Finally got my MSM + Glucosamine tablets delivered today! Time to start taking them...Hopefully my ankle and knees will start to improve a little bit now
Trust me to try and do too much.
thinking to myself 'wrist is doing well, lets try something for my shoulders', i decided to do some standing BB presses.
how stupid of me. clearly while waiting for my wrist to get better, other parts of my body haven't been worked to hard, namely my rotator cuff.
so, 2 sets into some light pressing i feel a twinge. 1 rep later and i have to stop.
bugger :/
tried some light chest press this morning to see how much effect the injury is having... 70kg BB bench press, feel the shoulder pulling.
looks like a week or 2 off of anything that could cause any more damage
whenever I feel that my wrists shouldn't be murdered and have to do traps I just move my ass to the calf machine, lower it a bit so that I can reach it with feet on the floor, put the whole stack on and start shrugging.
totally trap killing and my fingers love it.
le: that's a shame.
I've taken Freefaller's advice and do my RC warm up exercises before each workout now, sure people look at me like a weird while I juggle with 2kg dumbbells but heck my shoulders sure love it. I'm eager to try flies again on chest day now to see the difference.
I've been looking at my squat form recently and it seems like my knees are coming forward a bit too much when squatting which I know isn't good form - any tips on how to improve this?
Can't wait to get back into the gym tomorrow, it's only been a week, but this week off has felt like a year off
Set up a new routine/split and going to absolutely hammer it. I've by no means been slacking these last few months, giving it my everything. But I'm going to give it that little bit more from tomorrow
If it hurt for me to walk up the stairs before, I want it to be near impossible from tomorrow, if my shoulders feel like they just can't do that last rep, they're going to do it, and one more for good measure
And did flies again, but this time didn't go lower than parallel and did my RC exercises before warmup.
no pain at all on the shoulders although I was able to go higher with the weight.
Todays max effort upper body session will be interesting.
Finally moved into my house this weekend but the past week has been hell. Managed two very tired weight sessions, no cardio and a terrible diet for the whole week. Four days at 7.30am to 10.30pm +
I put on fat some damn fast I swear I must have put half an inch round my waist this week, but then I have been eating KFC, McDonalds, Pizza, doughnuts etc as I just haven't had time to prepare anything! But, now I'm in the fun begins again.
FF, still cleaning I see Whats your 1rm target by the end of the year?
Managed to gouge part of my shin out doing them though Ah well, no pain no gain - didn't quite need 1st aid but I had nice red socks afterwards
I'm happy on 110kg at the moment, ideally I'd love to break 120 - but I'll have to see how that goes. I'm tempted to push my DLs up to 230, and break 200 squats. My chest is lagging behind, but the ratio is about right you should always be able to do 30% more on dls/squats than on chest press IMO.
Ideal world? Clean 130-140, DL 260, squat 220 by the end of the year. Doesn't sound like a big increase, but it's enough to push myself very very hard. Even with my chest lagging I should be back up to 150kg chest soon enough (damned shoulder ) which will leave me sitting at 630kg which is pretty awesome. Actually I'd like to break 600kg by the end of the year that's my true goal.
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