Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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FF I knew I should have added all this in my original post there.

I did post my progress in the gym thread some time ago but looking through I think that might have been the old archived thread and I cant even find it in there.

EDIT: Found my old post here.... 2 years ago :eek: didn't realise it was that long! 21lb in 10months. ~50lb in about 2years total IIRC. Today I'm not much different to how I look there to be honest, just a little softer around the waist and ass :p

What I ate today, a typical day:

Brekkie: Oats + Water, 3xBananas, Wholegrain cereal + SS Milk (if Im still hungry)
Brunch: 74g Tuna + Wholegrain Cob
Lunch: 74g Tuna + Chilli Con Carne + LG Rice
Afternoon: Bag of mixed nuts + Banana
Evening Meal: Chicken Breast, LG Rice, Sweetcorn, Broccolli, boiled Potatoes
Late night Snack: 74g Tuna

Workout (admittedly probably basic by some standards)

Mon: 20min bike Max effort. (3x10) BB bench, Fly, Dips, Mil Press, Lat Raises. 100 situps
Wed: 20min bike max effort. (3x10) Squats, Ham Curls, Leg Press, Calf Raise. 100 situps
Thur: 30min Jog
Fri: 20min bike max effort. (3x10) Deadlifts, Wide Pullups, BOR, Shrugs, Curls. 100 Sit ups

The bike and runs are to hit the soft bits really.

Admittedly my workout is a bit everywhere at the moment. Hectic life style means it can be hard to stick to a regime (for instance, I'm in Helmand at this very moment :p ). Do I need to factor in cutting periods? I could do with measuring my BFor take some photos to give a better clue of body shape.

A LOT of tuna. Not that it's that bad but I'd try and vary it more. I presume you eat lots more veggies (particularly green ones and leafy ones, but all are good and necessary) and some decent fruits (berries, tomatoes etc...). The quantities look good though, and the variation is ok bar the fact that it's all tuna :p

Good variation of exercises, but I'm split on whether you should do the cardio after/before your workout. Ideally on a separate day, but if time is short.... I'd probably edge with after, but I need to cogitate over it a little further. I'd put aside the 100 situps, but do introduce core work, but do things like DB pull ins, leg raises to add variety. If you are keen on sit ups though, try alternating them or doing slightly different movements.

Being a little softer in the soft areas isn't too bad, as with a decent regimen and some good lifting it's easy enough to harden up - but I may suggest doing 4x8 to add a bit more volume perhaps.

Don't worry about cutting/bulking, train hard, eat well and just monitor your progress that way. It might be best to wait till you have a bit more stability in your life, and I guess out there you're probably not really able to train or live a "normal" life.

Take care out there and look after yourself - stay safe. :)
Edit: I'm not sure what Negatives will do in terms of strength progression? You should gain some more mass from nice slow negatives, maybe a little strength? I really don't know. 5x5 for strength seems to work for me.

During the negative your muscles are around 40% stronger, hence why its so much easier to do say a negative pullup as apposed to doing the pull part.
Go and spend time with your fam. Enjoy yourself. Don't worry about training. Smile, spend time with your gf, and just take a new approach next year. Have fun, smile. If training isn't enjoyable don't force yourself, you'll end up resenting it and not wanting to train.

Don't be a stranger though! However, feel free to drop me a line if you need to chat. :)

I echo what FF says.

Have sometime off. Too much of anything for anyone can eventually become a drag. Chillout for a few weeks over x-mas with your family. Start up again in the new year afresh if you feel ready.

Sometime away might see you even stronger (if that's possible :p) when you return and start lifting again!

Thanks guys:), my GP has whacked me on Prozac and most of the time I'm up, and other times I feel like a Sloth dragging its knuckles. I definitely want to shrink down at some point as I cant keep this up forever.
FF thanks for all the advice, any more would be greatly appreciated!!

As for the soft areas, I don't know what it is but my ass is quite abnormally bubble like, which is crazy compared to having no ass at all a few years ago! I think that might be due to hitting the squats hard because it's pretty solid but then over that muscle, with all the over eating on a pretty loose diet, its got a good layer of fat = BUBBLE :D how effeminate is this post!?

Take care out there and look after yourself - stay safe. :)

and thanks a lot :)

^TANK^ - although not a big contributor to the thread I do peruse it quite often and I would just like to say I hope everything is alright and you bounce back from this point because you are a big inspiration to everyone else in the thread. :cool:
^TANK^ - although not a big contributor to the thread I do peruse it quite often and I would just like to say I hope everything is alright and you bounce back from this point because you are a big inspiration to everyone else in the thread. :cool:

I doubt that, but thank you Captain Planet:cool:.
What is? Me having to lift the weights for him or him lifting that weight? Don't forget I train with semi-pro bodybuilders, a lot of them lift considerably more than any of us ever will.

