Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Looking good Benny. :cool: Was going to ask the same question regarding the oats + shake, never had one like that before.

I remember speaking to a bloke I used to know in my old gym and also reading the same advice in a magazine (think it was health and fitness, or mens fitness - which ever is more geared to bodybuilding), that increasing sugar/insulin levels immediately PWO is a wise idea. I use it as a good excuse to have some chocolate. :D

Speaking of snacks/food - would there be any interest in a bodybuilding diet/recipe thread? After all there are a fair few gym goers here, i'm sure there's loads of advice available?


There is a thread here that could do with a bump:

Checked my weight today on wii fit after 56 days of not bothering (So since ~ start of uni) gained 6lbs (Up to 13.5stone at just under 6') and I doubt that is lean mass :p. I'm going to be cutting out completely/ a lot on cake etc and maybe work in some cardio, dont think I'll stop the excessive binge drinking though (Which will be my downfall).

I'm going to take some pics soon and compare them to ~2 months ago and see if I look any/ a lot fatter, I think recently my shoulders have gained a lot of size, and my arms and quads and I think I'll start working in some light chest/shoulder work in 2 weeks (Stopped for a week due to rotator cuff pain).
No need for it at all.

I'm now favouring a lower protein diet as excessive protein is just expensive glucose ultimately, and more than that is a waste of money. Too little and of course it's not favourable. But ridiculously high protein diets are silly - balanced diets and eating the right things are much better. I don't hit much more than 150g of protein a day and it's doing me wonders. :)
i half always been under the impression that as a 'standard' (so to speak), 1.5g p lb of bodyweight was best (obviouslly combined with decent macros) for optimal gains?
30g of protein per meal is all you need for hitting peak protein synthesis (if your body is in a protein synthesis state) any more than that then your body won't synthesis much more efficiently, it's a bell curve - the optimum being 30g.

That's why 2.5kg of whey lasts me a good 3-4 months. :)

I now go by lean body mass and aim for around 0.6-1.1g per lean body mass.

So I'm 220lbs roughly, and am around 18% BF, so my lean body mass is 180lbs. Ergo my protein intake is around 145g for 0.8g (which is about 1/2 way between both).

I've changed my thinking on protein the more I read about it and the more I realise that taking all this extra protein doesn't do much bar waste my time and money a little.
I've never seen it FreeFaller and I've read most of this thread, so please post it :D

Here it is:

Cinnamon is an amazing spice that should be used whenever you can. It’s a natural sweetener and so can be used in place of sugar, e.g. in porridge, in coffee etc etc.

* Moderates blood sugar levels, which is imperative in trying to reduce body fat.
o Cinnamon contains phytochemicals called ‘chalcone polymers’ that increase glucose metabolism more than 20 times the normal rate.
o These ‘chalcone polymers’ are also powerful antioxidants.
* Appears to mimic insulin thus increasing glucose uptake by cells.
* Cinnamon’s water-soluble active ingredient is called ‘cinnulin’.
o Cinnulin rebuilds the insulin receptor sites thus making you more insulin sensitive.
* Recent research has shown that cinnamon reduced triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol in people with Type II Diabetes.
o People with both Type I & II Diabetes would benefit from cinnamon’s effects.
* Cinnamon also contains anthocyanins, which improve capillary function.
* It can help combat candida through the use of it’s eugenol & geraniol phytochemicals; this likely due to antimicrobacterial properties of the aforementioned compounds.
* Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may be helpful in reducing pain and stiffness of muscles, joints, and menstrual discomfort.
* Improves digestive function by acting as a carminative (a “gas reliever”).
* Cinnamon contains catechins that help relieve nausea.
* Cinnamon also appears to improve appetite.

The “Cinnamon Stick Fat Loss Trick”

1. Depending on the size, take 2-3 cinnamon sticks (or some powder) and break them into a large glass jug.
2. Fill the jug with boiling water, cover and leave to steep.
3. Once cooled (warm is ok) strain the liquid, discarding the solids, and store in the fridge.
4. Drink a small glass (~250ml) with each meal; up to four per day. After one to three weeks reduce intake to just one cup per day.

This is a very cheap way to help lose excess fat as it very quickly improves your body’s insulin receptor sites.

I've been told by a few independent people this works quite well. I tend to have a teaspoon with my porridge/cereal in the morning - I happen to love cinnamon so it's a fantastic trick.

It takes a good few weeks to kick in - I've done it before with good results. However it helps to keep your carbs complex and keep away from simply carbs with high GIs. :)
I brought some cinnamon because the oats were over-powering the chocolate flavour whey entirely. So will be bunging a load in with every shake. Tried it today and it tastes rather nice :) Just so happens to be quite good for you too! :p

Back workout today went a little bit different from normal:

BW = 85KG
Wide Grip Chins: 4 second negs.
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5 With big pause last @ peak on last rep
BW x 5 With big pause last @ peak on last rep

Hammer Grip Chins: 4 second negs.
BW x 5
BW x 5 With big pause last @ peak on last rep
BW x 5 With big pause last @ peak on last rep

B.O.R: Slow negs.
60KG x 10
60KG x 10
70KG x 8

B.O.R UH: Slow negs.
60KG x 10
60KG x 10
70KG x 8

60KG x 8
110KG x 8
150KG x 8
160KG x 6
170KG x 4

Hammer Grip Pull Downs(slightly wider than shoulder width): 4 Second negs.
54KG x 8
61KG x 8
68KG x 8
75KG x 6 (Failed @ 7th rep)

Rear Deltoid Fly (Pec dec): 4 second negs.
Both arms:
33KG x 6
Single arms:
33KG x 8/8
33KG x 8/8
33KG x 8/8

Behind the back shrugs: 4 second negs:
50KG x 20
50KG x 14

Bicep Isolation:

BB Curls:
35KG x 10
40KG x 7
35KG x 10

21's @ 7KG either arm x 2

Spent. Much prefered doing shorter sets of chins unassisted. Can feel it a lot more. Cut down on a bit of volume too :)
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