Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Robbie G-

As you say get some oats in your PWO, I've been using them for 2 weeks now putting them in both pre and post workout. As others state a great carb post workout.

For the cable flyes you need to try them to see just how incredibly hard light weights are. I find after having done my pressing 13KG on either arm is enough to give me some serious burn. God knows what I'd need to use on DB's with inconsistent tension.
Did my squats day yesterday felt very good.

65kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
60kg x10

could have done loads more on the squats, never mind always next week.

4 x 15 100kg leg press. This feels wrong for some reason, maybe because it knackered me out a little.
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Back session today. Yaaaaay \0/

Wide Grip Pull Ups: BW=87/88KG: Slow negs
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 5

B.O.R: Slow negs

60KG x 8
70KG x 8

T-Bar Rows:
20KG x 8
40KG x 8
60KG x 6

60KG x 8
110KG x 8
150KG x8
160KG x 6
170KG x 4

Behind the neck Hammer Grip Pull Down: Slow negs
61KG x 8
68KG x 8
75KG x 8

Face Pulls:
21KG x 8
28KG x 8
33KG x 8
41KG x 6

Seated DB Curl, Alternating, 4sn:
16KG 8/8
18KG 8/8
20KG 7/7 Failure

Reverse Grip BB curl supersetted with regular BB curl:
20KG x 8/8
20KG x 8/8

5 minute run to cool down at the end. 4 minutes at 12km/h 1 minute and 14km/h.

Running with arm and back pump was not enjoyable at all! Literally couldn't run with my arms by my sides!

Tried T-bar's for the first time today and really liked them.

I used a 35KG DB up against a wall with one end of the olympic bar under it and the other with plates on. I used the ropes from the cable machines underneath as handles. Fairly sure these are T-bar rows, just not with a T-bar? Had my palms facing each other as I wanted to target my lats.

My upper back is coming along nicely and filling out well. Will get some progress shots up when I return home for x-mas :)
Cheers guys.

FF - point taken about the whey powder. I just can't bring myself to eat enough natural food for some reason.

Regarding fish, I used to eat a lot of tuna in wholemeal bread with low fat mayo, but I'm going through a phase of struggling with tuna in terms of boredom. My main fish intake comes from the occasional tin of mackarel (once per week or so) and the evening meal haddock or cod I mentioned above. So my oily fish intake is low.

At the weekends I eat scrambled or poached eggs for breakfast, but hardly ever eat eggs in the week. I'm actually allergic to nuts so unfortunately they are out of the question. This is a bummer as they seem like the ideal snack (except for the fact that they'd kill me :D).

Regarding veg, I don't actually eat that much so when I said 'plenty', maybe it wasn't plenty. I eat maybe a fistful of broccoli on most evenings with my evening meal, none at any other time of the day. We normally chuck in some red peppers or carrots also. I've wondered recently - is the benefit of eating lots of veg that it fills you up more and prevents you eating rubbish later in the evening, or that it provides you with lots of low calorie vitamins?

cristi - I will add some oats to my shake post workout, thanks.

Veg is v. important. Certainly green leafy veggies. So kale, broccoli, rocket, spinach etc... really important. Try some mange tout, squash, sweet corn, carrots, and if you like it beetroot - amazing root veg, seriously good for you. :) Yes it does fill you up, but for the evening meal it's actually better as it's not too calorific and works well as it slows the digestion process down.

Try some smoke oily fish like mackerel - you can have it cold too. Salmon steaks, trout, tuna steaks, haddock (I try and keep away from cod just because it's over farmed... ) and sea food is brilliant too.

For snacks, try some hummous (chickpeas) and carrots/celery, very tasty snack.

I know it hurts the wallet and if it is a struggle to buy wholefoods then shakes it must be. But don't go crazy, you don't need 250g of protein. At your bodyweight 150 is more than enough, and remember that it ends up turning to glucose ultimately and it's an expensive way of doing it and ends up doing nothing for you.

Chicken thighs are great - just cook lots and take them into work with you.

Make lots of lean mince (onions, chopped tomatoes, herbs and spices) and freeze it or take it with you the next day. Bring some cous cous into work (you just need boiling water) and you've got a good protein and complex carb mix there.

Munch on fruits and cottage cheese at work.

I used to do this - but fortunately for me I have an amazing cafe next to work which is run by a gym rat, so he makes lots of low gi high protein foods and snacks. I could do it myself, but I work long hours, and the food is great quality, and it hasn't done me any harm. If I worked normal hours, I'd have much more time do that. However, I do practice what I preach a couple of times a week - just not every day, besides I'm lucky that I can afford it, which not everyone can I know.

MAke some protein flapjacks for work - great snack and cheap to make.

I often have soups and chicken for snack/lunch - I also make wholemeal pittas with chicken etc to keep me satiated. I eat lots of fruit and veg - probably 10 a day combined. I also go for jacket potatoes, salads, pasta, chilli mince (lean), bagels with cottage cheese etc...

For gaining weight and hardcore weight lifting programs you musn't be scared to eat - it's SO easy to do, you just need a bit of forethought or be lucky to have a gym rat cafe round the corner from work! :D

The diet doesn't have to be boring, but it does include a lot of eggs, fish, and chicken, green veggies (and other veggies), complex carbs and so on. It can get samey. Treat yourself to a cheat meal once a week though like a curry, or pizza etc... You have to reward yourself.

It takes a LOT of planning to get the diet right. When I used to live alone I had space and time to make vats of mince, stews and roast chickens - but even now whilst I don't, I still get 3000k calories a day with only 1 post work out shake containing protein (30g max) and carbs.

