*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
It drops 2 bars, whereas the BB 9700 drops from 5 to 1. Now hopefully you'll understand how inherently flawed the BB must be also. :)

P.S. every time you reduce someones point of view down to them being a fanboy it just makes you look silly. If you can't have a discussion don't post.

**** me i give up...go and see if you can find anywhere on the internet that says the 9700 suffers from an inherent flaw or is an inherently flawed device...and id like to see you bring up anything regarding that via a recognised website ie engadget etc

Go ahead knock yourself out because you wont find any:p.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Except it doesn't drop to no signal, they already shows it drops pretty much no more calls than the 3GS.

If I have 1 bar signal and I death grip the hell out of it I don't loose signal.

But thats only happened since the 'fix' or the update that was issued last night right??...because before that it did go from 5 to no signal pretty easily.
7 Oct 2004
Roffles...again another awesomely idiotic post by an apple fanboi.

Not getting worked up at all lol...why would i??...my phone doesnt go from 5 bars to no signal within a few seconds...thats the difference there:p...but again your too blinded by your apple ignorance:p

Mate seriously if you think that the most annoying thing in life is that a phone drops a couple of bars if i hold it in my left hand you need to take a minute out and have a ponder about things!

The fact that you're so inherently frustrated that people aren't reacting to your posts is funny enough, but you don't need to spend days and days trying to tell people who own the phone that theirs is broke... I can tell you i get along with mine absolutely fine :D
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Some people in here are clearly being Apple fanboys, which is quite tiresome.

There IS a problem with the iPhone 4 that wasn't an issue on the 3GS. It has the 'standard' signal problem that all phones suffer from too.

As tested by the public (some fanboys, some not), there is a more potent issue with the iPhone 4 as I have said already.

If you choose to deny that, put yourself in the Apple blind-fan category.

It's hardly worth arguing about to be honest, either buy it, or dont. There are plenty of other phones you could easily consider better than the iPhone 4.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Some people in here are clearly being Apple fanboys, which is quite tiresome.

There IS a problem with the iPhone 4 that wasn't an issue on the 3GS. It has the 'standard' signal problem that all phones suffer from too.

As tested by the public (some fanboys, some not), there is a more potent issue with the iPhone 4 as I have said already.

If you choose to deny that, put yourself in the Apple blind-fan category.

It's hardly worth arguing about to be honest, either buy it, or dont. There are plenty of other phones you could easily consider better than the iPhone 4.

Spot on Robbieftw...i now wonder why i even posted anything about BB's in here:p...its the same over at crackberry as well lol.

Anyhow my interest in the iphone4 is dead now...although ill still follow any new developments if they happen or occur.
20 Sep 2009
* Samsung I9000 Galaxy S: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LROTHrTR92k

* Droid Incredible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDE941PzQk

* Droid Incredible (With Network Extender in Room): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEQH...eature=related

* Nexus One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEIA_lMwqJA

* Nexus One vs. iPhone (start at 1:29): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvMoV4_C4aA

* Nexus One: http://posterous.com/getfile/files.p...n_-_iPhone.m4v

* Nexus One (after Google's update to correct): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2g5J4qPp54

* Nexus One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deCkjeHYT-g

* Android G1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CDaxhjUs9M

* "Major signal degradation when Nexus One is picked up" (N1 Thread on On this Problem): http://www.google.com/support/forum/...9184c33e&hl=en

And as I have said multiple times, I can also replicate it exactly the same on a Samsung Jet.

I initially jumped on the Bandwagon that it was a serious issue (as i previously said in this thread) due to the media hype, but really, looking at it in comparison to others, and looking at why the iPhone was picked up on:

- They made a point about their external antenna, putting more attention on it when it finally came out
- The bridge is clearly visible
- It is the only phone to gather that much hype, pretty much ever.
7 Oct 2004
Some people in here are clearly being Apple fanboys, which is quite tiresome.

There IS a problem with the iPhone 4 that wasn't an issue on the 3GS. It has the 'standard' signal problem that all phones suffer from too.

As tested by the public (some fanboys, some not), there is a more potent issue with the iPhone 4 as I have said already.

If you choose to deny that, put yourself in the Apple blind-fan category.

It's hardly worth arguing about to be honest, either buy it, or dont. There are plenty of other phones you could easily consider better than the iPhone 4.

I absolutely agree that there's a design flaw and there is a problem with the antenna, what i don't agree with is that it renders the phone unusable. I can live with making a phone call with 2 bars signal instead of 4, as long as the call doesn't drop then i'm a happy chappy :)
25 Jul 2006
**** me i give up...go and see if you can find anywhere on the internet that says the 9700 suffers from an inherent flaw or is an inherently flawed device...and id like to see you bring up anything regarding that via a recognised website ie engadget etc

Go ahead knock yourself out because you wont find any:p.

:confused: What? 13% of the users on Crackberry.com are suffering from it, you posted the number yourself. Have you got a short-term memory problem?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Mate seriously if you think that the most annoying thing in life is that a phone drops a couple of bars if i hold it in my left hand you need to take a minute out and have a ponder about things!

