The all things Anime related thread.

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Dreadi said:
anyone know if the full metal alchemist movie is out in dubbed format yet ?
26th of September apparently.

Decided to clear through a few titles so I started to work through all my movies/ shorts.

Watched Gundress first. Pretty good, classic Shirow, you can tell it's his work. Has a few elements similar to Ghost in the Shell but not as good looking. Quite a good movie. :D

Then Black Magic M-66. Another Shirow film, but an older one. Reminded me of Dominion Tank Police in style. Short but interesting as most of his stuff is.

Then I watched Kakurenbo. Very short but nice visuals, good story and a bit spooky. Might have been a bit scarier in the dark but it was still good.

Finally I got around to watching Voices of a Distant Star, seeing as I've had it for months now. Beautiful graphics, beautiful story, beautiful music. Short but sweet, and quite touching. Looking forward to The Place Promised now.
Also watched She and Her Cat the short included with it, interesting style, he has some talent.

Then I went all metaphysical and watched Cat Soup. Really wierd. Like Dali on drugs had made an anime. Hard to say if it was good or bad but it was certainly different.
Finally got round to watching the most recent Appleseed last night...absolutley brilliant!!!
Story was first class, parts of the animation were truely jaw dropping, the water for example just looked so real I thought I could touch it :eek: :eek:

I will admit to feeling a little let down by the human/bioroid animation though, that just looked too much like Cel Shaded video game characters & didnt seem to gel that well with the rest of the animation, still it's only a minor gripe & one I could live with.

Cant fault anything else about it.

If you havent seen or bought it yet...Go now & get it, best movie (Anime or otherwise) I've seen for a while.

soundwave said:
Finally got round to watching the most recent Appleseed last night...absolutley brilliant!!!
If you havent seen or bought it yet...Go now & get it, best movie (Anime or otherwise) I've seen for a while.


Yep, it's a really good looking film with a good story. Well worth getting if you haven't seen it.

Last night I watched Animation Runner Kurumi 1 + 2. What a great little anime. I was smiling pretty much the whole way through as it was so bright and cheery and gave out happy vibes. I feel sorry for the people who make all this anime I watch now though. :D

Also watched Queen Emeraldas. I just love the art style with Matsumoto's work. Pretty good story with plenty of explosions.
I just finnished watching Excel Saga and Jungle de Ikou, i seriously havnt been as confused and laughed as hard for some time :D.

I got given a list by a friend of mine who love this stuff.

Hanaukyo Maid Tai
Steel Angel Kurumi
Burn-Up Excess
Excel Saga
Tenjou Tenge
UFO Princess Valkyrie
RE Cutey Honey
Mahoromatic Maiden
Jungle de Ikou
Burn-Up Scramble

too much to watch :(
lay-z-boy said:
I just finnished watching Excel Saga and Jungle de Ikou, i seriously havnt been as confused and laughed as hard for some time :D.

I got given a list by a friend of mine who love this stuff.

Hanaukyo Maid Tai
Steel Angel Kurumi
Burn-Up Excess
Excel Saga
Tenjou Tenge
UFO Princess Valkyrie
RE Cutey Honey
Mahoromatic Maiden
Jungle de Ikou
Burn-Up Scramble

too much to watch :(

Excel Saga is hilarious, I loved it, funniest anime ever. :D

Looking at that list your mate likes anime with lots of bouncing breasts, fighting and plenty of fanservice ;)

If you enjoy them I would add Gravion, Gravion Zwei and Plastic Little to that list.
Just saw the last episode of Wolf's Rain - so moving, I feel like someone scooped out my guts with a bulldozer!:)
That's another weight I'm gonna carry...
loopstah said:
Excel Saga is hilarious, I loved it, funniest anime ever. :D

Looking at that list your mate likes anime with lots of bouncing breasts, fighting and plenty of fanservice ;)

If you enjoy them I would add Gravion, Gravion Zwei and Plastic Little to that list.

