*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

21 Feb 2003
Why is it people that dont even own an iPhone 4 are so bothered about this? No ones returning them and most people seem thoroughly bored of the subject so why keep going on?
Well said. I've stopped looking in iPhone threads so much now because the same boring things are being said over and over.

It's like people feel they are 'owed' this phone the way it's complained about. If your not happy, return it. If you've never even had one, why get so passionate about it - just buy something else. Pretty much ALL the phones do it and I'm sure we all fully accept that but there are a lot of us out there who have no issues with normal use, not sure why that is so hard to accept - oh wait, that's because we are fanboys (as apposed to anti-fanboy fanboys, which is just as bad) :rolleyes:

21 Feb 2003
Yes the whole thing was blown out of proportion...and you know why that is?...its because some arrogant ****** of a CEO ie Jobs basically stuck a big fat middle finger to his loyal customers when he said that your holding it wrong then went onto say that its only a phone:rolleyes:.
I'm assuming it wasn't this one, but what was the email supposedly sent from him early on in all this that turned out to be fake?
12 Nov 2002
In my own little world
Just when you thought Apple..

had sorted out the Iphone 4 blunder :D

Apple has approved a flashlight application which contains a hidden function: Data tethering for the iPhone. The app, named Handy Light, appeared to be yet another flashlight app, but by working through some amusing network settings and then selecting the colors in the app in the right order, it lets iPhone users share cellular internet connection with another wireless device. Predictably the app has already disappeared from the store

More here, although now it's out it can still be used on JB handsets :)

21 Oct 2002
Hi Folks,

Just wanted to ask about a few questions regarding an upgrade from my 3G to an iPhone 4.

1.) How much would I get if I sold my six month old 3G? I think I'd prefer to send it to someone like envirophone rather than sell on ebay but I can't check their websites at work.

2.) Can I use my current 3G sim in the iPhone 4? I have a 30% discount on my current tarriff through work but I can't use this on a new tarriff I take out (it was a promotion that has ended) so want to keep my current sim for the remaining 18 months of the contract. (This tarriff also offers me better texts/ mins/ data for a lot less than the current iPhone 4 tarriffs)

3.) Do I get a cover for the phone if I buy from an apple shop still or has that now stopped?

Thanks all
16 Apr 2007
With so many apps - some are bound to slip through...

Why they still approve stuff like "Mobile Phone Locator" is beyond me...
25 Jul 2006
Hi Folks,

Just wanted to ask about a few questions regarding an upgrade from my 3G to an iPhone 4.

1.) How much would I get if I sold my six month old 3G? I think I'd prefer to send it to someone like envirophone rather than sell on ebay but I can't check their websites at work.

2.) Can I use my current 3G sim in the iPhone 4? I have a 30% discount on my current tarriff through work but I can't use this on a new tarriff I take out (it was a promotion that has ended) so want to keep my current sim for the remaining 18 months of the contract. (This tarriff also offers me better texts/ mins/ data for a lot less than the current iPhone 4 tarriffs)

3.) Do I get a cover for the phone if I buy from an apple shop still or has that now stopped?

Thanks all


8GB 3G = £130
16GB 3G = £160


8GB 3G = £141
16GB 3G = £172

o2 Recycle:

8GB 3G = £124
16GB 3G = £150

2) If you buy a sim-free iPhone from Apple, you'll be able to cut down your sim card or ask o2 to send you out a Micro-Sim. Then you can swap your current tariff to the MicroSim and carry on using it.

3) If you mean the free bumpber/cases that lasts until September 30th.
13 Oct 2004
Anyhow if your enjoying your phone and arent having the reception issue ie its not affecting you then great...im looking forward to getting mine next week as its meant to be shipped this end of this week...my attitude is that if it suffers from the signal issue then ill either keep it or return it for a refund...no real biggie tbh.

And that, in my opinion, is the correct attitude to take. Of course if something doesnt work for you, then YES. Take it back and either get it replaced or get something else.

But for those of us who are happy with our purchases, let us be to enjoy them, and stop telling us we're wrong to do so please.

(That wasn't pointed at you Spawn, you were simply quoted for my previous comment. ;))



16 Aug 2006
To tether my Pre I had to SSH into the OS and install an application that you cant get in their app store! I think a lot of the time it is a restriction put in place by the carrier as I could have paid O2 for the tethering bolt on.

This thread is probably in danger of becoming anti apple when it probably should be more anti any big company putting restrictions on. It is funny that there was this function hidden in an app though.
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