Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I'm going to buy a pair of gardening gloves or something for next time, it'll mean it's more about strength and less about watching your hands get shredded. :D

I'm not sure about the needing more weights part of this but I'm game to give it a try anyway.

If anyone needs a heavier van to pull I'm pretty sure it was you. You raced through it last time, and without breaking a sweat if I remember correctly :eek:
Legs and shoulders today: front squats, DB lunges, leg press, calf raises, leg extensions, arnold presses, DB shrugs, DB lateral raises.

Saw a very small scrawny guy come in, probably about 15 years old, and he started doing reps of bicep curls first up. I was :(. However he then did some good solid sets of hang clean to military press with a 15Kg barbell, which made me think yes that's what you need to do. Good on him.
I'm going to buy a pair of gardening gloves or something for next time, it'll mean it's more about strength and less about watching your hands get shredded. :D

I'm not sure about the needing more weights part of this but I'm game to give it a try anyway.

Haha, sounds like a plan. I'd be up for this again if I'm at home.

Good to see you're recovering well PAZ:)
Hi FF, would you mind posting your routine?

I am looking to mix it up and try something new in jan/feb.

Sure - I'm doing more of a conditioning/maintenance program at the moment - SPW is probably the only one who could impartially tell if it's working, but I think I'm making progress, certainly looking a bit leaner, though haven't lost that much weight, down to 15'10lbs (4lbs lighter).

I split it into 3 sessions, and 2 HIIT sessions (hill sprints, skipping, or conditioning workout in the gym).

They are full body movements with a warm up sets for EVERY movement.

The warm up sets are 50%, 75%, 90% @ 6reps, 4 reps, 2 reps. Those are percentages of my working set weights. The 50% can be replaced by BW if doing BW typre exercises (dips/chins etc...)

Exercises between {} are ones I alternate in between sets. Not supersetted but when I do one, I rest, then do the next. etc...

[session 1]

YTWs (RC joint strengthening) 3 sets of 8 reps, no warm up sets

Reps 10-12 for all exercises below:

{Chins - warm up sets + 3 working sets
Standing DB Shoulder press - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{Back Squats (below parallel) - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{Seated DB Curls - 50% + 2 working sets
Close grip weighted pressups - BW + 2 working sets}

{Hanging leg raises - as many reps as possible - 2 working sets}

[Session 2]

YTWs (RC joint strengthening) 3 sets of 8 reps, no warm up sets

Reps 8-10 for all exercises below:

{45 deg DB press - warm up sets + 3 working sets
45 deg elbow out row - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{DB Lunge & reach - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{CGBP - 50% warm up set + 2 working sets
Standing hammer curls - 50% warm up set + 2 working sets}

{Single leg calf raise - 10-15 reps - 2 working sets}

[session 3]

Reps 6-8 for all exercises below:

{DLs - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{Dips - warm up sets + 3 working sets
T-Bar rows - warm up sets + 3 working sets}

{Bench press - 50% + 2 working sets
Standing DB Curls - 50% + 2 working sets}

{DB Pull ins - 50% + 3 working sets}

And that's it. Quite tough though. The warm up sets are important.

The movements are 1-2 slow eccentrics and powerful concentrics. All have a 1s pause at the bottom of the movement for pushing or top if it's a pulling exercise.

Hill sprints are self explanatory as is skipping. Conditioning exercises consist of DB pull ins, goblet squats, single arm db clean and press, DB swings and some skipping/basketball/activity.
Just did my first session of a slightly modified Optimized Volume Training program. This is my first venture away from a usual split routine and I loved it. I modified the volume slightly but the principle is the same. One heavier compound movement supersetted with a lighter isolation movement with slower timings.

Today was chest:

Flat Dumbbell Bench - 5x5 - (2-0-1 timing)

Supersetted with:

Flat Dumbbell Flyes - 5x5 - (6-0-2 timing)
2 minute rest between sets

Incline DB Bench - 5x5 - (2-0-1 timing)

Supersetted with

Incline DB Flyes - 5x5 - (6-0-2 timing) Also with 2 min rest between sets.

I was absolutely knackered after this but it felt really good. :D
Squats 90kg x 8, 100kg x 7, 105kg x 6, 107.5kg x 5
Power cleans 60kg x 8, 65kg x 7, 67.5kg x 6, 70kg x 5
Leg Press 4x8 @ 88kg
Leg Extensions 4x8 @ 68kg
Hamstring curls 4x8 @ 68kg

Knee pain: nil

Ahhh it feels good to hit the wheels again.

Today was a very special day. I hit a plateau after fasting in Ramadan during August. Since then things were poor. It was the last time I did 5x5 where I got my squat to 132.5KG. That's the most I've ever done in my life. Ever since I've only squatted 100KG for 10 reps , 4-6 sets.

These past 3 weeks since my break have been amazing. Every session I've beat multiple records. Today was the last day in the gym and daaaaaamn am I pleased!

I did the build up, 60, 80, 100, 110 (10 reps), 120, 130(3). I then went for my one rep max at 140KG banged out 3 reps. I think I had a mental block because I was capable of more. Then hit 150 then 160KG for my 9th set. I weigh 151-154lb (under 68-69KG). I'm so bloody impressed. I think I can hit 2.5x bodyweight within the coming weeks. I definitely had some juice in me but left it at that.

I'm more so impressed I started off on just the bar just under a year, training alone for the whole period and I've got to this stage. 50lb less fat and I've strongest I've ever been.

Its pretty overwhelming to receive so much positive feedback from serious power lifters and bodybuilders. They call me the deciever at the gym because I still wear my xl t-shirts and I look like average joe hehe :)

Anything can achieved with determination. Especially to the fatties out there!
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Cheers fellas :)

I'm convinced I can add another 15KG and make it 2.5 X BW very soon :D

I couldn't have done it without him. Top guy!

He was military pressing 140KG earlier today! He is seriously ripped and an absolute beast!
I obvioulsy need to up my game - 2.5x bodyweight is immense...

Hmm let me see that would be 250kg squats. Surely I can do that no?! :confused: Why is it so difficult? :( I feel weak now :( It's not THAT heavy... ok it is a little, 1/4 of a tonne... but dammit....
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