Will look into it, thanks. :)

Grenadier worries me, :eek: how big?
manveruppd said:
Just saw the last episode of Wolf's Rain - so moving, I feel like someone scooped out my guts with a bulldozer!:)
That's another weight I'm gonna carry...

Yeah, it was a pretty hard hitting ending though I was expecting something like that as most of the anime I saw before it had the same sort of ending, and it wasn't exactly a story full of joy and happiness.

*Spoiler*It wasn't the last episode that got me the most though but the one before I think when Toboe and Quent die together. I had to cry, it was a real moving moment when they finally accepted each other as they died.*Spoiler*

Yesterday I went Old School and watched A Wind Named Amnesia. A pretty good post-apocalyptic sci-fi style film. Good story.

Then I watched Darkside Blues which was another sci-fi style film although it was pretty confusing, didn't explain all that much and was a bit wierd really. Interesting to watch but expect to be puzzled.

Then I watched Riding Bean, same creator as Gunsmith Cats so it shared a similar style and was also based in the US. Pretty good action style film, reminded me of Smokey and the Bandit due to all the car chases and the over-the-top detective.

Finally I watched Sol Bianca. A Kiseki release so it was hardsubbed and looked a bit scruffy in places but it was a good anime so that made up for it. Really enjoyed this one, I just have a soft spot for space pirates I guess. :D Need to check out the remake now to see if it's as good.

lay-z-boy said:
Grenadier worries me, :eek: how big?

I haven't seen it yet but I'll probably pick it up when the box set comes out as it looks fun.
On Sunday I watched two fantastic films that I got as a double pack from HMV a while ago. Completely different genres but they are both well worth a watch.

First I watched Millennium Actress. A really classy film, great way of telling the story and an interesting idea. Really loved this one, and it was quite touching as well. Wouldn't have thought I'd enjoy an artsy film but I did. I liked the way her lost love threaded its way through her films.

Then I watched Perfect Blue. Fantastic as well. It had me guessing right till the end and I couldn't figure out what was fantasy and what was reality at some points. A great thriller, good if you like those psycological types as nothing is what it seems.

Finally I went for something a bit lighter and watched Ayanes High Kick. Rocky with a kickboxing Japanese schoolgirl. Not too serious and an obvious plot but I still enjoyed watching it.

EDIT: Monday

I watched Outlanders. A bit dated, really corny plot and a bit silly really. Still reasonably amusing to watch though.

Also watched Assemble Insert. Hilarious, really funny. Laughed most of the way through this. Funny characters and a daft story made for an amusing hour. :D
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I haven't replied for a while, partly because I haven't been watching much anime (been too busy), but that has changed a bit :)

I've finished Patlabor TV and new OVA's, and they have given a certain extra depth to Patlabor the Movie, which is a big improvement on the old Manga release, they even had the
"what are you here for? business or pleasure"
Exchange reinstated :)

I've also finished watching the AMG TV series one, which was quite good with some great episodes in the last couple of DVD's (I think the last two episodes were DVD only in Japan and very good).

GITS: SAC 2ndgig volume 6 was yet another very good DVD, 3 good episodes of the series with the main plot getting more and more involved and you again learn something more about the major *spoilers*She all but confirms that the origami swan guy ( is the boy she knew when she first had her cybernetic body.*spoilers*
It also came with Tachikoma number 3, a Jameson robot and a second andriod maid (I think I may have mentioned this already).

One of the Bandai guys in the U.S. has confirmed the R1 volume 7 will come with a tin that can take either the LE's or the normal releases, but I don't think he's mentioned if there will be a LE tin and a normal tin or not (as it's going to be able to take either set of DVD's).
I think i've also mentioned that the R2 UK version will also be getting a tin along with a tachikoma and t-shirt.

I watched volume 7 of FullMetal Alchemist the other night and that was as good as ever, although i've got some questions about the teacher, as she seems very familiar ;)
I can't wait for volume 8.

