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15 Nov 2002
They are not doing a recall. Nothing is wrong with the product. Every single phone can lose signal when you cover the atenna with your hands.

People who moan about are pretty 'pathetic'. Just don't cover the atenna. It will only happen if you press hard onto that part of the iPhone, when you are holding the phone there is ZERO issue, people are just making it out to be a big issue to try to 'hurt' Apple reputation.

Apple Inc.'s senior antenna expert voiced concern to Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs in the early design phase of the iPhone 4 that the antenna design could lead to dropped calls, a person familiar with the matter said.

Last year, Ruben Caballero, a senior engineer and antenna expert, informed Apple's management the device's design may cause reception problems, said the person, who is not authorized to speak on Apple's behalf and asked not to be identified.


7 Mar 2007
They can't have it in the top left or right, but I do wonder why its not at the bottom of the phone the same way there's a bridge at the top. Then its out of the way of left or right handed users.

Why can it not be in the top left or right? Haven't looked at the insides of the iPhone 4 or anything, so forgive me being a bit of a 'noob' here! :p
15 Nov 2002
Its more the positioning of that bridge between the antenna frame and the bluetooth/wireless frame. I think if it was positioned in either the top left or right there wouldn't be a problem, and quite possibly would have never been found out. But since its down in a corner that sits firmly inside the palm of your hand, its an issue.

I've tried "smothering" my Nokia 6120c with both my hands (its a pretty small phone, was the worlds smallest smartphone at one point) and it doesn't change the signal at all. No idea where the antenna is located in the phone though, so it could just be me.

I have a full switcheasy case on my 3gs and have never had a signal loss issue like the iPhone 4 clearly has, Apple should just do the decent thing tomorrow and recall the phone to be fixed.
20 Sep 2009
Most phones put the antenna towards the bottom of the phone now, its standards for reducing radiation to the head or whatever.
25 Jul 2006
Why can it not be in the top left or right? Haven't looked at the insides of the iPhone 4 or anything, so forgive me being a bit of a 'noob' here! :p

Sorry, I'm the n00b. I was thinking of the antenna, that can't be at the top of the phone because of the FCC. I guess the bridge could be anywhere, but I don't know about antenna design, so who knows.
20 Jun 2004
I think we can pretty much guarantee:

1) There won't be a recall.

2) There won't be free bumpers.

3) There won't be a fix for it.

4) The new software will be touted as "the fix".

5) Other phone brands will be slated by Apple as suffering from the same problem.

6) Apple will probably talk about something completely unassociated for most of the time tomorrow.
30 Nov 2007
it amazes me, that people are still wanting to buy this, even with these issues of reception, granted not all iphone4's have this issue, but still its not right.
imo there should be a recall / free bumpers to all in question with dodgy reception issues.
just because its a phone doesnt mean its ok to live with the problem, would you put up with a monitor that went dark if you went within 5cms of it ? or a radio that turned its volume up every time you walked past it ? NO and apple should get this sorted right away.
people have forked out silly money for this and if it is in the slightest bit faulty it should be replaced / fixed foc asap

thats what i think.

im due upgrade in sept, and was looking at this, but until there is definate signs of a fix or improvements i will not be going apple.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
They are not doing a recall. Nothing is wrong with the product. Every single phone can lose signal when you cover the atenna with your hands.



Give me your mobile number and I will personally call you up and tell you how wrong you are WHILE holding my HTC Desire inside my hands completely.

And there is something wrong with the product, Apple have even acknowledged it twice, once by telling people to hold it differently, and the second when they advised people use the bumper.

... There is something wrong with your phone when you have to advise people to hold it differently and use a bumper.
Last edited:
13 Jan 2004
They are not doing a recall. Nothing is wrong with the product. Every single phone can lose signal when you cover the atenna with your hands.

People who moan about are pretty 'pathetic'. Just don't cover the atenna. It will only happen if you press hard onto that part of the iPhone, when you are holding the phone there is ZERO issue, people are just making it out to be a big issue to try to 'hurt' Apple reputation.

There's not a facepalm in the world big enough for your post right there.
4 Nov 2009
I think we can pretty much guarantee:

1) There won't be a recall.

2) There won't be free bumpers.

