Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Shoulders today. After my workout I weighed in bang on 14 stone :) (and I've had 3 bowel movements today :p) I've literally put on the best part of 8 lbs in around 3 weeks and have a massive smile on my face. It took me to the end of last year to reach this sort of weight and that was with considerably more fat.

Chest - Just shy of 46"
Biceps - Just over 16"
Forearms - 13.5"
Neck - Between 16-17" (not sure where exactly you should measure)
Calves - 16"
Thighs - Just shy of 25.5"

Workout went like this:

Rotator cuff exercises
Military press 25KG BB x 8 front, x 4 behind
40KG x 8

60KG x 8
60KG x 8
60KG x 8

Dumbell Shoulder Press. Seated - No back rest.(Sat sideways on bench)
12KG x 8
16KG x 8
18KG x 8
22.5KG x 8
25KG x 5

DB circle raises supersetted with Lateral raises.
8KG's 10/10 + 10/10
8KG's 10/10 + 10/10

Single Side shrugs: alternating
25KG x 10/10
25KG x 10/10
25KG x 10/10

26KG x 8
31KG x 8
41KG x 8

Bicep Curls Shoulder Width grip supersetted with lying tricep extension.
EZ bar 27.5KG x 10/10 -10/10 -10/10
Bicep Curls CG supersetted with lying tricep extension.
EZ bar 27.5KG x 10/10 -10/10 -10/10

DB circle raises supersetted with Lateral raises.
9KG's 10/10 + 10/10

1KM run - time 5 minutes.

First time I tried DB shoulder press with no back rest and absolutley loved it. I've done standing arnie's but these absolutley fried my shoulders was brilliant. Really felt my core working too with my hips rolled foward.
DB circle raises supersetted with Lateral raises.
8KG's 10/10 + 10/10
8KG's 10/10 + 10/10

I do these, supersetted with the front raises and the other where you're in a bent over row position and raise to the side. I hate the fact I use 7kg, and they're the pink ones at the gym! But my god the BURN!
All you wide grip pull up peoples - I cannot do a single one from a hanging position. I can do about five shoulder width grip pull ups before failure, but the wide grips - there's just no power there. What's your tip for the quickest way towards training myself to do them...keep doing normal pull ups until I can, or keep attempting wide grips via slow negatives and holding myself in the various positions, etc.?

Definately recommend controlled negatives. Use a bench to climb upto the bar, the take a grip and slowly let yourself down, do as many reps as you can for 3 sets with a couple minutes rest in between.

If thats to easy, jump upto the bar instead, using the momentum to help pull yourself up and do negatives.
Shoulders today. After my workout I weighed in bang on 14 stone :) (and I've had 3 bowel movements today :p) I've literally put on the best part of 8 lbs in around 3 weeks and have a massive smile on my face.

Good weight gain, though why do you weigh yourself after a workout doesnt that lead to very inconsistent figures (Especially if you're anything like me and drink a looooot of water)?

Did my shoulders too today and my left arm didnt give me much trouble but I still kept it light, we've also got a new shrug bar in the uni gym which is pretty cool, although the grip seems a bit wide to me =/.
Excellent progress mate :)

8lbs in 3 weeks is very good.

Thanks. How's the knee holding up?

Shoulder supersets really are killer.

A good one I did a few times was with a 25KG BB.

10 Widegrip Upright rows, 10x 1&1/2 shoulder width Military Press (same grip as rows), 10 x close grip upright rows, 10 x shoulder width Military Press.

Had me squirming.

though why do you weigh yourself after a workout doesnt that lead to very inconsistent figures (Especially if you're anything like me and drink a looooot of water)?

It most likely does! I guess I just do it on the way out as I like to walk in and get straight down to business. Though I'll weigh myself at the beginning if I remember in future!
I always weigh in on the way out also.

I dont drink a massive amount while im in there. Probably enough to replace what i've lost through sweating. So makes no odds really.
My hands are starting to get destroyed from shrugs :(

I literally torn the skin off the top of both my palms tonight whilst doing barbell shrugs behind my back. Gloves / straps are useless as it makes it too hard to grip the bar. I managed a PB of 185kg tonight but it's causing me pain and preventing me from going higher. Anyone used chalk in these cirumstances (normal / liquid)?

I do another 115kg on top of that with straps and keep my skin at the end of it.:p
All you wide grip pull up peoples - I cannot do a single one from a hanging position. I can do about five shoulder width grip pull ups before failure, but the wide grips - there's just no power there. What's your tip for the quickest way towards training myself to do them...keep doing normal pull ups until I can, or keep attempting wide grips via slow negatives and holding myself in the various positions, etc.?

Hit the Lat Pull Down machine and use the assisted pull up machine. Not everyone can be a pull up monster and there are plenty of well stacked guys who used the assisted machine.

I know exactly how you feel.
I'm on my rest week, i feel HUGE and like i've put 10lbs on, it's horrible.
But alas, back to it next week.

Had my first physio appointment this week,

Withdrawl symptoms indeed. Chocolate has helped me through teh pain though :D

Good one on the physio, I hated physio!
I used to have such pretty delicate hands! :o

Ok will give the chalk a whirl. We can't all be monsters like you Tank!!!! :D

And me, then went super busted up and stayed that way for a couple of years until I cut my palm the other week so started wearing gloves to the gym (the equipment is filthy, no joke chance of catching a serious illness with an open wound) and they are already softening up no end.
If you can't do WG pull up you're missing on a key strength IMO - unless of course you have shoulder problems then it's understandable. Not being able to pull your own weight up is pretty shocking tbh.
If you can't do WG pull up you're missing on a key strength IMO - unless of course you have shoulder problems then it's understandable. Not being able to pull your own weight up is pretty shocking tbh.

No one would be able to to a WG pull up if they didn't go to the gym.

I know I couldn't when i first started, yet could do chin ups easily.
Not really. I bet the vast vast majority of office types couldn't pull their own weight up.

Which re-inforces my point, it's pathetic. It's a bodyweight exercise... like a pressup, or a bodyweight squat. It's ridiculous.

I have trouble pulling my own weight up and i'm stronger than your average person - only issue is I do currently weigh 17stone so it's a lot to pull up :)

So? Get stronger. Even at 16st earlier in the year I could do WG pull ups. Heck I do them with 20kg around my waist. No excuse.

No one would be able to to a WG pull up if they didn't go to the gym.

I know I couldn't when i first started, yet could do chin ups easily.

That's my point, people should be able to do at least 1 bodyweight WG chins. I'd probably have a breakdown if someone couldn't do NG chins! :D

I personally believe that the basic fundementals and basic body weight exercises should be achieveable, be it, dips, chins, press ups, etc... If you can't do it, you're muscularly under-developed - it's as simple as that.
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