Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Right. Todays leg workout after having assessed my over training abilities. Whilst leg volume is good I cut back a bit on the volume. Max reps of 10 for squats as opposed to 20 and limited myself to 60 minutes. Went like this:

Back Squats:
7.5KG x 6
60KG x 10
100KG x 8
110KG x 8
110KG x 8
120KG x 5

Front Squats:
40KG x 10
50KG x 10
60KG x 10
70KG x 10

Lunge Walking:
20 steps x 12KG either hand
20 steps x 14KG either hand
20 steps x 16KG either hand

Hip Adduction: 4 second negs
80KG x 20
90KG x 20
100KG x 20

Leg Curls: 4 second negs, with 2 second pause at peak.
45KG x 10
45KG x 10
45KG x 10

Leg Ext: 3 second negs. 2 second pause at peak
45KG x 8
55KG x 8
65KG x 8 (Last rep 4 second pause)
75KG x 8 (Last rep 4 second pause)

Finisher more lunge walking:

20 steps x 12KG either hand
20 steps x 12KG either hand

Short and sweet.

Had quite a few comments about my quads which was nice :)

Also a few PB's in there.

I've never squatted more than 100KG for reps, only singles. So 120KG for 5 is a PB.

Also I've never front squatted more than 45KG so the last 3 sets were all PB's. Not trying to sound big headed but I found the front squats quite easy(possibly due to the development of my quads). I had to powerclean the bar up so I also have a 70KG powerclean PB too :) with no rack I'm going to be limited to front squatting what ever I can powerclean.

I missed not doing sets of 20 but have really fallen in love with lunge walking. I used to do it with my old training partner but stopped for some reason, god knows why!
Whats the most eggs you guys have eaten in one sitting

I eat 4 every morning. However when it comes to eating competitions it's an entirely different matter! I'm attempting a few whole cooked chickens over xmas.

I know for a fact a christmas dinner at home won't even make me 1/4 full.
I'm good for about 18 -24 eggs maybe two large chickens.

Impressive. Perhaps we should have an eating contest after the next strongman meet :p

I've only eaten at Nando's once. I was DEEPLY unimpressed with the size of a half chicken and it's ability to not even make me feel the slightest bit full.
Tank, I don't want to be around you after that feat... or around your bathroom! lol! :D

I've probably had 6 eggs at most in one sitting. But I don't like gorging myself, I tend to have only a little bit to eat, but eat spread out over a long time. Unfortunately dinner is the only time I eat "a lot", but typically it's fish/chicken and veg and absolutely no carbs (bar trace amounts in veg of course).
Last week i was off for 4days with D+V...lost 1/2 stone. This week i was ok for 2days, now i have a chest infection :(

So much for training, I can hardly breath!
My workouts are kinda full body stuff at the moment which is pretty cool but I think I've finally established my new training regime starting next week.

It'll be 3x weight sessions, and 2x condition sessions. I'll be limiting my weight sessions to 45mins, and conditioning to 30 mins. I'll be doing it for 3-4 months, and with my diet as it is I reckon I'll shed a good 3-4% by Feb, but also retain and possibly gain some lean mass too. It's going to have to be dedicated but although I'm not after being uber lean, I want to see how it goes.

During the workouts I'll still be doing big compound movement and it will be a full body workout circuit, and little 1RM though, but very dynamic and broad range of exercises.

In one session I'll be hitting back, shoulders, arms, legs and chest, 2-3 sets with typically a 20x0 tempo but that does depend on the movement, reps will be between 10-12.

My favourite session is session 3 which comprises of DLs, dips, T-Bars and flat bench. How awesome?! :D

It's going to be tough, and going to have to accept that I'll look less "bulky" but conversely owing to the amount of muscle mass should look pretty decent nonetheless.

This is just to see if I can do it, if I can, then I'll hit AGVT again after I've done it (cycle it with some creatine) and see how I go from there, then condition for the summer. At this rate I reckon I'll be close to my target of 220lbs @ 14-15% which would be phenomenal (for me).

Then when I'm in my mid-late 30s who knows what I might get up to :p
Definitely. :) I'm keen and interested to see what I'll look like a bit more lean. I have a huge mass program being formulated for Feb time (I can't wait... but it's going to be a little expensive :o). I'll take all my measurements on Monday before I start on Tuesday, as well as pics - I'll try and stand in the same places with the same lighting etc...
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