Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Kwality mince in tesco is only like 3.95 for 800gs init?

I've tried a few now, tesco seems the nicest and 'reddest' looking!

There's no way i'm tempted to eat it raw though.
The cheap stuff usually has higher fat content though (up to 20% ?)

I normally pay around £4.50/400g from Waitrose - but will go to the butcher this time and pick up some freshly minced
Quick diet check, I'm weighing in at around 98kg at 5'8 at the moment. My weight loss has stalled slightly after the first few months how does this diet look for gettin it moving along again.
I train 3 times a week with weights and a little cardio after with maybe an extra 1 or 2 days of about 40mins cardio thrown in

2 scoops BSD regenerate (just using it because I'm running low on whey and oats and it was lying around)
1 egg
5 omega 3 caps

2 oat cakes
half tin tuna mixed with a splash EVOO

50g wholewheat pasta
100g chicken
50g broccoli
50g spinach
1tbp pesto made with olive oil
sprinkle parmasan
5 omega 3

2 oat cakes
rest of tuna

100g turkey
100g cooked basmati rice
30g broccoli
50g spinach
5 omega 3

Before bed
250g cottage cheese
1 options sachet
20g oats
50g mixed berries

Throughout the day il throw in some more berries and a grapefruit as well
Also on workout days there will be 40g of whey added PWO

According to food focus this works out about 2200kcal 72g fat 165g carb 193g pro
Looks like a pretty good diet to me blitz. :) Similar to my day but with just bigger helpings! :D

Cheers, I don't know how you manage it I feel like im eating all the time as it is never mind eating more. Its surprising coming from eating crap to eating clean just how much you need to eat to get some decent cals in
Cheers, I don't know how you manage it I feel like im eating all the time as it is never mind eating more. Its surprising coming from eating crap to eating clean just how much you need to eat to get some decent cals in

I'm a bit confused with what you're doing blitz. I assume from your original post that you're trying to lose weight, but then you complain that you're eating all the time? If you feel that you are eating more than you want to, why not eat less and lose more weight? Or are you trying to cut whilst keeping as much muscle mass as possible?
I'm a bit confused with what you're doing blitz. I assume from your original post that you're trying to lose weight, but then you complain that you're eating all the time? If you feel that you are eating more than you want to, why not eat less and lose more weight? Or are you trying to cut whilst keeping as much muscle mass as possible?

I am trying to loose fat the diet above has me pretty much constantly grazing with a bigger meal every 2ish hours, if I dropped the cals much more then I'd be doing more damage than good I want to hold onto as much muscle as possible as its much more difficult to put it back on rather than just keeping it, plus I can't afford to try and work with no muscle on me
Blitz calorie intake is low for a start, and with weightlifting his body is metabolising the food more readily, by keeping his body "ticking over" it's actually more beneficial. If he was eating large quantities of food I'd question his logic, but since he's not then I see no issues with his eating pattern. :)
right so my back has been in agony lately... since last thursday morning

I had just unmounted my bike, walking upwards towards college and i got this awful back pain that seemed to go down the top half of my right leg, it was really really painful all that day but everyday since it seems to be getting better, but today running up the stairs its bloody sore again

i can move my leg about easily now, unlike before where I couldn't fold my legs without pain, but getting up/sitting down i have to use my arms + straight back

i've already missed squat/shoulder day because of this... probably going to miss back day today

anyone had similar issues or know good exercises to overcome such a thing?
Might want to get that seen to dude.. the last time I knew someone with that sort of pain it was a slipped disc, which trapped a nerve. :)
Really pleased with my leg day today, thought that it went really well. It's the first time that I've done it "properly" i.e. with free weights (previously leg days I'd done all on machines) I still did use some machines, but mostly as a warm up, and for another reason which I'll ask about at the end of my post.

My first foray into squats was... interesting. Started off with 50kg on my very first time, nearly overbalanced backwards and had to set the bar down, before crawling off my ass underneath it :p Turned the weight down and all was well. Later on a nice chap was kind enough to give me some form tips, and it was going great.

here's what I did:

Quad machine: 10x40kg 10x50kg 8x50kg I find this really easy
Dumbbell Lunges: 10*x36kg 8x40kg 8x36kg *10 reps each leg
Calf raise: 10x28kg 10x30kg Problem with these, there's no real decent block at my gym, I was actually using a disk =\
Calf extension (machine): 10x55kg 10x65kg 8x65kg (these were easy, next time I'm gonna try for 65 70 70)
Squats: 10x30kg 10x30kg 8x40kg 10x30kg
Squats #2: 10x30kg 10x40kg 10x40kg
Hamstring machine: 10x60kg 8x65kg 8x65kg
NB That list isn't in order

I know that those squats are pretty small numbers, but it was my first time, so I'm getting used to it, and I did feel that I have a lot more to give. Next time I'll be starting with 40kg and will go up from there. My legs are also pretty strong compared to y upper body, so supporting muscles will probably start to hold me back, but they're getting a workout on leg days from squats, and on my upper body days as well, so they'll soon fall into line :)

Can anyone give me any tips as to how to exercise my calf muscles? We don't seem to have a block, so shall I just do them off the floor (and do lots of reps)

Hamstring exercise wise, what exercises are there for hamstrings? The internet tells me that straight leg deadlifts exercise the hamstrings, what exercise do you guys use?

My quads are feeling pretty fatigued at the mo, standing up from my chair was a bit of a shock :p And I'm going out tonight, great :D
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Ben M - For hamstrings try good mornings (http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Hamstrings/BBGoodMorning.html)

Once ou get used to squats , you'll see the weights go up pretty quickly - I'm starting a routine at the moment which will have me squatting 4 x per week :D

I'm assuming Lunges is total weight, not per hand??

Cheers, I'll try them =]

Indeed it is, I'd struggle to hold 40kg dumbbells :p As it was I was feeling my shoulders towards the end of the set (20 lunges take a while!) as my they were a bit sore from yesterday still.
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