Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
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    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Started my new routine today and its hard work. Got a routine from a guy over on muscletalk and we talked about what i feel are lagging body parts etc.
So i said that i think my legs and arms are lagging, so he sorted me out a routine.

A lot more volume than im used to, which is good as I think this is what i need to get better gains. Legs for example is a total of 35 sets:eek: even though thats split with thighs and calves on their own and hamstrings mixed in with shoulders.

Even though im on a cut hopefully this new routine with the added volume will give me soem good results. On a side note though ive lost 2" around my waist in 3 weeks which im happy with:)
35 sets for legs !!

Give us a breakdown as this sounds extreme and maybe counterproductive.

Thats including calves as well:D

Thighs are:

Squats 5 x 12, 10, 8, 8, 6
Leg Press 5 x 12, 10, 8, 8, 6
Leg Extensions 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8


SLDL - 4x 12, 10, 8, 8
Lying Leg Curl - 4x 12, 10, 8, 8
Seated Leg curl - 4x 12, 10, 8, 8


Seated calf raises 5x15
Standing calf raises 5x8

oh its 36 sets total:D. And thighs and hams are on different days

Guy i got it from works with James over on Muscle talk and has competed in Mr Universe and won a few comps up by him, and is a qualified WABBA Senior Fitness Instructor and been a PT for 5 years. So i trust him to give me a tidy routine.

James's Site is this if everyone is interested in diet/training advice - http://www.healthyaction.co.uk/
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Hey guys, thought id post in here as this looked like the best place for me to welcome myself into this section of the site :P

Ive started trying to lose a lot of weight recently. I went through a good period where I was losing weight where ive been eating better and exercising more but lately its kinda grinded to a halt, dont get me wrong, my jeans are a lot looser just now but ive got a LONG way to go!.

I had to find a way to try and get that motivation though and Ive joined a Mixed Martial Arts gym. I love it, the guys have been very welcoming. Im not in a massively fit shape though and I thought this would hinder me but it hasnt really. I joined with a mate but he has since put the MMA on the back burner as he wants to go back at a good level of fitness (he is much fitter than me) but I decided I would rather stay, pick up the techniques and lose weight at the same time so by the time I am at a decent level, I will have a good understanding of aspects of the art.

Its given me something to work for and aspire for though and im glad for it but my work schedule and sleeping pattern really has me messed up most days. Ive applied for a new job at work which sees me going from 3 nights a week to 5 mornings a week, which will give me a better routine to work to and means I can go to my MMA gym 3 times instead of once a week.

Wish me luck, I ll try and keep you guys posted on my efforts, weigh ins are sundays for me, if this is the wrong thread for this please point me in the right direction :P
I feel dirty :(

I went out last night and for the first time in about 8 months, I caved and drank :(

Only had JD and diet cokes :p but still, my willpower failed me :(
35 sets for legs !!

Give us a breakdown as this sounds extreme and maybe counterproductive.

Nah it shouldn't be counter-productive really. Legs need high volume for development. Bear in mind it could be low reps too, so 35 sets means very little. You should look at it in total tonnage moved, that's a better gauge of volume.
3rd training day so far with squats in every session, going well so far and I've got a lot more left in me :)

So far :

Sunday - 80kg x 9 x 4
Tuesday - 85kg x 7 x 5
Wednesday - 90kg x 5 x 7

Depending how I feel on Friday I'm either going to go for 95kg or 100kg x 3 x 10

Lets see what progress I make on squats in the next few weeks with this :)

Did next session today

Squat 100kg x 3 x 10

Managed to do those fine, although I was really struggling the last set - bring on 105 x 3 x 10 next week :D
Nah it shouldn't be counter-productive really. Legs need high volume for development. Bear in mind it could be low reps too, so 35 sets means very little. You should look at it in total tonnage moved, that's a better gauge of volume.

i love doing 10x3 for example :)
I've been lazy for a few days and hadn;t been to the gym since Wednesday :o I went today for my biceps and back day, and did some squats at the end to make up for my lazyness.

