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20 Oct 2002
North West
Fact is i looked at the apple video myself regarding the 9700 and i have exactly the same amount of bars a full 5 bars...have held it for about 5 mins at least trying to replicate the signal loss issue...as of yet no bars have dropped...i even tried at my office today as well where the signal isnt great as im surrounded by tall buildings and yet again i had 4 bars of signal and it stayed there;)

Here's your major flaw, it depends entirely on the signal you're receiving at the time...or reported to receive.

I can hold my phone at work - where I get full 3G and I cannot replicate the issue.

At a friends house where I get 3-4 bars 3G I CAN replicate the issue.

Spawn, you keep this forum entertaining (but that isn't a compliment to you!)
1 Nov 2005
If the rubber band solves the problem, why didn't the design incorporate a rubber band? It's not exactly an engineering breakthrough to cover metal with an insulator
3 Feb 2008
I'm impressed (and unsurprised) how some of you are taking this news. First you're told you're holding it wrong, then you're told it's a software fix, then you're told it's neither and to help you forget about being lied too we'll give you a free rubber band... And you're still finding this acceptable behaviour. The arrogance with which this has been handled is downright impressive, and that /antenna page is a perfect illustration of why not to buy an Apple product, let alone an iPhone 4.

Have to hand it to them, they've built one HELL of a sturdy fanbase.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
13% suffer, 73% dont... stupid question maybe but where is the other 14%? :D

My iPhone 4 seems to have more bars when I pick it up (full) then when its sitting in my dock on standby (1-2).. :confused:

Well the other 14% say that it does drop signal but then gains it back


Link to the poll

Here's your major flaw, it depends entirely on the signal you're receiving at the time...or reported to receive.

I can hold my phone at work - where I get full 3G and I cannot replicate the issue.

At a friends house where I get 3-4 bars 3G I CAN replicate the issue.

Spawn, you keep this forum entertaining (but that isn't a compliment to you!)

No **** Sherlock....give yourself a cookie for your awesome observation there...Of course it depends on the signal your receiving:confused:...i get full signal at home and not once has my BB9700 dropped a bar when held in the death grip...hell i can take a video of it to prove it to you....same thing with my office at work...i get at best 3-4 bars and today i tried it and lost about one bar but then slowly gained that bar ie 4 bars went to 3 then went back up to 4 within a few seconds.

Thats awesome that you can replicate the signal but i cant;) so i dont get what your trying to prove really...most people have this issue and some dont.

And yes i know i keep this forum entertaining...as entertaining as the apple fanboi's who cant admit that their precious iphones have an inherent flaw;)...as i said to someone earlier its fanboy-ism at its best:p

No need to get offended fella by my comments...its only an opinion/observation of what i have seen lol.
25 Jul 2006
Yet you keep denying that the BB has the same problem, even 13% of the people on the forum you visit suffer from the same problem and you're denying it.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I think at the end of the day the iPhone 4 has this problem, no doubt.

There is also no doubt (among professionals/websites etc) that the problem is more potent than on many other phones.

There is also no question as to whether pretty much all phones do suffer from some kind of issue like this, they always have.

Apple's handling of this clear issue hasn't been great, although there wasn't a great deal they could do or say.

If you find it affects you personally in a bad way, you can return the phone and get a HTC Desire instead :p
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
The thing is with Spawn, he's such a blackberry fanboy that i struggle to actually listen to anything he has to say on the matter :)

:rolleyes: awwww diddums...did my opinions hurt your poor ikkle apple feelings??

I may be a blackberry fanboi but the difference is that i can also be objective about the shortcomings of the Blackberry and i freely admit them when people ask me their opinions of it...i dare you to find anywhere where i have said the Blackberry is the bestest device in the whole wide world!!!111!!!...ill bet you you cant because im not that much of a fanatical fanboi.

The fact that you apple fanboi's, not all of you but some of you especially just cant see past your noses and realise that the iphone4 does have an inherent fault with the design and attenna but you will accept any old excuse from Jobs and co ie your holding it wrong to its only a phone lol...boy is that some arrogance from apple or what...the decent thing they should do is recall them back and fix the problem properly but no they have taken the easy option of giving out free cases to help alleviate the issue. Still thats better than nothing or Jobs saying your holding it wrong and that its not an issue.

I think you'll find the term is "fanboi"...and that's fact!


Yeh takes one to know one eh Robert;)

7 Oct 2004
Well the other 14% say that it does drop signal but then gains it back


Link to the poll

No **** Sherlock....give yourself a cookie for your awesome observation there...Of course it depends on the signal your receiving:confused:...i get full signal at home and not once has my BB9700 dropped a bar when held in the death grip...hell i can take a video of it to prove it to you....same thing with my office at work...i get at best 3-4 bars and today i tried it and lost about one bar but then slowly gained that bar ie 4 bars went to 3 then went back up to 4 within a few seconds.

Thats awesome that you can replicate the signal but i cant;) so i dont get what your trying to prove really...most people have this issue and some dont.

