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Wonder if any of our networks will copy the AT&T early upgrade that Jobs mentioned? It still seems fundamentally silly to me that no-one who bought a 3Gs on contract can upgrade to a v4 on launch!

Why? All other phone manufacturers do the same.:confused:

Did you really need a 3Gs though?

I mean, I bought the original 3G back at the time of the launch. If I'd bought a 3Gs, I'd of had to renew my contract again for another 18 months. Sure it would have been nice to have video recording and the compass, but it was obvious it was worth keeping my 18 month contract free when I came to the end of it as there was clearly going to be a new phone which was more of a worthy upgrade.

I'm sure all the UK service providers will allow people an early upgrade, however you will have to pay off the remainder of your contract.
Hmmmmm wonder if we able to use the iphone micro sim in our ipads?????? So if I sign up to a new contract with o2 etc and use that sim in the ipad aswell as my iphone
There are converters available to address this issue ;)

judging by the american contract prices for the iPhone 4 how much was the 3GS contract prices for the handset when it came out? just want to see if theres any link to PAYG handset prices....

im defo in for it too having sold the 3gs in anticipation for this, seems it was worth it now :D
so long as this is around £500 i'm sold, current on the 1st Gen one and need a new toy


Problem is it's highly unlikely T-Mobile will get it. Which is a shame! :( Means buying out my contract, switching networks, Urgh, hassle. Unless I can buy an unlocked one from Apple...whats the chances Apple will unlock them though?
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