I'm going to try and watch Elfen Lied and Animation Runner Kurum (thanks again LC)i in the next few days.

Oh, and I finally got the fronts on my DVD drawers :D
Unfortunately they don't look as good as I had hoped, but i've learned a lot of lessons about making them that will be applied to my next unit (i'm going to make 3 or 4 smaller units soon).
Werewolf said:
I've finished Patlabor TV and new OVA's, and they have given a certain extra depth to Patlabor the Movie, which is a big improvement on the old Manga release, they even had the
"what are you here for business or pleasure"
Exchange reinstated :)

I'm off work in a week so I hope to watch Patlabor as it's quite a lot of time to spend watching it. What order should I watch the TV series and OVA's in?

Werewolf said:
I've also finished watching the AMG TV series one, which was quite good with some great episodes in the last couple of DVD's (I think the last two episodes were DVD only in Japan and very good).

Yet another I haven't watched yet although Vol 5 only arrived the other week and I don't like starting stuff till I have it all.

Again which order should I watch the OVA, Movie and TV series in?

Werewolf said:
I think i've also mentioned that the R2 UK version will also be getting a tin along with a tachikoma and t-shirt.

OOOH! Found it, an exclusive as well.
I haven't bought any of the second gig yet so it will be a toss up between buying them individually or buying the complete set for £79.99. Whichever is cheapest I guess, although I've got till December to make up my mind.
Plus I can finally get a Tachikoma :D I'm excited about this one.

Watched a few more.

Otaku No Video was odd. The live interviews with real otaku were a bit wierd but I can understand why the Japanese view them as wierdos now. The anime part was quite fun although not that exciting. Strange indeed.

Also watched Tokyo Babylon. A nice tie in with X, I always felt sorry for Subaru but now I find out he was a Micheal Jackson impersonator in his youth I don't anymore :p More for those who've watched the series.

Finally I watched I Dream of Mimi. I suppose it's technically Hentai due to the amount of sex in it but you don't really see anything you wouldn't in normal anime. I loved this one, it was so over the top and funny I couldn't stop laughing most of the time. A girl shaped computer that need "Active Molecules" from her owner to upgrade herself to fire energy beams is just whacky, and you can guess where the discs slot in. :eek:
A real funny comedy and well worth watching if you don't mind the odd bit of moaning. :D
Patlabor I think it's OVA, TV, New files OVA then the movies.

AMG! is either
OVA's then movie or TV series 1 then TV series 2, as it restarts in the TV series and follows the manga much closer.

I'm just debating watching EL, Kurimi or Constantine tonight :)
Werewolf said:
Patlabor I think it's OVA, TV, New files OVA then the movies.

AMG! is either
OVA's then movie or TV series 1 then TV series 2, as it restarts in the TV series and follows the manga much closer.

I'm just debating watching EL, Kurimi or Constantine tonight :)


Hard choice there as they are all worth watching.
Shadow Phoenix said:
Ive seen these advertised with some anime boxsets and I know im beeing dumb but I have to ask what is a Tachikoma
:eek: you dont know!?!?! their the small blue tank things in GITS SAC and they all have indavidual personas :)
loopstah said:
I'm off work in a week

I don't get through the amount you do and I'm not working atm.

Ah! My Goddess I've not seen the OVAs(did see the film though) of but I watched the TV series recently and quite enjoyed it. Certainly better than the overrated Love Hina which falls into a similar domain. Probably didn't help that I watched AMG one day then Love Hina the next as I was always going to compare the two.

I'm quite pleased with TRSI(apart from the inefficiency of working with paper, they're very good). I escaped customs on my NGE Platinum complete boxset so I'm watching it again - it still looks damn good considering. I ordered the Lain disc 1-4 bundle and Tenchi Universe from them for very reasonable prices so here's hoping they escape customs too.
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