Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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its always nice to receive a compliment....

in the gym tonight, some rather large people i have to say, i go to get some water from the sink and one of the blokes behind the counter goes 'my god, you've got the calves of a pro!'.

Now, he can only be talking about the size, rather than definition, because im carry a touch too much fat atm!
Still, nice for people to notice that some hard work was done at some point in my life hehe
Only compliment I've received was quickly followed up with "Are you looking for some.. hormonal help?" :(

If I'm asked to spot I'll always give a congratulatory comment or something, it goes a long way for me when I'm given the same. :)
Man its been a fair while since i've got a compliment... most people when i say: i do weights at the gym.... "Oh do you? I didn't notice" ... that comment really annoys you and takes you down a peg, with a 47" (+ maybe since last measure) chest, broad shoulders packed with meat and 17.5" arms how can you not tell i go to the gym... think i'm going to invest in some skin tight work shirts and just put up with a neck size 2inches shorter than what i need :mad:
Hi guys,

I’ve got a few questions –

I am just around 68 Kg (5 ft 10) with 13% body fat (down from 20% with hardly no cardio :D). How many protein shakes (scoops) do you recommend I should take a day? I typically take one before the gym and 2 after.

Can you guys review my workout below? I’ve made some few changes.

My aim to get build mass. As for my sets, it is normally 3 x 8 directly followed by a superset of a lighter weight.

Chest and Triceps

Barbell or dumbbell Bench Press
Incline Dumbbell Press
Cable Flys

Close Grip Bench Press
Triceps Extension (over head)

Back and Biceps

Dead lifts
Lateral Pull down
Seated Rows

Dumbbell curls
Barbell curls
Hammer Curls

Legs and Shoulders

Barbell Squats
Dumbbell Lunges
Leg Press

Military Press - Seated barbell
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Barbell Upright Row
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises
Man its been a fair while since i've got a compliment... most people when i say: i do weights at the gym.... "Oh do you? I didn't notice" ... that comment really annoys you and takes you down a peg, with a 47" (+ maybe since last measure) chest, broad shoulders packed with meat and 17.5" arms how can you not tell i go to the gym... think i'm going to invest in some skin tight work shirts and just put up with a neck size 2inches shorter than what i need :mad:

Hehe - I know how you feel mate. We're very similar stats but I carry my size subtley annoyingly so I don't look "big".... I do get comments on my strength though which is nice.
Man its been a fair while since i've got a compliment... most people when i say: i do weights at the gym.... "Oh do you? I didn't notice" ... that comment really annoys you and takes you down a peg, with a 47" (+ maybe since last measure) chest, broad shoulders packed with meat and 17.5" arms how can you not tell i go to the gym... think i'm going to invest in some skin tight work shirts and just put up with a neck size 2inches shorter than what i need :mad:
Ha ha, are you sure it isn't sarcasm when they say that? :p
Man its been a fair while since i've got a compliment... most people when i say: i do weights at the gym.... "Oh do you? I didn't notice" ... that comment really annoys you and takes you down a peg, with a 47" (+ maybe since last measure) chest, broad shoulders packed with meat and 17.5" arms how can you not tell i go to the gym... think i'm going to invest in some skin tight work shirts and just put up with a neck size 2inches shorter than what i need :mad:

I can only imagine you have a coat or really baggy shirts on/ have a quite high bf%. Lean 17.5" arms are very impressive for a natural guy, the same as Layne Norton iirc?
I have 17.5" arms and low teens (13.5%-14%) BF. Funny thing is I hardly do any arm work! ;)

Shhhh... :p

You look around though mate, 18" ripped (very important, we're not talking fatceps here), natural biceps are very rare so well done :)
Man its been a fair while since i've got a compliment... most people when i say: i do weights at the gym.... "Oh do you? I didn't notice" ... that comment really annoys you and takes you down a peg, with a 47" (+ maybe since last measure) chest, broad shoulders packed with meat and 17.5" arms how can you not tell i go to the gym... think i'm going to invest in some skin tight work shirts and just put up with a neck size 2inches shorter than what i need :mad:

Strange, I'm the opposite... everyone I meet assumes I lift weights, and assumes I must play rugby.
Well it's finally done, got my knee surgery today just have to wait a few weeks until the limp goes away to start up in the gym again and no legwork for 6 weeks.
I get the assumption I play rugby though as I have a fairly thick neck and few nicks/scars :D

This week I'm just priming myself back to a regular routine.



Power cleans to standing press:


Light incline DB supersetted with flies (I'm keeping all chest work very light for helping the rehab on the shoulder):

10x25 // 10x14
10x25 // 10x14
12x25 // 12x14
15x25 // 14x14
16x25 // 13x14

Light bent over lateral raises:





Side lateral raises - sat no backrest:


Arnies - sat no backrest:


Cable tricep extension:




Getting back there. Squats/legs tomorrow, so that should be good fun, and a big back day thursday/friday. Getting back into it now, had such a long lay off I can't wait! :D
Chest today, considering i've been hungover after 'carnage' I performed to the same standard as I normally do, infact it was my best session yet!

Pritty much the same as last week, little bit easier though. Swapped CGBP for dips today. Leaning out a bit, much more shape and definition in my shoulders coming through and no loss in strength :) Swapping Lateral Pulldown for Pull Ups on my back day tomorrow.
Did my first session at home yseterday using dumbells and a bench to do shoulders/back/triceps, and started with Gordys guide with extra shoulder exercises, and DAMN my form was horrible.

Haven't done any regular sport since screwing up my clavicale about 3+ years ago, and have been scared and or lazy to get going on the weights since I had the plate out 18 months ago.

Feel good this morning though, and will get a spec me thread up this week with pics of my fatty flobby body with muscless left shoulder. Also calculated yesterday that I eat just a touch over 2000 kcals a day whilst being 6,2 and 13 stone and starting to bulk :eek: Major changes and advise needed :D
Did my first session at home yseterday using dumbells and a bench to do shoulders/back/triceps, and started with Gordys guide with extra shoulder exercises, and DAMN my form was horrible.

Haven't done any regular sport since screwing up my clavicale about 3+ years ago, and have been scared and or lazy to get going on the weights since I had the plate out 18 months ago.

Feel good this morning though, and will get a spec me thread up this week with pics of my fatty flobby body with muscless left shoulder. Also calculated yesterday that I eat just a touch over 200 kcals a day whilst being 6,2 and 13 stone and starting to bulk. Major changes and advise need :D

200kcals a day :eek: how do you survive? :p
140kg squat for one yesterday

Westside has really boosted my lifts. Should be some new pb's soon I hope :D
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