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31 Jul 2003
Somewhere far.
So this possible fix....thats being talking about on the news channels..I presume we all would have to send our phones back to get them fixed and then they send them back to us?

I would think that if they needed to get them back in, that they'd more than likely do a swap with a 'fixed' phone, and then yours goes back to be reworked.

If it is the case, which I doubt, I wouldn't think they'd like to have millions of the phones being sent back to them.

I could have course be completely wrong however :p
11 Sep 2008
It is believed Apple will not want to go through a costly and embarrassing recall, despite lawsuits, a poor review from Consumer Report and growing user complaints

"We do not expect a recall and believe Apple will quickly move past this issue," Ms Cross said.

She added that Apple could add a thin coating over the antenna in future models to fix the issue

From sky news
1 Nov 2005
wait for sure? once you have it the ball is in your court not theirs. you don't want to lose any bargaining power, WHEN apple stuff everyone over and don't do a recall. cant wait to see how they word it all
20 Sep 2009
Oh for the love of God. There will be no recall!

There, prediction over with.


I'm not sure why people are so sure that there won't be. Apple are about mindshare, they built their success of mindshare and this problem could severely harm that if left as is.

Apple demand around 25% profit margins on their products , so they can definitely afford it. I'm not going to say there will be a recall, I just don't get why people seem to think it is so outlandish to think there may be one.
26 Jan 2006
At the end of the day if the phone does not drop calls then it is "fit for purpose".

But try to convince today's consumer that a product offers value if it is "fit for purpose".
30 Nov 2007
there will be a recall
apple will not want to loose all the customers who are prepared to spend money on a ip4, and will not want to **** the ones off who have already bought it.
the reviews will happen again after the recall and apple will be superstars once more and everyone will love them
it will make them look good and will strengthen their hold on the mobile marketplace, and if lawsuits happen and apple loose its going to be a free for all and is going to cost them big in the longrun

thats what im thinking
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26 Jan 2006
Apple could not care less about "you". It is a business. Times are tough. Not enough money flowing = bad idea. I believe Apple will cash in on the "mindsharing" thing you mention this time. In a months time none will even remember that iPhone 4 had an antena issue.

Apple's marketing could start flooding the web with "ours displays the TRUE" signal and others cheat to turn this completely round, assuming the phone does not drop calls (which does not, I even tried in-store with the network OVERLOADED).
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1 Nov 2005
Apple could not care less about "you". It is a business. Times are tough. Not enough money flowing = bad idea. I believe Apple will cash in on the "mindsharing" thing you mention this time. In a months time none will even remember that iPhone 4 had an antena issue.

Apple's marketing could start flooding the web with "ours displays the TRUE" signal and others cheat to turn this completely round, assuming the phone does not drop calls (which does not, I even tried in-store with the network OVERLOADED).

or maybe they will suggest that if you're not wearing their new "rubber glove" you're not cool enough
12 Dec 2003
Ok so, I just got an email saying my 32gb iPhone 4 is waiting for me at the apple store, do I still go buy it or wait and see whats happening with this conference?

I got my email today as well. I went and got it because even if they announce something relevant I've still got 2 weeks in which I can return it and if I didn't get it today they would have given it to someone else tomorrow and then I'd be stuck on a waiting list again.
25 Jul 2006
I really doubt they're going fix anything and they won't recall the phone.

If reports of the last few days are correct and Apple were warned months in advance it could drop calls, they would have fixed it then if they were going to at all.

Don't know what they're going to do later that requires a meeting but we haven't got long to wait.
26 Jan 2006
I got my email today as well. I went and got it because even if they announce something relevant I've still got 2 weeks in which I can return it and if I didn't get it today they would have given it to someone else tomorrow and then I'd be stuck on a waiting list again.

My point exactly, Apple had been building the "mindsharing" thing everyone is on about for a reason. To cash in on it it a difficult situation like this one. It is a business for their shareholders, and a lifestyle choice for those ready to part with their hard earned cash for the "cool" factor.
14 Dec 2005
Oh for the love of God. There will be no recall!

There, prediction over with.


I'm hoping for a volunartily recall. I.E. if you have a problem with it you can get it swapped at an Apple Store, otherwise Nothing to see here, carry on.

It's weird.... today I'm in the office that can see the Apple store as per the launch and they're all taking the wee-wee out of me for buying one at launch! Annoyingly I'm off to Malta on Monday, so won't be able to do whatever recall Apple announce!
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