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Full metal Panic

Having watched the orginal series of Full metal Panic , full Metal panic TSR

and Fumoffu I have to say this eries is amazing I love it as much as the likes

of Hellsing, Gundam Wing and Elfen Lied but for completly different reasons.

Are there any plans to do another series as I just cant get enough and really

would like to see how souske get on with tessa and chidori.

Was also wondering is there really on 12 episodes of Elfen Lied as its such a

great if graphic series and would really like to see more.
decided to get princess mononoke instead :)
i get 90% of my dvds from box office usual turnaround for me is about 14 days
did i hear on here that there is another Ghibli (new) film coming out soon?

Soon in Japan, it's still in production so probably wont be out here for a year or three. It's called Gedo Senki: Tales from Earthsea and is based on Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea books.
loopstah said:
Soon in Japan, it's still in production so probably wont be out here for a year or three. It's called Gedo Senki: Tales from Earthsea and is based on Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea books.
cheers for that i have heard the of that author and series before,it is quite old if i remember correctly,from my bookworm days in school lol,lets see mmmmmm jezuz must be 25 years old at least :eek: am turning into a crinkly :D
Shadow Phoenix, I beleive their is an OVA episode of Elfen Lied, but AFAIK it's not currently licenced (it covers some of the background of Lucy).

If anyone is interested, it seems Manga are doing an LE of GITS:SAC 2nd gig 7 again, tin for the series + t-shirt + tachikoma.
One of the U.K. retailers has it listed for £18 :) (i've just placed an order for it, it should take my Tachikoma count to at least 4, probably 5:p)
Anyone seen/heard anything of the new Hellsing OVAs? I heard that it was following the same story as the manga, but starting all the way back at the beginning again, which means there'll be a lot of overlap with the original tv series:( Disappointing really, especially considering SPOILER! the open-ended way in which the tv series ended, with them not having found out who Incognito was working for, and could have therefore easily continued from that point on and merged it with the manga series' storyline. END SPOILER.
Aye, i've heard of the new ova's, I think they really had to restart as the original OVA's strayed quite a way from the manga and to continue from them wouldn't have worked very well (they would have had a real problem with startng back on the manga storylines).

Has anyone else seen the Patlabor "new files" DVD's?
I'm currently watching them (they seem to basically be a continuation of the TV series), and they have some great humour at times, including possibly the best anime bath house scene i've seen to date (and when two of the characters start to get competitive whilst drinking some quite funny moments, including a third being thrown out of a window twice, and a tongue twister competition).
Thanks werewolf you always come too the rescue when it anime related :D

I was looking at your massive collection and was wondering where is the best

place to get R2 anime as most of the stuff I find alll seeems to be R1, ebay

seems ok but im always in doubt if they are proper releases or rip offs that

have been nicely done
I tend to buy a mix :)

R1's tend to be out faster than UK versions (although the gap is getting a lot smaller), because the UK releases normally use the materials prepared for the R1's.

R1's also tend to be slightly cheaper on release than the U.K. versions although that does depend on where you order from and the shipping charges (a lot tend to be about £12 compared to £15 for the U.K.) and they often do very cheap R1 sets a few months/year after the initial release :)

However, R2's are pretty much garunteed to work with the next gen players in the U.K. (something that I think is worth starting to bare in mind*), and do support the U.K market.

As for where to buy them from, fo R1's and to a lesser extent Amazon and (standard shipping is horrendus for a single disk, but if you're buying a bundle/box set or offer it can be worth it).

For R2 UK's I would suggest any of the normal U.K R2 DVD retailers, you can normally get them for £15 delivered if you look round (for a standard release), less if you can wait 6 months ;)

I personally would be extremely wary of ordering from Ebay, as most of the time most of the anime DVD's (especially collections) available from there are pirated, the obvious ones being any that have chinese subs, with a pretty good indicator being any that are "all region" or very cheap - always look at the official releases avialble from a known legitimate retailer before buying anything from Ebay. tends to have reviews and image/details of all the legitimate R1 DVD's.

*I think sometime in the next 6-12 months i'm going to stock up on DVD drives that I know can be made region free (i'll probably pick up 2 or 3 as spares;))
Werewolf said:
*I think sometime in the next 6-12 months i'm going to stock up on DVD drives that I know can be made region free (i'll probably pick up 2 or 3 as spares;))
I wouldn't worry that much, I'm sure that there'll be region-free drives for both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD before too long, and presumably those will handle multi-region DVDs as well. It's not like DVD players will be disappearing off the shelves immediately either - you can still buy VHS players if you look in the right places!!
true, but it's wise to be prepared;) I also like to have a couple of spare drives anyway for when i'm fixing machines that don't have a working one (or have an ancient wonky CD drive;))
Watched some good stuff over Thursday/ Friday.

Watched R.O.D the TV on Thursday. Another series I really enjoyed. Real nice animation, interesting characters and a few familiar faces and a good variety of situations ranging from deadly combat to a Junior High ghost hunt :D Geneon always seem to come up with the good stuff.

