Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Come on Freefaller we need to catch up with Morba for deadlifts before Christmas, there is know way I'm aiming for his 290 kilos:eek: maybe 250 kilos at a push which will edge me ahead \o/ poor sod:D. 290 kilos is ****ing monstrous, I'm aching just thinking about it. I have been out of the game for a while as I've been a magnet for colds and things but that has passed now and been whacking the iron recently, so watch this space for an increasement on my totals big or small:p.

I wanted 300 this year, definitely not going to happen, having thumb problems :(

Hehe - yeah I know it's annoying... I'll probably have to use straps though if I try and push myself as it won't give me time to build my grip.

mine was with straps to be fair, i cant lift anything like it without straps!!
Upper Body Strength Today:
Eccentric/Concentric. Rest Period: 60 seconds.

Flat Bench: 2:1
85KG x 5
85KG x 5
85KG x 5
87.5KG x 5
90KG x 5

Pull Ups: 2:1
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Military Press/Push Press when stalled: 2:1
60KG x 5
60KG x 5
60KG x 5

T-Bar Rows: 2:1
60KG x 6
60KG x 6
60KG x 6
60KG x 6
60KG x 6

Standing EZ Curl: 2:1
27.5KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8

Lying EZ Skull Crushers:
30KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8
30KG x 8

5 Minutes skipping to warm up before and cool down after.

Liking the new routine :)
Just got back from my second bout :)

I got robbed! :D

Allow me to expand so you don't think that's pure bias... even the coaches from my opponents corner came over to me at the end and said I'd definitely beaten their lad, the ring announcer, the ref, and most of the crowd knew I'd won and weren't shy in voicing their opinions :D

It was basically just bad judging as I was landing all the decent strong straight scoring shots, and the other guy was landing open handed slaps to the side of my head, which, as per the rules, shouldn't score points.

Oh well, you win some you lose some. I definitely did better than last time, felt much more relaxed, fought a better fight and overall actually enjoyed the whole thing. I feel like I won really so I actually don't feel to upset :)

Next time... victory!
Sorry to hear you lost mate, but look at the bright side, you seem to have gotten some valuable experience (and also put the one from the past fight to good use) and I think that's more important at this point rather than some biased judge's decisions. :p

Better luck next time!;)
Is anybody able to briefly explain the difference with a Romanian Deadlift to that of a regular deadlift?

I've also got SLDL on the agenda today and can't help but notice the two are similar.

From what I've observed on youtube a RDL looks like a regular deadlift but with the back parallel to the ground at the bottom of each rep with more knee involvement than a SLDL?
Time for a change I think, gonna give this a go:

Week 1 - 4 sets 10 reps on everything
week 2 - 4 sets 10,8,6,4 on compound lifts, 8 reps 4 sets on aux's
week 3 - 4 sets 8,7,6,5 on compound lifts, 8 reps 4 sets on aux's
week 4 - 4 sets 8,6,5,4 on compound lifts, 8 reps 4 sets on aux's
week 5 - 4 sets 6,5,4,3 on compound lifts, 8 reps, 4 sets on aux's
week 6 - 4 sets 5,4,2,2 on compound lifts, 8 reps, 4 sets on aux's

Upper day:
Tricep pushdowns
Straight bar curls

Lower day:
Calve raises
leg extensions
hamstring exercise

Upper day 2:
Shoulder press
Straight bar rows

Lower day 2(depending on knee recovery).
Calve raises
leg extensions
hamstring exercise

Obviously all the leg work will be extremely light due to the knee and the weight increases in this area will be very gradual. But looks a bit different and might be useful in strengthening the legs backup.
Is anybody able to briefly explain the difference with a Romanian Deadlift to that of a regular deadlift?

I've also got SLDL on the agenda today and can't help but notice the two are similar.

From what I've observed on youtube a RDL looks like a regular deadlift but with the back parallel to the ground at the bottom of each rep with more knee involvement than a SLDL?

you can have a proper read here I guess :D

I think in general a Stiff legged deadlift is the one that you keep the legs straight all the time, and you can't really go that heavy because you feel like they're gonna pop.

Romanian deadlifts - at least the way people do them mainly in Romania :D are the ones when you get a bit of knee involvement as well, so you get your hammstrings involved a bit.
a video for example is this:
you can have a proper read here I guess :D

I think in general a Stiff legged deadlift is the one that you keep the legs straight all the time, and you can't really go that heavy because you feel like they're gonna pop.

Romanian deadlifts - at least the way people do them mainly in Romania :D are the ones when you get a bit of knee involvement as well, so you get your hammstrings involved a bit.
a video for example is this:

Thanks for that. I had a pop today. I thought SLDL had a slight knee bend in them? I'll read this before I start spouting :p

Edit: That's a brilliant guide. Don't know why I didn't think to look there first! Thanks!

In summary for others. RDL- just stick your arse back as far as you can.(Feels like a squat but holding a barbell.) No direct knee action. SLDL - pivot from the hips with knee's slightly bent for safety
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Really hyped up this evening. But got to the gym and have never seen it soo busy in my life. Every bench, rack and main machine was in use with about 1/2 of them with a pair of lads training. Bejesus!