And yes i know i keep this forum entertaining...as entertaining as the apple fanboi's who cant admit that their precious iphones have an inherent flaw;)...as i said to someone earlier its fanboy-ism at its best:p

No need to get offended fella by my comments...its only an opinion/observation of what i have seen lol.

Your blackberry has a serious problem from what i can understand, it dropped signal when you gripped it near the antenna mate. Have you thought about making a post regarding that on cackberry?
25 Jul 2006
Your blackberry has a serious problem from what i can understand, it dropped signal when you gripped it near the antenna mate. Have you thought about making a post regarding that on cackberry?

Nope, he's sure that if the BB had a problem like that (13% of the users on crackberry must be wrong) then RIM would sort it out. ;)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Yet you keep denying that the BB has the same problem, even 13% of the people on the forum you visit suffer from the same problem and you're denying it.

Look either read my posts correctly or dont bother replying to them...what i am saying is that no matter what i do with MY BB9700 i DO NOT suffer any signal loss...now if someone elses 9700 suffers from signal loss then fair enough but mine doesnt...thats not to say it DOESNT suffer from signal loss because all phones suffer some signal loss but not as much as the iphone4 does...like robbieftw has said a few times the iphone4 seems to be more potent compared to other phones losing signal

Now i linked to a bb poll about people suffering from the signal loss and ive only posted what the results were in that 73% of BB 9700 users do not suffer any signal loss...im not making it up...its there in black and white;)

Dear god some of you apple fanboi's in here are hilarious to say the least...wake up and open your eyes...apple is taking you for a ride...its as simple as that.

Anyhow ive decided to cancel my order as it is...i was hoping apple would have come up with a better fix than just handing out free cases/bumpers....its a shame as i was looking forward to getting it but i think ill hang fire for a few mths and see if they actually fix the problem rather than give free cases out....if not then ill just wait till next yr and see what the new iphone4 brings out:p
7 Oct 2004
Nope, he's sure that if the BB had a problem like that (13% of the users on crackberry must be wrong) then RIM would sort it out. ;)

Oh, well then!

Spawn i assume you've sent off numerous emails to Mike Lazaridis, moaning about how annoying it is that when you grip your phone in a certain manner you lose a couple of bars worth of signal? :mad: I can't believe you're not getting your full 5 bars worth, it's absolutely despicable! Have you tried putting a condom around it yet? I hear it's a great solution to recover that extra bar of signal mate :)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Your blackberry has a serious problem from what i can understand, it dropped signal when you gripped it near the antenna mate. Have you thought about making a post regarding that on cackberry?

Roffles....it isnt a problem to the extent your precious iphone has where it drops the signal to no signal...i dont suffer that problem;).

Point proven...apple fanboi here who cant get into his thick skull that his iphone is inherently flawed...awesome just awesome lol
7 Oct 2004
Roffles....it isnt a problem to the extent your precious iphone has where it drops the signal to no signal...i dont suffer that problem;).

Point proven...apple fanboi here who cant get into his thick skull that his iphone is inherently flawed...awesome just awesome lol

Cheeeeesus, stop getting your knickers in a twist you woman. You're getting more worked up over the issue than any of the Apple 'fanbois' you pillock!
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Oh, well then!

Spawn i assume you've sent off numerous emails to Mike Lazaridis, moaning about how annoying it is that when you grip your phone in a certain manner you lose a couple of bars worth of signal? :mad: I can't believe you're not getting your full 5 bars worth, it's absolutely despicable! Have you tried putting a condom around it yet? I hear it's a great solution to recover that extra bar of signal mate :)

And another one to the list:p....keep em coming guys you really are out doing yourselves with your idiotic posts:p
25 Jul 2006
Roffles....it isnt a problem to the extent your precious iphone has where it drops the signal to no signal...i dont suffer that problem;).

Point proven...apple fanboi here who cant get into his thick skull that his iphone is inherently flawed...awesome just awesome lol

It drops 2 bars, whereas the BB 9700 drops from 5 to 1. Now hopefully you'll understand how inherently flawed the BB must be also. :)

P.S. every time you reduce someones point of view down to them being a fanboy it just makes you look silly. If you can't have a discussion don't post.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Cheeeeesus, stop getting your knickers in a twist you woman. You're getting more worked up over the issue than any of the Apple 'fanbois' you pillock!

Roffles...again another awesomely idiotic post by an apple fanboi.

Not getting worked up at all lol...why would i??...my phone doesnt go from 5 bars to no signal within a few seconds...thats the difference there:p...but again your too blinded by your apple ignorance:p
4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
Roffles....it isnt a problem to the extent your precious iphone has where it drops the signal to no signal...i dont suffer that problem;).

Point proven...apple fanboi here who cant get into his thick skull that his iphone is inherently flawed...awesome just awesome lol

Except it doesn't drop to no signal, they already shows it drops pretty much no more calls than the 3GS.

If I have 1 bar signal and I death grip the hell out of it I don't loose signal.
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