To be fair he did try to roll back with the weights, but it's really quite difficult to do with that size and weight of dumbell. I'd rather him be safe and me hand it to him. I can relate to it as well as when I am doing dumbell shoulder presses I can lift more if someone places the dumbells in my arms and gives my elbows a shove upwards. If i try and place the dumbells on my knees, flip them back and try pushing it up it takes so much effort simply getting them into position I am whacked when I start doing my reps. Not to mention I've caused many an injury with heavy weights and flipping them back and trying to balance.

Tank, chin up fella. Stay positive, seems to me a break would do you some good. Relax and recuperate.

Oh sorry chicco I thought you ment just run of the mill gym bunny's knocking around in a gym, I myself don't have the luxury of a spotter and struggle to get in a comfortable position with me 60s.

Gummy bear juice free of course:p.
I doubt that, but thank you Captain Planet:cool:.

you shouldn't, I've put on my "to do in the next 10 years" a thing that sounds like: try to get close to Tanks's big 3 lifts. :D

Seeing what weighs you move (those insane rows/pulldowns come to mind) without any special sauces makes me train hard on every session. :cool:
With that kind of weight you should try and grab someone. But they are all probably half the size of you and wouldn't be able to spot you anyhow! :D

Unfortunately the majority in my gym are on gummy bear juice. Sad fact but they talk openly about it infront of everyone. I've even walked in on somone pinning themselves in the locker room :(

Bet that felt really awkward lol:eek:.

you shouldn't, I've put on my "to do in the next 10 years" a thing that sounds like: try to get close to Tanks's big 3 lifts. :D

Seeing what weighs you move (those insane rows/pulldowns come to mind) without any special sauces makes me train hard on every session. :cool:

I have always been odd when it came to weights for example I find it much more comfortable doing fronts squats rather than regular ones.
With that kind of weight you should try and grab someone. But they are all probably half the size of you and wouldn't be able to spot you anyhow! :D

Unfortunately the majority in my gym are on gummy bear juice. Sad fact but they talk openly about it infront of everyone. I've even walked in on somone pinning themselves in the locker room :(

Did you say anything? I feel strongly about the issue because the guy who my girlfriends sister has been with for some years now started taking them and when he did he became so hostile to her he now smashes the house up regularly and hit her a few times too. Proper **** :rolleyes:
Did you say anything? I feel strongly about the issue because the guy who my girlfriends sister has been with for some years now started taking them and when he did he became so hostile to her he now smashes the house up regularly and hit her a few times too. Proper **** :rolleyes:

:mad::( Disgusting behaviour, is your sister alright? Sorry to be nosy I just hate blokes like that, and I have a sister also.
To be honest Captain Planet from my experience with users, not everyone that takes it is a certified ****! Its a bit like alcohol some are fine on it some are aggressive on it. Your sisters boyfriend really needs to to take a step back and think about the side effects its having on him and everyone around him!
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Been snooping here for a while but never usually post.. until now.

Need some help with my deadlift and squat. In the summer i injured my back and went through multiple physios/chiros/osteopaths all of which fixed sacroiliac joint dysfunction, re-activating my core etc. but not what caused the problem. I have a huge lordotic curve in my back and as a result i can find it hard to get proper glute activation in the big lifts.

So now i'm almost done rehabbing (well, i think i am) and getting back into training the lower body and core. My previous PBs are shocking, 100kg x3 on the squat and 120x5 on the deadlift.

Since then, i have switch up my conventional deadlift for sumo and hitting 80x5 for a few sets (along with pull throughs and glute ham raises) and box squat an inch below parallel 70kgx5 for 2 working sets after warmups.

Now these numbers are low, and i find them darn hard for some reason. When i'm done with my squats and deads my training partner will say 'god i felt those box squats in my calves!' but i dont feel a thing. I'm getting glute DOMs now after my sumo deads and feel like i'm getting somewhere.. but i'm looking for any common muscle imbalances in the big lifts that might help me get to bigger weight.

I'm just shy of 12 stone, 5'11, benching 90kgx3 which should not be higher than my squat/dead, but sadly is :(

Advice greatly appreciated!
:mad::( Disgusting behaviour, is your sister alright? Sorry to be nosy I just hate blokes like that, and I have a sister also.

She is in a catch 22 situation. She hates him and wants out really but she doesnt want to deny her 2yr old child a dad so she is torn. His mood swings are so bad we all think he is actually edging on mentally insane. The doctor has suggested psychiatric help. He used to be really nice but now he's turned into a proper little CHIEF messing around with other women then coming home and smashing the house up because hes flipped about something he actually made up in his head.

