The all things Anime related thread.

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A couple of bits of good news for Dub fans, apparently ADV have confirmed they will be dubbing FMP:TSR for Funimation which means that it should have all the normal cast returning :D
Geneon (damn almost put Genom again*) have also confirmed they will be using New Gen Pictures to dub the new Hellsing series, which means that it should have the same casting as the original one (same studio).

I've been slowly working my way through Patlabor TV when i've been up to it, and almost at the end of the series and it's been pretty good, the animation is fairly average for the age (and at times pretty poor), but the stories are ok and the characters are quite nicely done.
I had to laugh at one of the later characters reaction to anything "supernatural" compared to their normal attitude, and i'm currently watching an episode that is very definately a parady of Gundam, Thunderbirds and I think Captain Scarlet (probably a lot more but those are the ones that spring to mind).

Bandai Visual have apparently just announced an R1 Gunbuster DVD release

It's sort of made my week as it's one of my favourite OVA's and it's not had a decent R1/R2 UK release (I don't think it's ever had an R1 DVD release, and the U.K. version was very poor quality).

*Every time I have to check the spelling, for some reason (BGC) I always go to put Genom down first.
Werewolf said:
The R2 UK tin holds the second 5 DVD's I beleive- it's the same as the second R1 tin but without the OST.

I don't know if they will be releasing another tin at the end of the series for us, as the R1's have a tin with the first, 6th and 10th volumes.

Hi all i just started looking at this thread as im a big anime fan and noticed that you were talking about a lot of fullmetal alchenist box sets. I have 51 episodes and the film and was wondering if they have released more episodes now can you help please
hi there does anyone remember a series called the legend of the four kings?

It was about 4 high school kids who were dragons. I really loved the series

and wondered if its ever been released
Just thought i *** post the anime i have and see if you guys could suggest and other series or films worth watching

Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist conqueror of shambala
Elfen Lied
Gundam Wing
Streetfighter2 the movie
Sakura Diaries
Vampire Princess Miyu
Zoids Chaotic Century
Zoids New Century Zero
Outlaw Star
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the shell 2
Big O
Patlobor 1 and 2
Urotsukidoji legend of the overfiend/demon womb
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Panic Fumoflu
Shadow Skill motion picture
Lady Death motion picture
Princess Mononoke
Transformers the movie (i know its not really anime but I still love it)

All the best guys and gals and let me know if you have any ideas on what other series or fims to check out
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Shadow Phoenix said:
hi there does anyone remember a series called the legend of the four kings?

It was about 4 high school kids who were dragons. I really loved the series

and wondered if its ever been released

yeah its a classic, got em on dvd a while back, cant remember where from tho :s
Shadow Phoenix said:
hi there does anyone remember a series called the legend of the four kings?

It was about 4 high school kids who were dragons. I really loved the series

and wondered if its ever been released

It's called Legend of the Dragon Kings and it got a R1 release.

Shadow Phoenix said:
All the best guys and gals and let me know if you have any ideas on what other series or fims to check out

I would recommend:

RahXephon *Mystical giant robot stuff*
Last Exile *flying warships*
Martian Successor Nadesico *giant robots / comedy*
Bubblegum Crisis (the old one and Tokyo 2040) *crimefighting women in battle suits*
Berserk *hack and slash, blood and gore, and more blood*
Full Metal Panic! *giant robots / comedy*
Hellsing *badass vampires*
Neon Genesis Evangelion *!!!!*
Witch Hunter Robin *psychics and stuff*
Wolf's Rain *post apocalyptic wolves*
Trigun *wild west sci-fi style*
loopstah said:
It's called Legend of the Dragon Kings and it got a R1 release.

I would recommend:

RahXephon *Mystical giant robot stuff*
Last Exile *flying warships*
Martian Successor Nadesico *giant robots / comedy*
Bubblegum Crisis (the old one and Tokyo 2040) *crimefighting women in battle suits*
Berserk *hack and slash, blood and gore, and more blood*
Full Metal Panic! *giant robots / comedy*
Hellsing *badass vampires*
Neon Genesis Evangelion *!!!!*
Witch Hunter Robin *psychics and stuff*
Wolf's Rain *post apocalyptic wolves*
Trigun *wild west sci-fi style*

cheers bud hellsing is so cool it kick ass seen fullmetal panic fumoflu and that was cool is The second Raid (TSR) any good will deffinitly check out some of the others
Emo_hug said:
Also i may well be ording more from Down nder depending on how my GTO box comes along. AU $2.14:£1.