3) There won't be a fix for it.

4) The new software will be touted as "the fix".

5) Other phone brands will be slated by Apple as suffering from the same problem.

6) Apple will probably talk about something completely unassociated for most of the time tomorrow.

Sadly you're probably 100% correct there. wish you were wrong!
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
They are not doing a recall. Nothing is wrong with the product. Every single phone can lose signal when you cover the atenna with your hands.

People who moan about are pretty 'pathetic'. Just don't cover the atenna. It will only happen if you press hard onto that part of the iPhone, when you are holding the phone there is ZERO issue, people are just making it out to be a big issue to try to 'hurt' Apple reputation.

Absolutely LOLworthy...are you Steve Jobs in disguise??. The fact that you call people pathetic after they have spent their hard earned money on one is quite ironic lol...blind apple fanboism at its very best right there:p.

Anyhow my Desire when i had it never lost signal and neither does my BB9700 no matter how hard i hold it which way i hold it...the fact that apple say other phones suffer from signal loss is probably the most pathetic excuse ive heard in a long time...people need to wake up and realise that Apple are taking them for a long expensive ride.

Still waiting to get mine though and if it does suffer the signal loss, which it probably will...ill either send it back for a full refund or ill sell it to some other mug whos willing to part with their money:p...although im kinda hoping that the one i have ordered has been fixed as ive still got 2 weeks to wait before i get it...wishful thinking but you just never know.

Apple should do the right thing and replace the handsets that have the signal loss issue...i would imagine most other manufacturers would do the decent thing and instigate a recall no matter how much money it costs them.


Give me your mobile number and I will personally call you up and tell you how wrong you are WHILE holding my HTC Desire inside my hands completely.

And there is something wrong with the product, Apple have even acknowledged it twice, once by telling people to hold it differently, and the second when they advised people use the bumper.

... There is something wrong with your phone when you have to advise people to hold it differently and use a bumper.

110% agreed...
4 Nov 2009
Anyhow my Desire when i had it never lost signal and neither does my BB9700 no matter how hard i hold it which way i hold it...the fact that apple say other phones suffer from signal loss is probably the most pathetic excuse ive heard in a long time...people need to wake

Its simple physics, phones do lose signal when covered, in the same way you lose signal when you're in a lift. Doesn't excuse Apple's issue with bridging the two antennae though, or the ~20dB drop, obviously.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Its simple physics, phones do lose signal when covered, in the same way you lose signal when you're in a lift. Doesn't excuse Apple's issue with bridging the two antennae though, or the ~20dB drop, obviously.

It may very well be a case of simply physics but i kid you not...im sat here with my BB9700 in my hand and cannot for the life of me lose any signal...same thing at my office where the signal can get bad as im surrounded by tall buildings...it just doesnt lose any signal if im holding in my palm like i normally do or even if im holding it with my fingertips:p....in fact i tend to get a stronger signal with my hands covering the phone:p

Just for the record, i popped into the local O2 shop where they had a couple of iphone4's on display and yep soon as i held it like i normally would...it went from 5 bars to 0 bars in about 10-15 secs...even the guy said yeh nothing new lol.
7 Mar 2007
Its simple physics, phones do lose signal when covered, in the same way you lose signal when you're in a lift. Doesn't excuse Apple's issue with bridging the two antennae though, or the ~20dB drop, obviously.

I would have thought that being cased inside a lift which is made of metal would give the interference and signal drop. Can't compare being inside a metal box to covering a phone with your hands.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
They are not doing a recall. Nothing is wrong with the product. Every single phone can lose signal when you cover the atenna with your hands.

People who moan about are pretty 'pathetic'. Just don't cover the atenna. It will only happen if you press hard onto that part of the iPhone, when you are holding the phone there is ZERO issue, people are just making it out to be a big issue to try to 'hurt' Apple reputation.

I have an iPhone 4.

What you have written is absolute nonsense.

Apple fanboying to the max. :D
20 Sep 2009
Indeed. The issue is very real, I'm an iPhone 4 owner. However, in my usage of the phone and where I use it means it is almost a none issue for me personally - but it is still extremely annoying to know such a flaw is there and present on such an expensive and high profile phone.
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