The doctor thinks he might be schizophrenic or bi-polar now but obv a shrink needs to diagnose that, I think he just refuses to go though. He's a real roid rage tit and a real example of why not to do that crap.
She is in a catch 22 situation. She hates him and wants out really but she doesnt want to deny her 2yr old child a dad so she is torn. His mood swings are so bad we all think he is actually edging on mentally insane. The doctor has suggested psychiatric help. He used to be really nice but now he's turned into a proper little CHIEF messing around with other women then coming home and smashing the house up because hes flipped about something he actually made up in his head.

The doctor thinks he might be schizophrenic or bi-polar now but obv a shrink needs to diagnose that, I think he just refuses to go though. He's a real roid rage tit and a real example of why not to do that crap.

My partner is Schizophrenic and doesn't behave like that! Your sister needs to move out asap for her childs sake and let her boyfriend get his head straight, once hes a more civillised human being then he can have supervised access to do the father son thing until everyone is convinced he isnt a danger!
Been snooping here for a while but never usually post.. until now.

Need some help with my deadlift and squat. In the summer i injured my back and went through multiple physios/chiros/osteopaths all of which fixed sacroiliac joint dysfunction, re-activating my core etc. but not what caused the problem. I have a huge lordotic curve in my back and as a result i can find it hard to get proper glute activation in the big lifts.

So now i'm almost done rehabbing (well, i think i am) and getting back into training the lower body and core. My previous PBs are shocking, 100kg x3 on the squat and 120x5 on the deadlift.

Since then, i have switch up my conventional deadlift for sumo and hitting 80x5 for a few sets (along with pull throughs and glute ham raises) and box squat an inch below parallel 70kgx5 for 2 working sets after warmups.

Now these numbers are low, and i find them darn hard for some reason. When i'm done with my squats and deads my training partner will say 'god i felt those box squats in my calves!' but i dont feel a thing. I'm getting glute DOMs now after my sumo deads and feel like i'm getting somewhere.. but i'm looking for any common muscle imbalances in the big lifts that might help me get to bigger weight.

I'm just shy of 12 stone, 5'11, benching 90kgx3 which should not be higher than my squat/dead, but sadly is :(

Advice greatly appreciated!

Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, have you considered doing Stiff leg good mornings excellent exercise and can help you get greater gains with dead lifts!
One of the instructors at my gym has had a portion of juice. He doesn't talk openly about it to just anyone but has to me.

He said (not that I ever intend to) if I were to ever myself, not to do it when in a relationship or living in close proximity with other people. As mood swings, rage, violence, aggresiveness, paranoia etc all become elevated.

You family and loved ones should always come first. Putting them through something similar (can't be certain if/at all you will/wont react to it) for your own personal gain isn't good.

Back on topic. I know what lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis are but can't quite picture how to help. Can you keep a stiff core with your back flat? Stiff Legged Deadlifts are good.
Back on topic. I know what lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis are but can't quite picture how to help. Can you keep a stiff core with your back flat? Stiff Legged Deadlifts are good.

This is what i'm trying to work towards. My core can be solid as a rock during the movement but my lordotic arch will still be excessive. My pelvis will tilt anteriorly and i will have overworked hamstrings, and weak/inactive glutes. I am trying to train my glutes up at the moment with sumo deads/box squats to tighten them up, which is helping with my back rehab. But my pelvis is still excessively tilted giving me a pretty bad arch.

I am running through the standard routines for correcting lordosis, but still feel my dead/squat is totally out of proportion to my bench (but im not top heavy-looking at all!).

I would like to try Stiff Legged Deadlifts at some point as I find normal Deadlifts really awkward.

Will definately have to look into these. I too find normal deadlifts awkward and usually end up shredding my shins to bits because of my start position.
Missed a lot of posts but Tank don't jack it in mate! Take a break as you said, spend some time with friends and family and get some rest. I think a total rethink of your short/ medium term goals might also help you out, totally blast you out of the rut and reignite your passion for training.
Keep us updated on how it's going though mate, would hate for you to sly off to some rubbish sub-forum :p

As for the steroids 'debate', eurgh you know pretty much how I feel about it by now. There is NO excuse for being a total **** while on, and CP I appreciate why you feel the way you do. The best way I have heard the mental side effects described is "if you are a plonker normally you'll be a super plonker when on" and in my experience that's very true. Most guys I know have partners, even kids and all the responsibility that brings.
As for the discussion and even pinning, that's just the way it goes in more underground gyms, anyone with any sense won't exactly be advertising the fact they're doing it to strangers though.
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