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20 Sep 2009
Maybe they'll announce this:


And do what people are claiming is happening when they get theirs replaced. You know, announce that you can go in and get yours replaced. I could see it happening, Apple has always been about mindshare, and that is their success. The antenna issues if left unanswered could severely damaged this, so maybe a recall would be best for Apple in the long run.
25 Jul 2006
Maybe they'll announce this:


And do what people are claiming is happening when they get theirs replaced. You know, announce that you can go in and get yours replaced. I could see it happening, Apple has always been about mindshare, and that is their success. The antenna issues if left unanswered could severely damaged this, so maybe a recall would be best for Apple in the long run.

I hope its true but I'm not sure I believe it just yet. Everyone was quick enough to record videos when it had a problem, but no one seems to be recording any videos with it just working next to an "old iPhone 4".

Guess we'll have to wait till Friday and see what Apple say.
28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
Just had a thought about the new facetime on the iphone4 or as its known video calling.

Now as far as im aware it works only on WIFI right??. So if thats the case could you make a call to say someone in the States who has the iphone4 with facetime and not be charged anything as its using WIFI???...or are the networks going to implement something that doesnt allow that or perhaps Apple??.

You can call anyone in the world, who also has an iphone 4 using facetime for free, as long as you are both connected to wifi.
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