********** The all new "Official" iPhone 4S thread - Keep all the iPhone 4S stuff in here **********

What is a stand out feature? what new phone in the last 12 months has a stand out feature? all new phones are mere speed bumps and will be for the foreseeable future.

3d phones with 3d cameras? Perhaps not your cup of tea, but miles different from previous phones.
Nail. Head. Hit.


Regarding resolution, can you see any difference in 720p on a screen this small? I mean you can't see any difference between 720p and 1080p distance dependant, surely the same applies to phones?

What is a stand out feature? what new phone in the last 12 months has a stand out feature? all new phones are mere speed bumps and will be for the foreseeable future.

I think rather this is Nail. Head. Hit.
It will be very interesting to see how well Siri actually works.

oh Apple Massive fail.
The new Nexus is gonna tear you up

I agree, the Nexus Prime will chew the iP4S and spit it out in terms of hardware specs.

Those who have a 3G or 3GS, the 4 or 4S will be a very good upgrade. For those who have a 4, it is pointless. The 4 handles everything very well, and as far as I am aware there is nothing that really requires the extra cpu speed although it will be nice.

A5 cpu - the obvious
8mp camera - obvious
1080P recording - obvious
iOS5 - already known
Ram - no mention (still 512?)
Storage - 64GB (but for that price?)

Nothing there is really better then the Galaxy S2, and that has been available for how long now? Apple is playing catch up and for those who managed to sell their iP4 like me, or were thinking about selling and actually 'upgrading' to something worthwhile, the 4S is absolutely not an option.

I wasn't really expecting anything to make me say wow, but I got even less then I expected. My only ever Apple purchase was the iP4 and I really liked it, it's a great phone but this is the perfect time to move over to Android to a far superior device which will be out very soon. Roll on Oct 11th...
still rocking the 3gs so i am going to upgrade as i missed out on the 4 as my contract was still on going
O yeah, because we all know faster clock speeds mean a better processor.

Yeah, screw this, i'm going back to my Pentium D clocked at 4.2Ghz as that is far faster than my Core Duo at 2.8Ghz.

If they were the same processor with the same architecture i can understand your point but they aren't.

They are the same processor though, just a different GPU are they not?
O, i see a Easyrider signature in this thread.

Without reading anything he's saying i'm sure he is enthralled about the revelation of the new iPhone release and has come scoffing all the way into the apple section to laud at us all about his AWESOME tech that he owns that isn't apple.

Sales figures will show otherwise.

Sheep! I like that their shares are down, and the US thinks it's a bad show...
First impressions from the us sites are it's not good enough and is 6 months too late, bit like what some of us are saying. IOS traction is down, consumers are saying they're looking away from IOS and Android has almost 50% of the US market. If you bet everything on high end phones, you need the hardware to be extremely good, not just playing catch up with everyone else. The infrastructure is perceived as being expensive overall, this won't help one bit...
3dcandy, you do realise apple is an image brand and only caters for the high end and only ever will. Total Market shares mean nothing to them, they simply don't care about low and middle ground. Their profits and users are up.
O, i see a Easyrider signature in this thread.

Without reading anything he's saying i'm sure he is enthralled about the revelation of the new iPhone release and has come scoffing all the way into the apple section to laud at us all about his AWESOME tech that he owns that isn't apple.


I was looking forward to an iphone 5 to drive the tech along.

It doesn't sadly.

Its already dead tech :p
do you think when the iclone walks out the apple store, having paid for the phone and signed up for £50 a month, with what looks like his old phone in his hand, the penny may drop?
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Someone want to answer my resolution question?
Im willing to bet there's 0 perceivable difference between IP4/s display and the 720p Samsung displays. Same way you see no benefit from 1080p over 720p at certain distances/sizes.

Have you seen the people that buy apple products?

They will buy a turd if its branded with an apple logo

Don't be absurd. Are you seriously suggesting that people would buy faeces if it had an Apple logo on it?

To coin a phrase...


Don't tar everyone with the same brush. I know many people who buy Apple products, I've never seen anyone like some of the muppets in the videos that people keep bandying about of store openings and the such.

Keep this thread on topic. It's about the iPhone 4S.
do you think when the iclone walks out the apple store having paid for the phone and signed up for £50 a month, with what looks like his old phone in his hand the penny may drop?

Its all about appearances, riiiight.

It was never an issue with the 3g -> 3gs, why is it an issue now?

Suspect its something to do with Apple's increasing success forcing more anti-Apple trolling out of the woodwork, its like 1990 -> 2005 Microsoft all over again.
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