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hmm I should be doing around 160kg, my back is weak! :D

There's no 'should'.

Bear in mind these are 1 Rep Max/Singes. I deadlift usually between 1.6 and 2.0 times bodyweight for sets of between 4-8. However I consider myself to be reasonably strong at this exercise.

It's not a pulling exercise, push through your heels. It should be felt in your hamstrings and upper back mainly. If you feel your lower back getting 'tight' during the exercise or pulling, you're rounding and doing it wrong.

I do concentrate the movement to keep my back straight but I almost always feel it at the base of my back, I'm sure being a lanky git doesn't help.

Push your heels down as opposed to trying to stand up by pulling with your back.

As you fatigue you may begin to feel your lower back getting worked but it shouldn't feel pulled/tight just fatigued. Keep the shoulders back so they are not rounded too.

It's taken me a while to finally become completely happy with my form and find it natural/comfortable.
The technique just "works" once you've got it. You'll find it a lot easy to lift decent amounts once you've clicked with the technique. Makes it easier to hit the big numbers. Doing anything over 2x bodyweight is what I'd consider "strong". I'd love to hit 2.5x bodyweight but that's 250kg (ish)... just 30kg to go! Argh!
I usually feel it strongly in my upper back, specially the next day or two.

Although I do feel my lower back, but not by much, it's never like I have a pump in it at all.

I get that from SLDL's.

Your lifts are very impressive FF!

I only have to add a measly 25kg to get lifting at 2.5.

But 25kg is a pain really. I hope I can stay at 2x body weight. Feel right the next day :D
The technique just "works" once you've got it.

I usually feel it strongly in my upper back, specially the next day or two.

Since focusing on keeping my shoulders back I really feel it in my lower traps. Keeping your shoulders back also helps keep your back straight I find. DL's followed by SLDL is probaly why my upper back is feeling so punished on my leg day!

With shoulders back you'll find there's no 'pop' or rolling of the shoulders back at the top of the rep. As you finish at the peak your shoulders are already back.

Hammered my H.I.I.T rowing today.

10 Minutes skipping 1 on/1 off for 10 minutes.
15 minutes rower 20s/40s-work/recovery (dropping to around 2:40/500m) hitting 1:28/500m :D

Thoughts on fruit post workout? for both resistance and CV? I know it effects insulin levels but if somebody could explain how and why this is good/bad please :)
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Although I do feel my lower back, but not by much, it's never like I have a pump in it at all.

I sometimes can feel it/ get a mild pump in my lower back doing deadlifts, I though this was semi normal.

I recall reading that a lot of people on steroids get seriously bad lower back pumps doing deadlifts but I just assumed this was because they get stronger pumps overall.
If you could Freefaller :) Specifically post-workout if you know? I'm interested in learning about insulin levels. Fruits natural sugars before are good to raise them as insulin production is stopped during exercise but it's excellent in helping to build muscle. However I've heard/read sugars post workout can cause a spike which is bad. So I'm after some clarification of when insulin spikes are good and how sugars can affect muscle hypertrophy. I'm aware natural sugars found in fruits are different to the kind you'll put on your cereal but I'm still stumped :confused:

I've spoken to people who've used 'special supps' and they've both said test pumps were insane and that even if you have a **** workout and you feel it's gone badly you still get an amazing pump.
I always have a banana pre work out. From what I've read it's good. If you want a full in depth explanation it'll have to wait till later as I'm going to eat! :D

Isn't it something to do with an insulin spike, which inturn allows the muscles to abosrb protein faster?

Don't really know any indepth details.
I would be interested in some natural insulin research as well if anyone is offering. I've seen some very interesting transformations with insulin manipulation but its something I'm not clear on in my mind.
The vitamin T (especially tabs) pumps can have a negative affect though benny. My mate couldn't complete a lot of sets because of insane forearm/ back/ calf and just general pumps.
I would be interested in some natural insulin research as well if anyone is offering. I've seen some very interesting transformations with insulin manipulation but its something I'm not clear on in my mind.

I know a chap who's very experienced both in resistance training but also his knowledge of the body and biology specific to muscle gain very clever chap. My old training partner also knows him and I mentioned unnatural insulin manipulation to my old training partner. The chap we both know monitored his blood sugar levels for 3 months solid a few years ago before even begining to artificially manipulate it. He got it wrong and was saved by his training partner at the time happening to come downstairs seeing him fitting and foaming and forcing sugarwater down his throat. (Something to that effect)

Makes you realise how important insulin and blood sugar levels are are not to **** with them unnaturally!
Yep very very dangerous if you mess it up. I don't actually know anyone in real life who uses insulin, even the lads on 10iu+ a day of hgh and 2g+ test a week seem very reluctant to even look into it.
Trying to lift my spirits a little so had a arm day with lots of slow negatives, and some static hangs as I want to better my grip for Deadlifts.

Static hangs for 20 minutes just body weight until my grip went then back on again.

Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions 5x5 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 kilos all slow negatives.

EZ Curl Bar 5x5 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 kilos all slow negatives.

Skull Crushers 5x5 40 kilos all slow negatives

Reverse EZ Curl Bar 5x5 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 kilos all slow negatives.

Cross trainer 30 minutes on heavy resistance.

4x25 crunches on my exercise ball.
Yep very very dangerous if you mess it up. I don't actually know anyone in real life who uses insulin, even the lads on 10iu+ a day of hgh and 2g+ test a week seem very reluctant to even look into it.

Yeah. This chaps no rookie though, he knows his **** and still got it wrong. He's MASSIVE, like actually huge its mental.

EZ Curl Bar 5x 80 kilos.
Reverse EZ Curl Bar 5x 80 kilos

Monster! :)

Spirits lifted slightly? Knowing I could curl the majority of human beings would put a smile on my face! Good lifting!
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