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Has anyone seen Kiddy Grade??

Is it worth picking up?

Just watched the first 2 episodes of Gunslinger Girl & had a quick look at the trailers on the UK disc & Kiddy Grade was on there...looked good just wanted opinions before I part with the readies :D
Well it's either that or I buy the first series of Gantz but thought I'd take your advice first ;)


I've just finished watching up to vol5 of Planetes... and it is an amazing anime.

Fantastic story telling and first class everything else (perticular mention to the opening track, one of the few that i dont skip through).

I'd highly recomend it to anyone halfway interested in just about anything.

Getting hold of vol6 and the manga seems to be a bit of a pain though.
Weeks holiday starts today so I finally had the chance to watch a bit of anime again. :D

Giant robots was todays theme with Pilot Candidate this morning. Fancy looking Goddesses, a cat eared girl, and spunky kids. Looked pretty although I thought the dub was a bit poor but I enjoyed it anyway although nothing was really explained although lots of things were hinted at. It's been done better but it wasn't as bad as FF:U :D

Tonight I watched Gunbuster. Fantastic, I can see why everyone raves about this series despite the poor job Kiseki made of the DVD I really enjoyed it. Good characters, interesting science, and the last two episodes had to be the most over-the-top battles ever. Was a bit suprised when episode 6 came on cropped in black and white but it didn't harm the story much. I will be eagerly awating the Bandai R1 release of this to get it without hard subs and with remastered video.
Loopstah how did you feel at the end of Gunbuster?

*spoilers*The bit where they say goodbye to Jung-Freud (who makes the promise that they will never forget their sacrifice), and effectively everyone and everthing they know, not even knowing if the Human race will still be there when they finally make it home.
I always well up a bit as they are on the home straight in the wrecked Gunbuster and there is no sign of life at all on earth, then those final few moments when the lights across the world come on with the message "Welcome Home" - it's one of the few film scenes that can make me a bit damp eyed just remembering it,

Re the black and white bit, I think that was a homage to the WW2 war films (hence the widescreen), and unlike many of their series not because they were running out of money:p (IIRC it cost more to buy the B&W film).

Yet again i've barely had any time to watch any anime, but i'm really enjoying disc 6 of Ah! My Goddess, and i've just finished the Tenchi Universe set.
For anyone who is interested it seems MVM are releasing their Ah! My Goddess DVD's as a set for about £30 (the ova's and movie) soon.
Werewolf said:
Loopstah how did you feel at the end of Gunbuster?

I thought it was a very touching ending.

*spoilers*The way they used still images to depict the battle against the 13 billion aliens with the stirring music playing was very well done. I think using a black hole to destroy half the galaxy counts as the most violent ending I've seen in an anime yet and the part when they rip out one of Gunbuster's collapsing engines to activate the slave cell was pretty dramatic as well.. *spoilers*
aye :)

I really cannot wait to see what they do for the R1LE (and if I should wait for a UK release - althoug that could be risky).
Werewolf said:
aye :)

I really cannot wait to see what they do for the R1LE (and if I should wait for a UK release - althoug that could be risky).

It took them long enough to pick it up for R1 I can't see them releasing it in R2 anytime this millenium. :(

Continuing the giant robot theme I watched Detonator Orgun tonight. Quite a good OVA. Looked a bit dated, but it is old so that's expected. Good story and I liked the twist, although I was slightly expecting something else to happen at the end.

I'm just a sucker for Giant Robo anime really, as my Giant Robo Perfect collection that arrived today 12 days before its release date will attest :D Although the box is made of really flimsy card compared to some of the box sets I have. :(

EDIT: Sunday

I watched Silent Service this morning. Does exactly what it says on the tin, reminded me of Hunt for Red October a lot, quite a good submarine thriller type film, worth a watch if you like that sort of thing.

This afternoon I finally got round to watching Nightwalker, about time considering how much I had to hunt about for them. Really enjoyed this series, reminded me of a cuddly Hellsing crossed with Vampire Princess Miyu. I liked the characters and the story and some of the episodes were fantastic.

Tonight I watched Harlock Saga. Though this was great as well, I might even check out Wagners Ring Cycle now as I enjoyed it with spaceships :D I've got most of the other Leiji Matsumoto stuff so I'll have to get round to watching that now as I enjoyed this one.

Think I'll watch Nadia on Mon/ Tue as that was another one I struggled to get hold of.
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I can beleive they would release it here, after all they've done the Patlabor LE and I think they are doing the Patlabor 2 LE so assuming the rights for Gunbuster have revereted (I suspect they have - IIRC Kiseki's release is oop) then there probably is no reason for them not to :)

If anyone is interested, it sounds like Bandai in the U.S. are doing their cheap box sets again soon, they've solicited a couple (Scy-ed and Witch Hunter Robin) for release later in the year with an RRP of $49.99, which with the usual DVDP discount makes them $31.77 + shipping (so probably under the customs limit unless the dollar gains on the pound).
Just finished watching Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. I love this series, it's one of my favorites now. I loved the characters, the story and the adventure.

