Are you just doing them bodyweight or with something extra hooked on? I've also switched from shoulder width pullups to wide grip hoping to see some results.
For now I just stick to 5 sets aiming for 6 reps of each @ BW. I have a lot of other back work to cover so don't want to burn out on pull ups. Plus I also find that this can be a little challenging towards the end of the last 2 sets. As I progress I'll either add weight or reps.
For grip they're usually done at the same width I'd use for military press. So I'll get 90 degrees at my elbows with the backs of my upper arm parallel to the floor and grip from this position and then hang down and you should end up with arms something like this : \./
With wide grip you should be able to feel it more everywhere but for me specifically on the lower of your inner upper back if that makes sense as theres less flexion in your biceps and a bigger contraction in your back
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