If I change jobs I'll be gutted owing to the cafe I have near me (he used to compete at an amateur level (he's in his 50s now though), but even before I moved there (1yr ago) I managed to put on some decent mass as you've all seen.

You can do it mate - it's hard work, but you can do it.
Is there anything negative to working 4 days one week then 5 days the next week at the gym, sometimes I'll do this due to other things being on but is it a bad idea?
A 5 day week would be
whereas a 4 day would be

Recently I havent been sticking to much of a routine in the gym, I tend to go and do ~20 sets of a big musclegroup with varying exercises, I might rethink this next year but it's good enough for now.
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Muscle tone actually refers to the natural level of tension in a relaxed muscle. The misconception is that people don't want to build muscle, just tone what they have. If they had any muscle then they would already be able to see it providing they had low enough bodyfat. Build mass and lower body fat like you said :)

So you're one arm rowing an EZ bar?:confused:

B.O.R's don't target your lower back. It'll be used as a fixator to hold your trunk in position. They work your upper back, rhomboids, traps and lats (dependant upon grip). Biceps are involved too as an assisting muscle. If you're feeling it in your lower back I would imagine you're not doing it right or are rounding your back.

You should be tiring. If your not tiring by the end of your set you aren't using enough weight.

I'm not entirely sure how you could do a one arm EZ bar row!


Like this, but with an EZ bar. And two arms. And without the shoulder hyper-extension. Personally I think I can work my back with this better than bent over rows, because this way I can pick up 90kgs and row it for 8 (hard) reps (I weighed 74.5kg yesterday). I really don't think I could do the same if I was standing and might be at risk of straining my lower back.
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I see what you mean now. Bench rows.

That's fair enough. Doing them stood shouldn't be a problem if you're squatting and deadlifting as your core/trunk should be strong. It will build on your core and trunk doing them stood. But if your just trying to isolte your back as such that's fine. Just don't neglect big compounds that include your trunk/core for stability :)
I think my wrists would give serious jip with BOR weight on an ez curl bar. Which way round do your hands face when doing them?

I had a go on a pec dec on holiday the other week and it was REALLY agrivating my shoulder, so take it easy on them if you have any existing conditions.
I think my wrists would give serious jip with BOR weight on an ez curl bar. Which way round do your hands face when doing them?

I had a go on a pec dec on holiday the other week and it was REALLY agrivating my shoulder, so take it easy on them if you have any existing conditions.

Um, hard to explain when the vocubulary is wiggles and ziggles... but not on the straight part immediately next to the weight, the smaller straight bits next to them. Overhand grip


It was actually very comfortable, it felt like a really natural position for the wrist at that angle.
I would imagine if the bar is like this -|-/\/\-|- that the hands would be on the outer diagonals so left hand on / and right hand on \. Though you could tip the bar on the horizontal axis as well which would change the wrist position.
I would imagine if the bar is like this -|-/\/\-|- that the hands would be on the outer diagonals so left hand on / and right hand on \. Though you could tip the bar on the horizontal axis as well which would change the wrist position.

That's right. the angle of the bar is such that looking down on it, you only see
Cooking some lunches. Chicken is gooooood.


Mmmmm that looks good, can you eat it cold?
Went for a chest/tris session today that went terrible as I must've done something to my arm on monday whilst overextending my arms to to some wide grip chin ups :(. Dont know if I'll be able to do anything for the rest of this week either :'(.
That's right. the angle of the bar is such that looking down on it, you only see

Yeah, makes sense. Does using an EZ bar force more of the traps/rohmboids to be used as it's a slightly narrower grip making a full contraction slightly harder. By this I mean a bigger R.O.M.

Cooking some lunches. Chicken is gooooood.

Looks like my dinner last night :p
Yeah, makes sense. Does using an EZ bar force more of the traps/rohmboids to be used as it's a slightly narrower grip making a full contraction slightly harder. By this I mean a bigger R.O.M.

Looks like my dinner last night :p

You're exactly right, it does hit them more than a standard row, but the grip is still wide enough to make broader use of the back. I'm going to try them consistently for a month or two to see what the results are but I think they could be a very useful exercise for me. I'll let you know the results.
Cooking some lunches. Chicken is gooooood.

Chicken and what, pleeeeeeeeeeease? :D

Whoever recommended coffee and a banana before every workout should have an e-medal, it's a fantastic little trick. Really feel that extra bit of effort going in.

Back workout today, enjoying it more and more which is good considering I generally hate back workouts.
You're exactly right, it does hit them more than a standard row, but the grip is still wide enough to make broader use of the back. I'm going to try them consistently for a month or two to see what the results are but I think they could be a very useful exercise for me. I'll let you know the results.

Please do :).I'll be interested to hear how you've got on. T-bar rows are something I've just started using. And have ditched Lat Pull Down for Wide Grip Pull Ups and after 2 weeks I've already seen a difference.
Chicken and what, pleeeeeeeeeeease? :D

1 kg of chicken is oven cooked and split into 6 tubs with 300g of cooked pasta. I freeze 3 tubs and 3 go in the fridge.

2kg is diced as seen in the image and cooked in a large wok, to which I add reggae reggae sauce :) I then freeze 1kg. The chicken is used to fill wraps.

6 days worth of lunches - done.
Please do :).I'll be interested to hear how you've got on. T-bar rows are something I've just started using. And have ditched Lat Pull Down for Wide Grip Pull Ups and after 2 weeks I've already seen a difference.

Are you just doing them bodyweight or with something extra hooked on? I've also switched from shoulder width pullups to wide grip hoping to see some results.
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