here's how my workout went:

BW=75 kg
chin ups (underhand grip): 10xBW-33kg 8xBW-26kg 7xBW-26kg
bicep curls: 10x7.5kg 8x10kg 10x7.5kg
Lat pulldown: 10x42kg 7x45.5kg 8x45.5kg
hammer grip pullups: 6xBW-33kg 8XBW-40kg 5xBW-33kg
bent over row: 10x14kg 10x16kg 8x16kg
hammer curls: 10x7.5kg 10x10kg 8x10kg
wide grip pullup: 6xBW-40kg 5xBW-40kg 5xBW-47kg 5xBW-40kg
cable curl*: 6x10kg 8x10kg 8x10kg
seated row: 8x27.5kg 6x30kg 6x30kg
squats: 10x40kg 10x40kg 8x50kg 8x50kg

*I do these two handed with elbows on my stomach, so they concentrate like a preacher curl to work my Brachialis

My confidence is coming on leaps and bounds with squats, I'm getting much lower, and I've added more weight. Next time (probably monday) I'll try 10x50kg 10x50kg 8x60kg 8x60kg.

I know that the weight's a lot smaller than all you guys, but what do you think of the exercises that I'm doing?
lots and lots of pullups, too many tbh :p

did you do the exercises in that order? if so, dont :p
biceps after back work, otherwise you will burn the bi's out.

after that workout your bi's must have been hammered!

anyway, far too much going on.

BOR / TBars / db rows
seated row
BB / DB curls

That should be more than enough to cover your back.
I did do it that order yeah, and you're right, my biceps were pretty much shagged pretty early on. I had decided to do my biceps last/ ask about it at the time, but completely forgot when I came to post :p

When you say chins, I take it that you mean wide grip, overhand?

I'll try the set that you suggested, would it also be a good idea to put some concentration curls in on the end, 'cause DB curls work the Biceps Brachii, and concentration curls work the Brachialis? or do db curls cover them both enough?

With that being 5 exercises rather than 9, should I up the volume and do 4/5 sets of each?
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im not really bothered if you do wide chins or vary style each set tbh :p

when you get to the stage that your back work and a little direct bi work isnt enough and you need to start concentrating on specific muscles to great detail - no. just do back work and curl :p

in all fairness, if you are training your back hard, have then done some direct bicep work, you shouldnt have the energy in your bi's to do concentration curls :D
im not really bothered if you do wide chins or vary style each set tbh :p

when you get to the stage that your back work and a little direct bi work isnt enough and you need to start concentrating on specific muscles to great detail - no. just do back work and curl :p

in all fairness, if you are training your back hard, have then done some direct bicep work, you shouldnt have the energy in your bi's to do concentration curls :D

The reason that I varied my grips for each set was that I thought that they had different targets and would give a good overall when used together. I think i'll do 2 sets of wide grip overhand and 2 sets of underhand chin ups.

So like this:

Chins 2x wide 2x chin
Deadlifts x4
BOR x4
seated row x4
DB curls x4

ace :)
The reason that I varied my grips for each set was that I thought that they had different targets and would give a good overall when used together. I think i'll do 2 sets of wide grip overhand and 2 sets of underhand chin ups.

So like this:

Chins 2x wide 2x chin
Deadlifts x4
BOR x4
seated row x4
DB curls x4

ace :)

ye..and with far less volume...lets do some full bodyweight stuff..even if its only a few reps for a set or two. If you are training with someone...do assisted pullups when struggling. Personnally...I hate these -ve bodyweight machines...they just make it too easy and it takes a lot of time to progress.
I'm not sure that I could manage more than one pullup when completely fresh, lol. When I do assisted pullups I set the weight so that I'm at failure by the end of the set, so I don't see why progress would be slower than only doing 1 rep at bodyweight.
Just have to keep at it with the pullups/chins till you can manage to do more.

I could only manage a single wide grip pull up before, never used any assistance machines. I now manage 4 sets of 3 which isn't amazing but an improvement :)
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