Reminded me a lot of Willy Fog :D

Nadia did come across as a bit of a mad PETA activist at some points but she wasn't too annoying, Marie was by far the funniest character although she also had the saddest episode. I was glad to see an anime series come to a complete closure at the end for a change and I have to say the series had everything battle, adventure, love, sorrow etc and that more than made up for the sometimes dated looking animation.

I'm actually sad now it's finished. :)

Apparently Hakeugi: Legend of Moby Dick is a similar sort of series so I might check that out at some point.
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So... are a bit of an arse to sign up to. If you want to buy anything that is. Shame really, they had some nice prices. The only reason I even investigated them was my Full Metal Panic boxset from DVDPacific getting hit by cutsoms for £9, as I heard a rumour rightstuf packages were that much less likely to get hit.

Anyway, I really came here to say cheers to whoever suggested's anime sale. Good deals and items don't seem to have prices marked for customs purposes at all.
TinnionA said:
So... are a bit of an arse to sign up to. If you want to buy anything that is. Shame really, they had some nice prices. The only reason I even investigated them was my Full Metal Panic boxset from DVDPacific getting hit by cutsoms for £9, as I heard a rumour rightstuf packages were that much less likely to get hit.

It's perfectly safe though. I was a bit dubious about scanning my CC but everything's been fine. :D They tend to miss customs a lot as well unlike DVDPacific that's got pulled on about 45 out of 50 parcels :( , TRSI I've had 1 out of 7 get pulled so far and they have all been pretty big. :D

TinnionA said:
Anyway, I really came here to say cheers to whoever suggested's anime sale. Good deals and items don't seem to have prices marked for customs purposes at all.

:D Yeah, my GTO (£35) came straight through, the Ruruoni Kenshin sets got caught (£75) and parcelforce added an £8 fee ontop of the charge but my Starblazers boxes (£120) came through no problem. The Kenshin boxes came in a huge box with an invoice on the front though while the other 2 were small and had no paperwork.
I was a bit dubious about scanning my CC
why do they want that?inc the signature as well?
sounds a bit iffy to me too,is the site secure i.e. has it got encryption for ordering
and do you send your scanned cc by way would i do that !
me has no trust when it comes to my money :D
why do they want that?inc the signature as well?
sounds a bit iffy to me too,is the site secure i.e. has it got encryption for ordering
and do you send your scanned cc by way would i do that !
me has no trust when it comes to my money :D

No, you can fax it to them or upload the relevant pictures through a secure section on their site. I don't think it's particularly-well implemented but at the end of the day it's their choice how they operate. If you think about it, it's no worse than leaving your credit card details with a company for say a preorder.

You can blot out 4 digits of your credit card number in the pictures if you want(an option I chose).
ah i see ,
just about to place an order with dvd boxoffice was thinking of padding it out with`Castle Of Cagliostro`a Hayao Miyazaki film.
is it any good?worth getting?
ah i see ,
just about to place an order with dvd boxoffice was thinking of padding it out with`Castle Of Cagliostro`a Hayao Miyazaki film.
is it any good?worth getting?

I've got it but haven't watched it yet, but from what I hear it's one of the better Lupin III films.

I think DVD Boxoffice are a bit shoddy though, everything I've ever ordered from them turned out to be out of stock. Even when they implemented a stock indicator I've had stuff apparently in-stock turn out to be sold out. :mad: I've just ordered Utena: Rose Collection as it's out at DVDpacific so I'll see if it really is "In Stock, 1-5 days" or not this time.

Today I watched Heroic Legend of Arislan. I enjoyed it, sort of like Berserk without as much blood. It reminded me of something David Gemmel might do if he ever made anime. It ended a bit abruptly and some things could have been expanded a bit but overall I thought it was good.

I also watched Master of Mosquiton. Really funny. I thought this was great, the characters were funny, there was sort of a story and I laughed quite a bit. Definately not your ordinary vampire anime but a lot of fun. :D
TinnionA said:
No, you can fax it to them or upload the relevant pictures through a secure section on their site. I don't think it's particularly-well implemented but at the end of the day it's their choice how they operate. If you think about it, it's no worse than leaving your credit card details with a company for say a preorder.

You can blot out 4 digits of your credit card number in the pictures if you want(an option I chose).

Yup, IIRC it's because they cannot do full checks on foreign orders and were getting a lot of fraud.
they don't mind if you block out the middle digits of the card number (so only the first and last set are shown) if memory serves.

Re the Lupin film, I don't think it was anything like as good as the normal ghibli ones, but from memory it is pretty good :) (it used to be on Sci-fi on a regular basis).

My GITS:SAC vol6 LE arrived today from the states, and it's got (yet) another Tachikoma in it, along with a second android maid and boxy robot. :)
decided to get princess mononoke instead :)
i get 90% of my dvds from box office usual turnaround for me is about 14 days
did i hear on here that there is another Ghibli (new) film coming out soon?
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