Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
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    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 110kg standing military press now:D.

:eek:You standing press more than I and the majority of the people in my uni gym deadlift :(

I need to start pushing the weights up across the board, I was squatting 70kg today but trying to get the form right, managed to front squat 50kg afterwards for 8 reps though, so that'll be going up to ~52.5-55kg.
10x 60kg, 10x 70kg, 5x 80kg, 5x 90kg, 5x 100, PB 1x 110kg.

Nice! :cool: On my 6th set (like yours) I just failed on 100kg - but that was push press really rather than shoulder pressing alone - so I have some work to do!! Good work mate!

new pb for me today as well, managed 6 reps with 97.5 on my flat bench press.
100kg bench, here I come! :D

Nice! It's nice breaking 4 plates - it's a big achievement, you're pretty much there I reckon.

not really been doing anything specific recently, just going with the flow.
anyway, 205kg squat this evening, just about parallel.

Monster squatting!
The pec dec we have simulates straight(slightly bent) arm flyes, so is'nt an old scool one where the back of your upper arm is parralell to the floor with the elbow at 90 degrees.

On this subject, I do dumbbell flyes with a slightly bent arm i.e. the first method you mention. Is there a school of thought as to which is preferable for building chest muscle, forearms parallel-ish with upper arms, or forearms perpendicular to the floor?

I see a lot of people start flyes with their forearms pointing straight up in the air, I guess because it's easier to lift more weight this way.

Your comments about flyes and constant tension have also got me thinking I should use the cable machine instead, as this particular machine would me perfect for cable flyes as it has a bench and all the pulley / crossover combinations you could imagine.
Your comments about flyes and constant tension have also got me thinking I should use the cable machine instead, as this particular machine would me perfect for cable flyes as it has a bench and all the pulley / crossover combinations you could imagine.

Definitely give them a go. I found that DB flies always poses a bit of stress on my shoulders no matter what I do, but the machine never bothers me at all. And the constant tension ensures that I get very good isolation (and consequently feel the chest working hard) even with tiny weights. I had to use much higher weighs on DBs before I even felt anything and when I did that my shoulders always "complained".
Some big numbers there Tank and Morba, nice one both of you. 100kg bench feels good cristi, keep at it mate, I'm slowly slowly working my way back :D

Definitely want to keep a bend in the elbows for dumbbell flys, but straightening a little on the cables give me that little bit more squeeze.

Hi guys

Can someone critique my typical daily diet please:

7:30am 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk with two scoops oats, banana, and two scoops whey, cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk

10:30am 100g brown basmati and 100g roast chicken including skin and leg meat

13:00 Prawn mayo sandwich from Grotesco, some more roast chicken from a tuppaware container

15:30 200ml semi-skimmed milk with 2 scoops whey, coffee, banana

17:00 Weights workout

18:30 2 scoops whey in water

19:00 Evening meal typically consisting of as much as I can eat of griddled chicken breat, sausage and bean stew, beef stir fry with egg noodles, spaghetti bolognese with wholemeal pasta, grilled haddock with new potatoes, minced pork burgers in wholemeal buns, usually with plenty of broccoli included in the above etc...
Usually includes one or two glasses of wine.

About three pints of additional water throughout the day.

I'm trying to improve my strength and general physique. Thanks for any feedback.
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Always read this thread and get loads of inspiration to get in the gym and eat loads, but come 7/8am and the alarm clock is ringing away my natural reaction is to shut it off and skip breakfast...

Worst part is I can't blame anyone but myself. :o
Hi guys

Can someone critique my typical daily diet please:

7:30am 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed milk with two scoops oats, banana, and two scoops whey, cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk

10:30am 100g brown basmati and 100g roast chicken including skin and leg meat

13:00 Prawn mayo sandwich from Grotesco, some more roast chicken from a tuppaware container

15:30 200ml semi-skimmed milk with 2 scoops whey, coffee, banana

17:00 Weights workout

18:30 2 scoops whey in water

19:00 Evening meal typically consisting of as much as I can eat of griddled chicken breat, sausage and bean stew, beef stir fry with egg noodles, spaghetti bolognese with wholemeal pasta, grilled haddock with new potatoes, minced pork burgers in wholemeal buns, usually with plenty of broccoli included in the above etc...
Usually includes one or two glasses of wine.

About three pints of additional water throughout the day.

I'm trying to improve my strength and general physique. Thanks for any feedback.

Looks OK but do you really need all that whey? 6 Scoops a day seems like a lot.
Yeah, he's taking in more protein than me! :D Still it's his money, if it works for him.... People know the science and my thoughts.

The only thing I don't like from the diet it the prawn mayo sandwich. I'd also spread your food out better, you seem to eat a lot at dinner - which is good as it's your post work out meal, but make sure it's not too soon before bed. :)

No eggs or fish or nuts or similar? Just wondering we can improve your breakfast and lunch a bit...

I presume you eat lots of green veg too? I saw broccoli, but just want to find out how much veg you do eat. :)
Cheers guys.

FF - point taken about the whey powder. I just can't bring myself to eat enough natural food for some reason.

Regarding fish, I used to eat a lot of tuna in wholemeal bread with low fat mayo, but I'm going through a phase of struggling with tuna in terms of boredom. My main fish intake comes from the occasional tin of mackarel (once per week or so) and the evening meal haddock or cod I mentioned above. So my oily fish intake is low.

At the weekends I eat scrambled or poached eggs for breakfast, but hardly ever eat eggs in the week. I'm actually allergic to nuts so unfortunately they are out of the question. This is a bummer as they seem like the ideal snack (except for the fact that they'd kill me :D).

Regarding veg, I don't actually eat that much so when I said 'plenty', maybe it wasn't plenty. I eat maybe a fistful of broccoli on most evenings with my evening meal, none at any other time of the day. We normally chuck in some red peppers or carrots also. I've wondered recently - is the benefit of eating lots of veg that it fills you up more and prevents you eating rubbish later in the evening, or that it provides you with lots of low calorie vitamins?

cristi - I will add some oats to my shake post workout, thanks.
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