Instead did x12 intervals (30/30) on the Ergo at @1:35/500m split. A few large mamas on the other rowers were staring a lot with my flying up and down at 38 strokes/min.

It seems their crap technique and massive Bis limited them to a frantic and simply time warping constant 2:35/500m split at 30 strokes/min :D
Really hyped up this evening. But got to the gym and have never seen it soo busy in my life. Every bench, rack and main machine was in use with about 1/2 of them with a pair of lads training. Bejesus!

Monday's are same at my gym. Weekend guilt and I imagine it will only be busier next month ! :rolleyes:
Before I came back for summer I was working on a 10KM row time I think I got it down from around 44minutes to 41:16 in 3 weeks and that had 2/3 breaks for water. Considering I don't do massive amounts of CV work I was chuffed to see the seconds fall off. That was quite tought but still had more in the tank. I did a more relaxed 15KM in an hour before, that was a bit boring!
My diet has always been the weak point of my fitness effort. I've always failed to implement diets successfully due to falling out of sync with the practical aspects such as buying, preparing, cooking and storage. After coming to terms with this, I'm going to make a concerted effort to stay on top of my diet, even if that means buying a chest freezer and preparing 30 days worth of food in advance. :D

Below is a first draft of my proposed diet plan. I do eat veg I just havent entered it. The Chili figures include veg and for my evening meal I just havent bothered to enter it as the figures are practically negligible. I'm getting my greens. I understand the muesli may be a sub-optimal choice of breakfast but I find it hard to stomach porridge. Foul stuff in my eyes. Alternative suggestions greatly welcomed. I have to say I am dead chuffed my daily expenditure comes in at less than £6. Excellent! I am positive I can get it down even further by buying some of the items, in particular bananas and mince, in bulk (Going to freeze the bananas)

I am slightly disappointed that there is a 4 hour gap between breakfast and lunch. I'm hoping to find a suitable snack that I can pop in at about 10 AM.

Ratio of Carbs, Protein and Fat look ok. Overall calories at a guess is probably my maintenance. I'm 6ft 1" and 170lb. My aim is 170lb to 180lb lean.

Meal	Carbohydrate	Protein	Fat	Cost
Wake-up (5.50AM)				
30g whey	1.8	24.6	2.1	0.22
Skimmed milk	9.6	7.7	1.8	0.1
1 Banana	31	1		0.28
Post-Workout (7:10AM)				
30g whey	1.8	24.6	2.1	0.22
Breakfast (8 AM)				
Muesli 100g	62.2	7.7	7.7	0.25
skimmed		9.6	7.2	1.8	0
Lunch (12 PM)				
Chili Portion	44.2	30.5	6.6	0.99
Lunch 2 (2PM)				
Chili Portion	44.2	30.5	6.6	0.99
Pre-Crosstrainer (4:30 PM)				
30g whey	1.8	24.6	2.1	0.22
skimmed milk	9.6	7.2	1.8	0.1
1 Banana	31	1		0.28
Post-CrossTrainer (6:30PM)				
30g whey	1.8	24.6	2.1	0.22
Dinner (8 PM)				
100g chips	31.35	4.2	6.3	0.3
Medit Veg 100g	6.2	2.1	9	0.24
chick brst 165g	0	38	0	1.25
		1144.6	942	450	5.66
	Total	2536.6

I should note I do quite a bit of cardio. Weights will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I do cardio 7 days a week. 40 minute sessions. I knock off 700 calories in a session with ease. I am hoping to continue to shed the fat. Not that there is much left, admittedly. These cardio sessions, on my weight days, are NOT after the weights. I do cardio on the weekdays in the PM and not the AM. Weekends will be morning sessions, but there is no compromise since I'm not doing weights on the weekend.

My weights routine looks like the following:

In no particular order other than stated later on.


Squats 4x12
Leg Press / Wide Stance / Narrow Stance 4x12
Lunges 4x12


Dips 4x12
Decline DB Bench Press 4x12 (flat bench hurts my shoulder, big no no)
CG DB Bench Press 4x12
Flys 4x12
Shoulder Press 4x12


Pull-ups 4x12
Deadlifts 4x12
Bent Over row 4x12
Machine Row 4x12

I like to start off with Dips and Pull-ups on their respective days because I KNOW I can always get onto the machine. No one else uses that. Getting onto other pieces of equipment in particular benches and racks (of which we have 2 :rolleyes:) can be more problematic. Due to time constraints (working in the morning) I'll just have to do what I am able to do.

Pull-ups, Dips, Deadlifts and Squats are my priority workouts. Meaning, I will wait for as long as I can to perform these exercises at the expense of everything else. The others all come after I have done my primarys. I very much doubt that I will actually be able to do all of these exercises every time I go to the gym. Access to equipment within the time available is a major issue but unavoidable.

Anyway, since my objectives are quite lowly (said respectfully of course!) (i.e. not looking to be a 240lb monster) I figure having some compromises in my training (although to be honest, everything is gonna get hit, just not as optimally as possible) will not be massive road blocks in reaching my goals.

Constructive criticisms are very much welcomed. Thanks :)
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