Yeah I was so happy I ordered all 3 Rurouni Kenshin boxes from themas it worked out same price as the 3 economy versions from the US. I also put in an order for Star Blazers series 1-3 as they are hard to find for R1 and it works out about £25 cheaper as well.

Emo_hug said:
I may pick up Gunbuster everyone seems to rave about it.

I just got it from ebay for £10, official R2 release. It's been announced that Bandai are releasing it for R1 though at the anime convention thing so that will probably have the remastered video. :D

Emo_hug said:
Anyoneknow if Kimagora Orand road is being picked up by anyone else? i would love to fnish this off but have got the finance to get it all in one hit at the moment what if 2 large orders last month for Manga Corp :((

Doesn't look like it at the minute but you never know. I ordered the full series from TRSI as they had it for $124. I'm hoping it's worth it, but I like the romance/ comedy types so I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
Emo_Hug Gunbuster is (in my opinion) pretty much a classic, it's a bit long to watch in a single sitting (about 3 hours), especially as it's subbed* but it's definately worth watching some time, if just for the ending:)

I've actually finished Patlabor TV now, so i'm aiming to watch a couple of other DVD's before I move onto the "New Files" OVA (have a rest from Patlabor for a few days).

*So you can't take your eyes off the screen.
Not much to add here, except my Patlabor LE arrived this morning from MVM (in a jiffy bag but unhurt), and it looks quite nice at first glance.

I noticed it has a serial number on it, 0004/1000 ;)
What are the extras like Werewolf? I'm wondering if I can justify £35 extra for a couple of artbooks and an extra disc.

Happy that my new bookcase has arrived so I finally have enough room to shelve my anime, well just about :D

Just a pity I haven't had much time to watch any as I've got a lot to do at the minute. I think I'll sort out the films and short OVAs so I can get through some in the evenings.
just watched `Porco Rosso` nice film...typical Ghibli movie ... i enjoyed it :) ...but.......
man did the ending suck or what?????
no completion to the movie or is there a sequel planned? :(
sorry for the delay in replying, i've not really looked at the Patlabor LE much yet, but have flicked through the books and they seem pretty interesting if you like Patlabor (the story boards for example seem to have sections crossed out, I assume scenes that were not done in the end), and the "Archives" book has some nice full colour illustrations and interviews etc with various people.

I'm probably not going to be able to look at the DVD's for a few days (probably a week) at least, as i've still got the 3 "new files" OVA discs to watch and a few other discs I want to watch first.

Overall at the moment i'm not sure if I would recommend the LE over the standard version as the cost difference is pretty big (it's the most expensive single disk I've bought*), but i'm looking forward to watching it and readin the books :) (it's also got me looking forward to the Patlabor 2 LE and hopefully Gunbuster LE).

ANDARIAL, I think that is it, I think we're meant to put the rest together ourselves from what is said during the film/at the end (the end if memory serves suggests that it is being told from some time after the events of the film).
*spoilers*I personally beleive that Porco's pig form was something that was related to his own subconcious and reaction towards those around him.
You see at least once during the film that he can/does change back to human form at times but seems to be unaware of it, and it only happens when he is relaxed/comfortable (IIRC he is shown as human very briefly whilst asleep).
Given his history I suspect whatever the original cause of it (didn't he mention a curse?), it's become part of his defence when dealing with people - he doesn't want to risk getting too close to anyone in case he lets them down badly and the pig form helps stop that by keeping them away.

I suspect that after the events in the film he did settle down with the cafe owner and became human perminantly but they don't come out and say it (just hint).

*I refer to single disks as anything with just one movie/one disk of a series - my previous most expensive was .hack//sign 1 (which came with a load of extras), then Escaflowne The Movie.
Galaxy Angel arrived today and the second disc had come loose and was a bit scuffed so I decided to watch it just incase.
Really enjoying what I've seen so far (upto about episode 11).
Bright, colourful, cute and funny just like I like my anime and the fact that the episodes are pretty stand alone and short mean it isn't too dull.

I'm definately getting A and Z now. :D

I might skip the LE Patlabor then, I could buy a couple of series with the money I would save.
cheers Werewolf nice explanation,you are right he did appear human once or twice.still like happy/complete films though :) don`t go much for `Deep/Meaningful` :D
back to watching Scrapped Princess now :)
loopstah, GA is funny/fun, although I found them a bit much for extended viewing :)
I really need to get Galaxy Angel A as I bought the other two series as they were originally released (I've got Mint and co under my monitor from the vol 1 + box).
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