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18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Indeed, and their position is not a good one.

Google and HTC must be having a good laugh at this :p

Dont forget RIM aka Blackberry too...all hell has broken loose over at crackberry...hilarious to see Apple make an absolute shambles of a press conference.

Gonna ring up Apple tommorrow about my order and see if they throw in a free bumper...
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
What do they think over there about the BB9700 being shown as suffering the same problem? And RIM aren't even giving out free cases. :(

Apple said its the same problem, in reality the iPhone 4 problem is more potent than most other phones.

You know this.
25 Jul 2006
Apple said its the same problem, in reality the iPhone 4 problem is more potent than most other phones.

You know this.

I don't have the same facilities as Apple to do any test (I wish I did it looks amazing) so I can only go off their testing...

In our tests, the BlackBerry Bold 9700 dropped from 5 bars to 1 bar when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

Compared to.

In our tests, iPhone 4 dropped from 3 bars to 1 bar when held in a way that attenuated the signal.

I drop 2 bars when I hold my phone in the death grip so the results are the same.
28 Dec 2004
Apple said its the same problem, in reality the iPhone 4 problem is more potent than most other phones.

You know this.

Indeed it is a more potent problem. I've had loads of different phones over the years, and never had any problem remotely like this. I've never had to think about how I hold my phone.

"Just don't hold it that way" - you're having a laugh right ??? :confused:
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
What do they think over there about the BB9700 being shown as suffering the same problem? And RIM aren't even giving out free cases. :(

Fact is i looked at the apple video myself regarding the 9700 and i have exactly the same amount of bars a full 5 bars...have held it for about 5 mins at least trying to replicate the signal loss issue...as of yet no bars have dropped...i even tried at my office today as well where the signal isnt great as im surrounded by tall buildings and yet again i had 4 bars of signal and it stayed there;)

They are running a poll and so far 13% suffer from the death grip signal loss and a resounding 73% say they dont suffer that issue.

Also RIM the manufacturers of BB's have been making radios for a very long time, a lot of longer than apple for instance....but one thing im confident of RIM is that if there was an issue then they would sort it out but not take the arrogant stick 2 fingers up at their consumers and say oh ok we will give you a free case because we like charging you stupid amounts of money for something that has an inherent fault with it.

I dont discount that other phones do suffer from signal loss but not on the scale that the iphone4 does..Anyhow a free case or bumper is as good as we will get from apple i suppose.
25 Jul 2006
Hmm... one thing I just noticed, the HTC Droid Eris has the antenna at the top of the phone. I thought this was against FCC regulations?
20 Jun 2004
To be perfectly frank, if I wanted a crappy case (which let's face it the bumper IS)- I would buy one. The fact of the matter is that I wanted an iPhone 4, something that should work on it's own. It clearly doesn't and so Apple are completely in the wrong. I've NEVER had to buy a case to stop signal loss on any other phone I have ever owned. This is the most expensive phone I have ever bought and it's the worst to actually make calls on.

Giving me a crap piece of rubber and plastic that is flimsy and doesn't even fit properly on the phone is ridiculous. They must have known the problem existed and so designed these "bumpers" to fix it... Pathetic.
1 Nov 2005
I find this all quite funny. If a rubber band solves the problem, why not give the design of the phone a rubber band, like the HTC HD2? Doesn't require a design engineer to work that out
12 Dec 2003
They are running a poll and so far 13% suffer from the death grip signal loss and a resounding 73% say they dont suffer that issue.

13% suffer, 73% dont... stupid question maybe but where is the other 14%? :D

My iPhone 4 seems to have more bars when I pick it up (full) then when its sitting in my dock on standby (1-2).. :confused:
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