*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Stop it! You're not allowed to speak positively about the iPhone 4!

Of course you are. It's a superb phone and there are many, many positives about it.

You just aren't allowed to stick your fingers in your ears and say 'LaLaLaLa' at the first sign of a problem (like some people have) :)

Still, it was to be expected.
3 Nov 2008
Next Apple press release:

''Anouncing iFinger!!'' ''Remember all those problems with our magical iPhone 4? Well we dont!

Now you never have to hear them again, simply take the iFingers and put them in your ears plug into your iPhone and YOU can listen to our iPropoganda on constant loop to sooth those post iProduct puchase nerves!''*

*Only $89.99, will not be given away free if new problems arise with current or future iProducts, will not prevent problems from exisiting iProducts or fix faults with exisiting hardware or software*
13 Feb 2006
South West
Picked up a 32 GB at O2 last week as an upgrade to my trusty 3G & have been very happy with it.

Picked up a bumper as well to be prepared :p But being totally honest even living in a not particularly strong signal area I can't say I have needed to use it, signal has been fine in my experience to date.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Next Apple press release:

''Anouncing iFinger!!'' ''Remember all those problems with our magical iPhone 4? Well we dont!

Now you never have to hear them again, simply take the iFingers and put them in your ears plug into your iPhone and YOU can listen to our iPropoganda on constant loop to sooth those post iProduct puchase nerves!''*

*Only $89.99, will not be given away free if new problems arise with current or future iProducts, will not prevent problems from exisiting iProducts or fix faults with exisiting hardware or software*

12 Oct 2005
left abit no your other l
Board of the problems now, i think like most people.

Its got to the point where its just stupid now i dont think i should ever go to see my Nan and have her tell me about the iPhone 4's signal problems when she couldnt tell i am using one. Its just everywhere and if i am honest i havent found the problem that bad some times its slower over 3g then i would like and using it in a case fixes the problem but i dont really like the case.

I will take the free bumper or case i like the look of and prob never use it and just see what apple say come september, if its a software fix or a replacement iPhone or even a live with with it, i will be happy.

The phone is a lot better then my orignal iPhone and better then my G1, i can make phone calls without problems and thats all the matters yes the 3g might be slow when holding it but most places i go have wifi and if it really bugs me a case it is.
13 Oct 2004
I agree, the whole thing was blown out of proportion.

I have the iPhone 4. Do I have the "issue", where the bars go down? Yes.

Has it ever resulted in a single dropped call? No. Do my data speeds suffer? No. Is it still, quite simply, the best phone I have ever used? Yup. :)

If there is one thing that does annoy me, it's the bar "adjustment" included in the latest update. It now shows me as having 3 bars rather than 5 in the house, and while this may be a more accurate reflection of my signal strength, I want my bars back! :p
10 Sep 2008
I agree, the whole thing was blown out of proportion.

I have the iPhone 4. Do I have the "issue", where the bars go down? Yes.

Has it ever resulted in a single dropped call? No. Do my data speeds suffer? No. Is it still, quite simply, the best phone I have ever used? Yup. :)

If there is one thing that does annoy me, it's the bar "adjustment" included in the latest update. It now shows me as having 3 bars rather than 5 in the house, and while this may be a more accurate reflection of my signal strength, I want my bars back! :p

Now download the speedtest APP and get real facts instead of "it seems the same speed"
31 Jul 2008
Now download the speedtest APP and get real facts instead of "it seems the same speed"

Why? If it seems the same who cares?

Why is it people that dont even own an iPhone 4 are so bothered about this? No ones returning them and most people seem thoroughly bored of the subject so why keep going on?
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10 Sep 2008
It's because people don't care that there phone DOES have a problem after spending £500 on a phone.

If you don't care about chucking money away like that then thats fine, but when people try and make out there is no problem when it has been proven by fact it gets annoying
31 Jul 2008
It's because people don't care that there phone DOES have a problem after spending £500 on a phone.

If you don't care about chucking money away like that then thats fine, but when people try and make out there is no problem when it has been proven by fact it gets annoying

Everyone knows that there is a problem with the antenna - but if in real world use it doesnt seem to affect you why stress about it and keep posting the same thing over and over? You dont even own an iPhone so why do you even care?
17 Jun 2008
I'm not to fussed about this antenna issue etc but I just wondering if anyone else has this issue:

Sometimes when I unlock the phone or generally hold it (1 finger might be touching the left hand side, or holding it left handed) I get the stupid network settings alert pop up :p Telling me that their is no signal and would I like to change my settings or dismiss. This happens around 2-3 times a day and I find it fairly annoying as when I was calling someone it auto loaded the network settings -.-

I also had my 3rd drop call the other day and another time it rang once then said call couldn't be connected or something. My signal isn't amazing at my house (around 3 bars) which is generally when this happens, but it also happens at work which is around 1-2 bars.
17 Oct 2002
Sometimes when I unlock the phone or generally hold it (1 finger might be touching the left hand side, or holding it left handed) I get the stupid network settings alert pop up :p Telling me that their is no signal and would I like to change my settings or dismiss. This happens around 2-3 times a day and I find it fairly annoying as when I was calling someone it auto loaded the network settings

This only happened to me when I manually selected my carrier (in my case, Orange), if I left it to automatic then it hasn't done it.
13 Oct 2004
It's because people don't care that there phone DOES have a problem after spending £500 on a phone.

If you don't care about chucking money away like that then thats fine, but when people try and make out there is no problem when it has been proven by fact it gets annoying

No, what gets annoying is when people take on holier-than-thou attitudes and think they're the only one with a valid opinion.

I bought the phone, I'm happy with it. The end. Any questions?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
I agree, the whole thing was blown out of proportion.

Yes the whole thing was blown out of proportion...and you know why that is?...its because some arrogant ****** of a CEO ie Jobs basically stuck a big fat middle finger to his loyal customers when he said that your holding it wrong then went onto say that its only a phone:rolleyes:.

Now if he hadnt said those things then maybe it wouldnt have been blown out of proportion by the media...if he had kept his fat mouth shut and let his PR people do the talking then he wouldnt have looked like an arse that he is.

But on the other side it was bound to be blown up because of the simple fact that the iphone is a very popular phone, in fact probably the most hyped up phone of our generation so when people started complaining about the reception issue it wouldnt have taken a genius to figure out that this was something that was quite huge and the media snapped it up like they normally do.

At the end of the day apple only have themselves to blame for this whole fiasco end of.

BTW did you download the public telephone locator app??...i heard its the all time popular app on the app store:p:D....and yes im joking before you get your knickers into a twist.:p

Anyhow if your enjoying your phone and arent having the reception issue ie its not affecting you then great...im looking forward to getting mine next week as its meant to be shipped this end of this week...my attitude is that if it suffers from the signal issue then ill either keep it or return it for a refund...no real biggie tbh.
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