Watched Ruin Explorers on Thursday night. I like these slightly wacky fantasy stories. a lot of laughs, fun characters and a reasonably decent story. Well worth watching if you have a couple of hours to kill.

On Friday I watched Outlaw Star. Fantastic! Another series with interesting characters, a good story and space ships. They even managed to fit in an obligatory hot springs episode that all good anime need :D Glad I finally got round to watching it, I'll have to see if the spin-off Angel Links is a similar style.

Friday night I watched Angel Sanctuary. A story of forbidden love and lots of angels. I quite like stuff with angels in, especially non-stereotypical angels. I thought this was pretty good, it had a interesting theme, moral dilemmas and took a different view of god / heaven. I like the fact that Japan isn't really a christian country so they tend to come up with good anime involving christian themes and ideas without worrying about upsetting people. Just a pity they only animated the first story arc. This is one anime that I might look for the manga for so I can finish the story.
manveruppd said:
Dude you're an even worse hoarder than me!

Not that bad considering half the machines I get asked to look at for friends have no DVD drive or a dodgy one;)

loopstah, Glad to hear you enjoyed them:)
ROD was a suprise hit for me (in more ways than one;)), and outlaw star is fun (must watch it again). Angel Sanctuary is one i've heard about but never got round to buying/watching :)
Werewolf said:
Angel Sanctuary is one i've heard about but never got round to buying/watching :)

The only problem with this anime is if you watch it and like it you'll probably end up buying the manga as it's pretty much a "WTF it's finished! But it's just getting good :( " feeling at the end as it's pretty much the introduction arc of the manga. It looks like they've released 15 out of 20 volumes in the manga atm so I'll be picking them up in september, that and Berserk :D I hate not finishing things and these two are like an itch I can't quite reach.
Monday I decided to read the 3 volume Alien 9 manga as they came with the DVD. From what I thought was going to be a cute and straight forward story it turned out to be a bit more strange and a lot more gory than I expected. I enjoyed the manga and it's the first one I've read.
I then watched the DVD special which covers the first volume and the start of the second and I think I enjoyed the anime a lot more than I might have done if I hadn't read the manga first.

Then I watched Iria: Zeiram the Animation. Quite a good action sci-fi. looked pretty good and moved at a good pace. Pretty enjoyable.

Anyone else have a collection of manga or read a lot of manga? Any recommendations of good series to get?

I'm looking at buying:
Angel Sanctuary
Battle Angel Alita
Chrono Crusade
do you know there is a 4 th volume in the alien nine manga?called emulators.
know what you mean about having to read the manga version,after watching the anime i just HAD to buy the manga as it seemed to just stop :( the manga i thought at least carried on with the story if not to a full completition then somewhere very near to one
Yeah I noticed the 4th volume. Just ordered it from ebay for £5.99 inc postage.

It would have been nice if they had animated the rest of the manga as it would have made a pretty good short series.
loopstah said:
Monday I decided to read the 3 volume Alien 9 manga as they came with the DVD. From what I thought was going to be a cute and straight forward story it turned out to be a bit more strange and a lot more gory than I expected. I enjoyed the manga and it's the first one I've read.
I then watched the DVD special which covers the first volume and the start of the second and I think I enjoyed the anime a lot more than I might have done if I hadn't read the manga first.

Then I watched Iria: Zeiram the Animation. Quite a good action sci-fi. looked pretty good and moved at a good pace. Pretty enjoyable.

Anyone else have a collection of manga or read a lot of manga? Any recommendations of good series to get?

I'm looking at buying:
Angel Sanctuary
Battle Angel Alita
Chrono Crusade

I'm re-reading Hellsing at the moment. A defiante must-have. I have Berserk too, definatley worth a read.
Watched Prettyboys of... erm I mean Descendants of Darkness last night. Quite light hearted for a supernatural style anime although it was still pretty decent to watch. Good if you like homoerotic overtones and bishounen I think, although there was plenty of blood and action for more manlier men as well.

Also watched Elf Princess Rane which was a bit wacky, didn't make much sense and reminded me of a sort of budget Excel Saga. Funny reading some of the subs they put in for the backwards guy though.

Wednesday I watched Demon Fighter Kocho . A very short (30min) and silly excuse to show some boobies and nosebleeds. Brain food it isn't. :D

Then I watched Photon: The Idiot Adventures. Really funny, quite a few laugh out loud moments and some daft characters. Really enjoyed this although the voice of Photon made him sound like he was drugged. Well worth watching if you liked Tenchi or similar.
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question for you lot
what is a `Garucchi`
have just started to watch mahou shoujotai and the girl alice is called a `garucchi`,i know what you are thinking it FFS...tried that no useful info or clues at all,most unusual.
so is this word a made up word for the anime?or a japanese slang term too foul to be on google(unlikely),seems to imply foreigner(but that is a gaijin i think)
any help here people tis irritating me atm :confused:
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