few things like pull ups and reverse rows but I never seem to hit the back of my shoulders hard and I feel like I am showing more at the front than the back (maybe I am imagining it!)

It always seems to hit my arms more... maybe its a form thing but I am correct from what I can tell of myself.
BORs with overhand grip
Single arm DB rows
Bent over lateral raises
Face pulls (with a rope)

As for "needing" protein, what's your diet like? How much are you getting in? Are you in a position where it's hard to prepare your food, eat well?
Maybe "need" was the wrong word... I have used all I have and need "there it is again!" to order some more.

My diet is pretty good for the moment, I am losing some body fat that is going very well and I have found that I am getting about 100g from food and use the whey to supplement it.
How much do you whey (pun intended ;))?

I guess if you got 2kg it'll last you 4 months or so, so a pretty cheap investment.

Try and get one of at least 80-90% with a good amino acid profile, with no sweetners etc...

Alternatively, stock up on tinned tuna, mackrell etc...
Now that's the thing, I cannot stand fish!!!

I'm 92KG, down from 95KG and a lot of fat loss, so I have put on a decent amount of muscle in the last 6 weeks and I am hoping this trend is going to continue.
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