Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Yup, don't want to imagine what 200kg must be like :eek:

It ain't easy! :D


Back squats:

DS: front squat: 12x80

Step up:

6x100 (each leg)
6x100 (each leg)
6x100 (each leg)
6x110 (each leg)
6x120 (each leg) and ready to vom :p

Leg extension:

10xstack (100)
10xstack (100)
10xstack (100)
10xstack (100)

supersetted with calf raises:

12xstack (100)
12xstack (100)
14xstack (100)
16xstack (100)

CGBP supersetted with cable pull down

12x60 // 10xstack (100)
12x60 // 10xstack (100)
12x60 // 10xstack (100)
10x80 // 8xstack (100)
10x80 // 6xstack (100)

Nice little session today, hammies still felt a bit tight from DLs yesterday but overall pretty happy with that session. :)
back tonight, taking things easy on the wrist.....

warmup: front squats


Yes, that is an odd warmup for back work!! bloody got the blood flowing though lol


wrist felt good but wasnt going to push it

plate loaded pull down:

wide grip lat pull down:
no idea on weight, its a stack with holes and thats about it.
4x8 at whatever i was managing to do!

1 hand t-bar rows:
these showed just how much my mind is trying to protect my wrist, right hand was strong and felt the weight easy, left hand struggled like mad. good exercise though, will bring them back into line.

bar + 30kg
3x10 (each arm)

seated pulley row:
again, stack with holes but no idea on what weight was what.


Good session, main thing to take from it was weakness (even if only perceived) on my left side.
Yeah, was on treadmill and thought 'i know a better way to get the blood moving!'.
if i would have supersetted with some RDLs that would have been legs done for the week lol
Why do deadlifts make me me feel sick and out of breath? I like doing them but they are way worse that the other exercises apart from squats maybe.
It's because they are such a physically demanding movement.

They work many ofthe same muscles as the squat with the difference that you're holding the bar. (Granted, your legs don't go as deep as the squat).
I've only been doing DL's for a month or so, but I love them. Switched to them being my main lower back workout from Good Mornings (but still do Good Mornings). They are just fabulous. The myth of them being dangerous for the back is somewhat a misconception because you are improving those very same muscles that cause those problems. :)

Yesterday's Chest and (a bit of) Core session:

Flat bench:

Assisted Dips (BW = 112.5kg):
10x(BW - 40kg)
10x(BW - 35kg)
10x(BW - 30kg)

Incline Bench (on smith, not sure what bar weight is. Certainly lighter than 20kg):

Trunk Twists:
10x30kg Chopper
10x30kg Digger
10x30kg Flat
10x30kg Chopper
10x30kg Digger
10x30kg Flat

Felt good, pretty chuffed with the flat bench. 90kg for 2x6 is my PB :) Also a bonus as it's the first session for 9 days owing to tonsillitis last week. :)

Need to address my BF - I ate so much ice cream to keep my tonsils from catching fire last week I've bloated out. Coppersguns calculator says I'm about 17% bf, wouldn't surprise me if it's a bit higher though.. I have a belly. :)
Cheers Wardie.

Yeah I think they are also dangerous if you arch your back or don't stick your arse out far enough etc. I really do like them though even though I only usually rep 80kg with a PB of 4x100kg (on a smith).

Good stuff Jester, is that your usual routine for chest then? I'd be tempted to chuck in a few more exercises if it is. I don't think the bar weight is anything on Smith, definitely under 2kg, so I don't count it. A lot of reps though nice one.
"Everything" is:

bench (flat and incline)
cross-wires (at various angles, press and fly)
DB press (flat and incline)
DB fly (flat and incline)

I don't do all in one session, next week I'll do flies for everything, week after I might do DBP's instead of bench. I was tempted to do some flies, but tbh I was shredded after that lot so went home. :)
Hey guys, could you just check this routine out for me please, I've been goin to the gym at uni for about a month but I'm home now and the gyms round here are not so good so I have ordered some weights (100kg barbell, dumbell etc kit) a bench and a pull up thing to attach to the wall.

I've tried to stick to the rules Gordy put in his original post in the sticky and hope this is ok.

Day 1: Chest, Biceps and Forearms

- Bench Press 3 x 8
- Incline Bench Press 3 x 8
- Dumbell Flies 3 x 8

- Dumbell Curls 3 x 8
- Barbell Curls 3 x 8
- Hammer Curls 3 x 8

- Reverse Barbell Curls 3 x 8
- Wrist Curl 3 x 8

Day 2: Back, Legs and Neck

- Wide Grip Pullups 3 x 8
- Deadlifts 3 x 8
- Dumbell Rows 3 x 8
- Good Mornings 3 x 8

- Squats 3 x 8
- Leg Extensions 3 x 8
- Calf Raises 3 x 8
- Weighted Lunges 3 x 8

- Neck Flexion 3 x 8
- Neck Lateral Flexion 3 x 8
- Next Extension 3 x 8

Day 3: Shoulders, Triceps and Abs

- Shoulder Press 3 x 8
- Front Raise 3 x 8
- Lateral Raise 3 x 8
- Shrugs 3 x 8

- French Press 3 x 8
- Tricep Extensions 3 x 8
- Kickbacks 3 x 8

- Stomach Crunches 3 x $
- Leg Lifts 3 x $
- Side Crunch 3 x $

Do you think this is too much or ok? Anything you would change?

Also you may wonder about the neck work, I'm about 6ft 2" and only way 70 kg, I'm not scrawny but quite thin and would like to become broader whilst trying to stay quite lean. I do however, understand that due to the dietry requirements I will put on a bit of weight.

I also do 30 minutes of good cardio a day.

thanks for the help
Not to sound flippant but you should go back and read the sticky again. Squats and Deadlift (Legs and Back) on the same day is not a good plan.

Build the 3 days around Back (DL) for 1 day, chest (Bench) for 1 day and legs (Squat) for 1 day, Edit:- I mean add only compound exercises in addition to these 3, everything else is superfluous for now.

The cardio ideally should be of the Steady state variey if you are doing 30mins every day. Google HIIT and see if you would like to try that instead.

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Awesome thanks for the advice Nate :)

edit: Just had a look at HIIT and its benefits and that seems a very good option, would you suggest I do this for all of my cardio or just a proportion of it?
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