Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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My dieting is going decently well at the moment, been on it for about a month now and lost a good bif of weight so far. Planning on introducing the eca/clen stack in a couple of weeks to give me that bit extra fat burning capability.
Only bad thing though is my strength is really suffering, i could bench 100k for 16 on a bulk easy but now 8 is a struggle, admiitidly im doing a lot more volume now though.
Hopefully it will all be worth while in the end
hello guys, I'm currently doing 4 sets of: flat bench press, inclined dumbbell press and flies.
the thing is, the flies always feel like my hands are ready to pull out of my sockets, even with small weights, no matter how well I'm warming up. My form is pretty good, I'm trying not to bend the arm too much, but the pain in the lower end of the movement is disturbing me.

I'm sort of looking for an isolation exercise, any thoughts or recommendations?
hello guys, I'm currently doing 4 sets of: flat bench press, inclined dumbbell press and flies.
the thing is, the flies always feel like my hands are ready to pull out of my sockets, even with small weights, no matter how well I'm warming up. My form is pretty good, I'm trying not to bend the arm too much, but the pain in the lower end of the movement is disturbing me.

I'm sort of looking for an isolation exercise, any thoughts or recommendations?

Don't know how long you've been training but i'd forget about the isolation until you have the actual mass.
since october, currently at 100 kg and 6.2 tall, with roughly 15% bodyfat.
I love squats and deadlifts and include them in my weeklyroutine, I'm still after mass but paying a bit of attention to my diet as well. However, my chest is kinda poor in terms of strength.

As in I can squat 100 for 10 reps, deadlift 135 for about 8 reps, curl 57 for about 6 reps, but can only bench 80 for 6-8 reps. oh I can also do about 6 wide grip pullups on a set.
apart from the pullups I work piramid-style on each exercise, starting with a lower weight and increasing it in each set. Obviously that's not my whole programme, I've got a 5day split. My chest seems to be sort of lagging behind compared to my other groups, I guess that's the tribute I pay for being a bicep monkey back home for the past couple of years lol. (didn't have access to a gym till ocotber)

So should I ignore isolation for now and try something else for my 3rd exercise?
If so what would you recommend apart from inclined db/barbell press which I want to stay out of for personal reasons?
5 day routine?
what are you doing?

thought about 2 chest sessions?
also, some better exercises: dips instead of flies for example.
Doesn't sound to me like your chest is lagging by the look of your squats and deads. You just have to take it slowly - don't be in a rush. It takes YEARS to build strength and more to build decent amount of mass. Don't be in a rush but be dedicated.
oh, its also natural for most people to be weaker in some way.
my bench is poo compared to my squats and deads!
allrite, so full routine is like this:

monday, chest:
flat bench press
incline dumbbell press

tuesday, back:
seated cable rows

Wednesday, arms:
standing cable pushdown
pullovers (i bend the arms so i don't invlolve the lats or chest too much, and I feel my triceps like they really work hard so I like them)
standing EZ curl
isolation dumbbell curl on a bench

Thursday, shoulder traps abs:
Dumbbell press
Cuban press
reverse flies at the peck deck

some shrugs at the calf machine

Friday, legs:
lying leg curls
quad extensions
seated calf raise

4 sets on the big muscle groups and 3 sets on small ones. 5sets+superset for calf.
Dips still give me huge stress on my shoulders so still not comfortable with that either. I know they're known as "upper body squats" but I wanna be on the safe side with my shoulders due to past problems.
gained about 10kg since october and lost a bit of fat as well so quite happy with my progress so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people that does curls and then rushes in front of the mirror to see how much his arms have grown, but I want to keep up working.

the thing is, if i get handstraps I can probably get 5 reps with 150 on a deadlift as I only stop at 8 with 135 because my grip fails at that point.
And I used to to squats with 110 for 6-8 reps but had horrible Fridays for the past month so the weight went down as I simply couldn't focus properly. But my bench press, well that's as good as I could get lol.

My chest is still a bit sore on Friday after training it on Monday so I don't think training it twice a week will be that usefull.
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if your still feeling doms on a fri from chest, how on earth are you doing tris on a weds then shoulders on thurs?

i dont get pullovers for tris tbh,
You shouldn't need straps up to 200kg on deads really (though it does help for PBs :)). :) Work on your grip strength, at 6'2" you should have some decent sized hands to hold onto the bar! ;)

You don't seem to be doing enough back work for my liking and LOTS of arm work!!!

I have a weakness on chest too - but that's mainly down to shoulder injury.
95kg x5x5

overhead press
35kg x5x5


105kg x5x5

Feel well weak at the mo with my cut, like i just can't be arsed:(

Maybe yesterday's 10k run took it out of me. Lost 2lb last week though, 16lbs to go.
well that's why I was looking for an isolation exercise for chest, so that I limit the triceps involvement on the chest day (although obviously can't eliminate it)

I mean I did chest yesterday instead of today, my triceps hurts, but by tomorrow I'll feel sore just a bit so I could do triceps without a problem.
with the shoulder press I try to focus on the lower part of the movement and even if my triceps are very sore from arms day and my front delts a bit from chest day I can still do a decent workout. the cuban press and reverse flies hardly involve anything else than shoulders so I don't mind doing it after arms day.

I know pullovers were more suited for chest, but whenever I include them in there my triceps hurt like hell the other day, so I moved them to the arms day. I bend the arm as I lower the dumbbell and then straighten it up as I raise it so it's more or less a more confortable version of overhead triceps extension for me.

well I don't exactly have perfect joints, I've got reasonable sized hands but my grip is still poor, working on it tho.
I do 12 sets for back, 9 for tris and 6 for bis. Doesn't look like that much volume considering I have a separate day for arms. As for back, I try to target each part of it, since I get really sore the next after those 3 exercises I figured that's okay. I've tried Barbell rows but they involve too much biceps for my liking and my joints don't like it at all for some weird reason.
soreness / DOMS is not and should not be taken as a sign of a decent workout.

also, pullups really work the bi's, yet you are fine doing them, but not BOR because of the bi activation ;]
Did my chest today but didnt do the bench press on the smith first, managed a (small) incline press of 20kg dumbells for 6 reps though :D. Also managed to do nearly 1 pull up while waiting for a bench :p.
soreness / DOMS is not and should not be taken as a sign of a decent workout.

also, pullups really work the bi's, yet you are fine doing them, but not BOR because of the bi activation ;]

true, but I'm struggling with a really wide grip so it doesn't feel that bad.
but on BOR's my upper forearms and joints actually start screaming lol.
btw, is it ok to post pics with ourselves on this thread?
Yeah you should never work to get DOMS

I get killer DOMS right after doing preacher curls, but squats I don't feel a thing after, until the next day, then I can't walk
Well I don't work to get DOMS.
I know it is a poor indicator of a good workout, but provided I warm up properly, decent pauses between sets, increase the weights every two or 3 weeks with decent results in terms of mass and shape + eat and sleep well all the time, then I'm not really bothered by them.
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