The fact that you're so inherently frustrated that people aren't reacting to your posts is funny enough, but you don't need to spend days and days trying to tell people who own the phone that theirs is broke... I can tell you i get along with mine absolutely fine :D

Its not annoying to me and neither is it fustrating....far from it in all honesty lol...i just find it hilarious that you blind apple fanboi's ie you and mr sly cant actually accept that your devices have an inherent flaw with them and have put up with apples lame excuses or half arsed measures in trying to rectify them...thats both sad and hilarious at the same time.

Im happy you get on fine with yours...sure you probably dont suffer from the signal loss or whatever but the fact is plenty of people do.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Spot on Robbieftw...i now wonder why i even posted anything about BB's in here:p...its the same over at crackberry as well lol.

Anyhow my interest in the iphone4 is dead now...although ill still follow any new developments if they happen or occur.

Indeed, I cannot replicate the issue to the same extent (on the same network, connected to the same mast) on my HTC Desire, Nokia N900, iPhone 3GS, HTC Hero.

They do lose a bar when you pick them up, but that is expected from any (modern) phone depending on signal etc. The iPhone 4 is a bit worse.

I know that stating that in here will create unrest among the Apple herd and I do not wish to cause that, as I've said, there is a clear problem, and it is a shame, but its not the end of the world by any means.
25 Jul 2006
**** me i give up...go and see if you can find anywhere on the internet that says the 9700 suffers from an inherent flaw or is an inherently flawed device...and id like to see you bring up anything regarding that via a recognised website ie engadget etc

Go ahead knock yourself out because you wont find any:p.

Its not annoying to me and neither is it fustrating....far from it in all honesty lol...i just find it hilarious that you blind apple fanboi's ie you and mr sly cant actually accept that your devices have an inherent flaw with them and have put up with apples lame excuses or half arsed measures in trying to rectify them...thats both sad and hilarious at the same time.

Im happy you get on fine with yours...sure you probably dont suffer from the signal loss or whatever but the fact is plenty of people do.

:confused: Now you're really confusing me? When have I said the iPhone doesn't have a flaw with the signal? Please search my posts and show me, I'm sure you'll see the post where I said my signal dropped after the update and it didn't before.


Few videos for you to check out, seeing as you're still refusing to believe. :)
7 Oct 2004
i just find it hilarious that you blind apple fanboi's ie you and mr sly cant actually accept that your devices have an inherent flaw with them

I absolutely agree that there's a design flaw and there is a problem with the antenna

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
:confused: What? 13% of the users on Crackberry.com are suffering from it, you posted the number yourself. Have you got a short-term memory problem?

You made the claim that BB's are inherently flawed devices right??..

13% of the users of BB's suffer from signal loss...that doesnt mean that the device is inherently flawed...do you actually understand that??...whereas if 70% or more are suffering from signal loss issues then logic dictates that it is indeed a flawed device...come on you surely can see the logic in that??

Anyhow still waiting for you to back up your claims...in your own words here
mr.sly said:
It drops 2 bars, whereas the BB 9700 drops from 5 to 1. Now hopefully you'll understand how inherently flawed the BB must be also.

Those were your exact words so go on please show me where any recognised website has said its inherently flawed...whereas tons of websites have mentioned the issue.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
OK guys Im kinda getting fed up with all this one-upmanship and baiting thats happening in this thread, though unfortunately it doesnt appear atypical looking at other areas of the forums. Can we start acting like adults and actually posting either useful advice or opinions that arent coated with spite?

The new iPhone has a problem which some owners are experiencing, while others seemingly arent (or not as significant to cause them to affect their daily usage) and it seems this issue happens in other smartphones, but it far more obvious in the new iPhone. Surely then its really in all our interests that we hope Apple (in this particular situation) do something about this? The general consensus here is that to date all Apple have done to address this is a clever PR stunt to shift blame either to over-zealous media reporting or to say its an inherent issue with antenna technology and so a fix doesnt exist currently.

Their solution so far is to provide cases/bumpers to minimise attenuation which again has been received by the masses which correlates to their perceived weight of the issue. Some think its papering over cracks, while others are happy to disregard the gesture as its not a product-breaking issue for them specifically in the first place. Apple are a business, first and foremost (to a few its a religion), so the minimal outlay to get this 'fixed' the better, so lets not delude ourselves that Apple 'owe' us 'x' and is looking our for us Apple fanboys. I dont think thats particular arrogant, just good business sense, but I concede that how Apple present it is far more than admirable, where they appear to be doing us a favour...

So its obvious the value of the fix so far relates directly to the value you put against the issue in the first place, so its a given that people are going to differ in this opinion - thats just human nature - so why cant others accept this?

Finally for all the guys that feel they need to slate iPhone owners opinions by stating they are fanboys, if that is true and they have such blind faith in the product then the question must be is who is the most deluded - the Apple fanboy 'blindly' defending the product or the person who already considers the issues the biggest thing since sliced bread, but still continually represents in this thread as a probable iPhone owner? Whatever your persuasion, if you are after an iPhone its in all our best interest to get the best outcome. If you arent at all interested, wtf are you still in this thread for?

Theres nothing like a perfect product and where there are these flaws then its up to the end user (and only them) to decide if its right for them - its the eye of the beholder...

Anyway theres a point somewhere in there (aswell as an unexpected summary of the issue/fix so far) - I seemed to have rambled as I tend to do when tired. Lets grow up eh?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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