Werewolf said:
I really cannot wait to see what they do for the R1LE (and if I should wait for a UK release - althoug that could be risky).
It took them long enough to pick it up for R1 I can't see them releasing it in R2 anytime this millenium.
Continuing the giant robot theme I watched Detonator Orgun tonight. Quite a good OVA. Looked a bit dated, but it is old so that's expected. Good story and I liked the twist, although I was slightly expecting something else to happen at the end.
I'm just a sucker for Giant Robo anime really, as my Giant Robo Perfect collection that arrived today 12 days before its release date will attest

Although the box is made of really flimsy card compared to some of the box sets I have.
EDIT: Sunday
I watched Silent Service this morning. Does exactly what it says on the tin, reminded me of Hunt for Red October a lot, quite a good submarine thriller type film, worth a watch if you like that sort of thing.
This afternoon I finally got round to watching Nightwalker, about time considering how much I had to hunt about for them. Really enjoyed this series, reminded me of a cuddly Hellsing crossed with Vampire Princess Miyu. I liked the characters and the story and some of the episodes were fantastic.
Tonight I watched Harlock Saga. Though this was great as well, I might even check out Wagners Ring Cycle now as I enjoyed it with spaceships

I've got most of the other Leiji Matsumoto stuff so I'll have to get round to watching that now as I enjoyed this one.
Think I'll watch Nadia on Mon/ Tue as that was another one I struggled to get hold of.