*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

25 Jul 2006
Really? I can't believe Apple aren't going to sneak a hardware revision in under the radar at some point. If they don't and keep producing the exact same hardware we have at the moment, I reckon the iPhone 5 is a fair bit closer than it was a few weeks back.
Honestly, why would anyone buy one now? "Wow, is that the iPhone 4? Can I have a look?" "Yeah, here you are. No, wait, hold it here and here..."

:( I wish I'd thought of this before buying mine now. What happens when I want to show my phone to a friend in a low-signal area and they suddenly decide to make a phone call on my phone?
25 Jul 2006
I don't think there is. You either accept this is what happens with smart-phones, not just the iPhone 4, and get on with it or you don't buy one. Its as simple as that.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
I didn't ask you to post, if you can't have a discussion, this probably isn't the place for you.

Oh please...get off your high horse;)...who are you to tell people where they can have a discussion or not??:confused:..

For your info he was having a discussion but he hit a brick wall when he started one with you:p...so rather than waste his time hes decided to leave it there.
25 Jul 2006
LOL i admire your continued insistence but tbh its best to leave it as the apple fanboi's wont accept that their iphone4 is faulty by design and the non apple fanboi's wont accept that the apple fanboi's are blind to the obvious truth:p:D

You've tried this before. :p Not once have I said there isn't a fault.

Have RIM sent you a case yet or fixed your problem like you said they would? ;)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
On another note...anything been said about these supposedly free cases/bumpers yet??.

Ive also heard a rumour that after sept the iphone4's will be coated in a different way so as to not cause any signal loss...is that true or BS??
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
For your info he was having a discussion but he hit a brick wall when he started one with you:p...so rather than waste his time hes decided to leave it there.

Indeed, I'd have more of a thrilling time having a debate with a brick wall :p

It might even listen to some form of reason and not stick its head in the ground too! :D
25 Jul 2006
No because RIM's phones dont need a case to get signal;) plus where have i said im having problems with my BB??...still clueless as ever and making things up now i see??;).

Earlier in the thread you stated that if a BB had any problems you were confident RIM would fix it. Yet BB does suffer the same problem (See here and here). Yet RIM keep denying they have any problems at all and they're definitely not fixing it.

But from the comments in this thread, you'd think Apple are the company who have handled this badly. Admitting a few days after launch there was a problem, then holding a press conference a few weeks later, explaining the problem in detail and giving out free cases.

Indeed, I'd have more of a thrilling time having a debate with a brick wall :p

It might even listen to some form of reason and not stick its head in the ground too! :D

When have I not listened to reason? Please link me up. :)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Earlier in the thread you stated that if a BB had any problems you were confident RIM would fix it. Yet BB does suffer the same problem (See here and here). Yet RIM keep denying they have any problems at all and they're definitely not fixing it.

But from the comments in this thread, you'd think Apple are the company who have handled this badly. Admitting a few days after launch there was a problem, then holding a press conference a few weeks later, explaining the problem in detail and giving out free cases.

God getting quite bored of this already...yes if the BB had problems ie signal loss on a major scale that the iphone4 has then im pretty sure they would fix it if need be but because they havent then theres no reason as to why RIM would fix something that isnt a major issue...also RIM/BB wouldnt release a phone to the general public if it was having massive signal loss when being held...a point you clearly keep missing and me having to explain it to you is getting tiresome now. Just admit that the iphone4 has a major defect in its design...simples...its good of Apple to hand out free cases/bumpers to help alleviate the problem but it would have been better if they had actually tested the iphone4 to see if the design of the phone would hamper signal quality...clearly they didnt so deserve all the mud thats been flinged at them especially with Jobs and his statements when it was clear that the iphone4 did have a major problem and they werent willing to take it seriously enough until it was too late ie media coverage etc.

The only good thing is that at least phone manufacturers will sit up and take notice that with some designs of the attennae it could very well cause issues so thanks to apple for that;).
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12 Feb 2009
Iv only really been keeping track of the signal issue over the radio and the odd bit iv read here and there. Iv not got a iPhone 4 but have had a few iPhone 2G's in the past and a Bold 9700 now.

I just wanted to voice my opinion on this "fix" apple have come up with. I think its a total joke and would be very very annoyed after spending a lot of money for it to have problems doing its main job, making calls etc. If i had brought one i would keep returning it under warranty until I either got one that worked perfectly or they let me get a different phone.

I am no way a fanboi of any manufacturer as iv used all but LG in the past and I would love another iPhone but I wouldn't pay top money for a item that is severely flawed in its core function.

mr.sly I dont understand how you can either blame the user for not been in a perfect signal area or say it happens to every smart phone as Tbh iv never heard of it before.

I expect Apple will get a backlash for this bodge they have come up with and be forced to release a updated version of the phone. A company like Apple surely cant keep making and selling it knowing full well its a faulty product?
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Just leave it Spawn, trying to explain simple facts/reason to some people on here is like trying to get blood out of a stone. You just cant do it (unless its a magical stone :eek: :p)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Just leave it Spawn, trying to explain simple facts/reason to some people on here is like trying to get blood out of a stone. You just cant do it (unless its a magical stone :eek: :p)

Yeh you do have a point...im actually so bored of this that ive been sat in my office for the past 10 mins trying to get my blasted 9700 to drop signal:eek: but to no success...and my signal here in Canary wharf isnt that great tbqh.

I feel almost left out that my BB just wont lose signal..maybe i got a super duper attenna in my 9700:p:D

EDIT: Oh and regarding those 2 videos of the BB's losing signal when held??...i dont see what the point is??...if you could show me proof that 95% of the BB's out there do suffer from signal loss when being held like the iphone4 then fair enough but 2 random examples doesnt really prove anythuing other than that yeh sure there are probably BB's and other phones that do suffer from a signal loss issue when held but not to the extent that the iphone4s do...thats the point in trying to make and i dont recall ever saying that BB's dont suffer from signal loss when being held...the poll last week on crackberry showed that approx 15% of BB's do suffer from the issue as well but you wont find many people complaining about that...us BB users have other complaints ie web browsing is rubbish etc etc:p
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