Hi FF, would you mind posting your routine?
I am looking to mix it up and try something new in jan/feb.
Sure - I'm doing more of a conditioning/maintenance program at the moment - SPW is probably the only one who could impartially tell if it's working, but I think I'm making progress, certainly looking a bit leaner, though haven't lost that much weight, down to 15'10lbs (4lbs lighter).
I split it into 3 sessions, and 2 HIIT sessions (hill sprints, skipping, or conditioning workout in the gym).
They are full body movements with a warm up sets for EVERY movement.
warm up sets are 50%, 75%, 90% @ 6reps, 4 reps, 2 reps. Those are percentages of my working set weights. The 50% can be replaced by BW if doing BW typre exercises (dips/chins etc...)
Exercises between {} are ones I alternate in between sets. Not supersetted but when I do one, I rest, then do the next. etc...
[session 1]
YTWs (RC joint strengthening) 3 sets of 8 reps, no warm up sets
Reps 10-12 for all exercises below:
{Chins - warm up sets + 3 working sets
Standing DB Shoulder press - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{Back Squats (below parallel) - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{Seated DB Curls - 50% + 2 working sets
Close grip weighted pressups - BW + 2 working sets}
{Hanging leg raises - as many reps as possible - 2 working sets}
[Session 2]
YTWs (RC joint strengthening) 3 sets of 8 reps, no warm up sets
Reps 8-10 for all exercises below:
{45 deg DB press - warm up sets + 3 working sets
45 deg elbow out row - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{DB Lunge & reach - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{CGBP - 50% warm up set + 2 working sets
Standing hammer curls - 50% warm up set + 2 working sets}
{Single leg calf raise - 10-15 reps - 2 working sets}
[session 3]
Reps 6-8 for all exercises below:
{DLs - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{Dips - warm up sets + 3 working sets
T-Bar rows - warm up sets + 3 working sets}
{Bench press - 50% + 2 working sets
Standing DB Curls - 50% + 2 working sets}
{DB Pull ins - 50% + 3 working sets}
And that's it. Quite tough though. The warm up sets are important.
The movements are 1-2 slow eccentrics and powerful concentrics. All have a 1s pause at the bottom of the movement for pushing or top if it's a pulling exercise.
Hill sprints are self explanatory as is skipping. Conditioning exercises consist of DB pull ins, goblet squats, single arm db clean and press, DB swings and some skipping/basketball/activity.