Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Just have to keep at it with the pullups/chins till you can manage to do more.

I went from being unable to do a single chin to getting 5x5 comfortably in a pretty short space of time by using a technique called "greasing the groove". You will need a place to do pullups/chins at home. If as you say you can't do 1, then start by doing a couple of negatives (ie jump up and slowly lower yourself), but do it 5-6 times a day. Each set shouldn't be taxing, like i said you are only doing a couple of reps at a time. Within a couple of weeks you should be able to do 1-2 full reps, so now start doing 1-2 reps 5-6 times a day (again the set should not be too taxing). It won't be long before you can get a decent amount out in one go.
I've no bar/ anything I can use at home, and I feel enough of a good being a 75kg weakling at the gym, without doing -ve pullups :p

I'll stick with the assisteds until my general strength improves and I can do BW :)
Down to 11st 8 now. Losing about 2lbs a week with my current cardio routine. Almost at the stage where I want to start weights and stuff properly to build muscle.

I know it would've been better to do weights with cardio and mix it all up but I feel much more comfortable doing it this way, cheers :)
seen stuff of that guy before...and find it very hard to beleive he is still 16. He looks about 3-4 years older than what he showed in his first vids. He put on 2 stone of muscle in about a year according to other posts...without chemical help...id say impossible.
Hmm. This week is gonna be tough on training and diet.

Off work all week working on my house (snapped up a very cheap reposession - downside is it needs a lot of work). Gonna be doing 6am-7pm shifts in there and then hopefully get in the gym after. Diet is really the hardest part I find when working over there. In the office it's easy as I'm into a simple eating routine.
seen stuff of that guy before...and find it very hard to beleive he is still 16. He looks about 3-4 years older than what he showed in his first vids. He put on 2 stone of muscle in about a year according to other posts...without chemical help...id say impossible.

He is indeed a monster, but it's difficult to comprehend how such massive gains could be achieved naturally in such a short space of time.

A little update on my progress.. since starting mid-January I've gone from 150lb to 170lb (though admittedly I lot of this will be fat) and put on around an inch or so onto my arms. I didn't really bother recording many of my stats when I started so I might note a few things down. What should I measure, and what sort of state should I be in when measuring (morning/evening, pre/post-workout, muscles relaxed/tensed, etc.)?
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I like the swining in the BB curls :p

Glad I'm not the only one to notice, and on the DB curls there's a lot of momentum being used. Hardly great isolation, but then again, I wouldn't care if I looked like him :D.

And reading that BB thread he doesn't work his legs. Pah, love to see that kid do a squat, he'd look a right muppet. Surely he must look top heavy aswell which is never a good look.
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Glad I'm not the only one to notice, and on the DB curls there's a lot of momentum being used. Hardly great isolation, but then again, I wouldn't care if I looked like him :D.

And reading that BB thread he doesn't work his legs. Pah, love to see that kid do a squat, he'd look a right muppet. Surely he must look top heavy aswell which is never a good look.

Didn't really watch the whole thing just noticed the swinging at the beginning :p

According to his profile on BB forums, his stats 1RMs are :

Bench : 164.1 kg
Squat : 213.6 kg
Bicep Curl : 68.6 kg
Deadlift : 235.5 kg
Overhead Press : 116.4 kg

Probably not accurate at all, as it says estimated 1RM
I don't remember him saying he didn't work legs.

When he first started maybe... were a year and a half later on though :p

btw theres a newer thread than that on bb.com
I've no bar/ anything I can use at home, and I feel enough of a good being a 75kg weakling at the gym, without doing -ve pullups :p

I'll stick with the assisteds until my general strength improves and I can do BW :)

Man up and do them, then feel like a man a week later when you can do more than one :p
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