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aye, HK normally = pirate:)
If you look round you can probably get the 4 discs for about a tenner each (either in buy 1 get one free, 2 for £20 etc, or in one of the Jersey retailers fairly frequent sales), or the 4 disc UK set is available from abotu £38 (I think's it's RRP is £60)
Werewolf said:
Did you know they are also doing a whole new Hellsing series starting from scratch that wll follow the Manga much more closely than the original series?

That’s good news, always found the tangent that the anime went off on was a bit odd, especially after reading the manga. Nazis, vampires, guns and great witty conversation what more can you ask for. One thing that I would like to know out of curiosity is whether in the original (Japanese) manga the characters spoke the same way, accents etc, or if that is something the translators put in. Especially like the way father Anderson talks.

Why does the laughing man t-shirt have to be x-large like all freebies used as padding, its about the only one I would wear. Might have to see if somebody produces a smaller one.
Noboy916, re Hellsing Accents.
I beleive they chose proper English accents for the dub on purpose (the guy that was in charge of the dub sometimes posts at AOD and Madman), and I beleive they tried pretty hard to get VA's in who were good at being VA's whilst being from the U.K. (or having spent a lot of time here), rather than the easier route of getting the normal U.S. actor/actress who thinks Dick Van Dyke is authentic English ;)
They also made some minor changes to the dialogue to correct some geographical mistakes from the Japanese dub/script (things like one area being in X direction when in reality it's in Y direction as any Londoner would know).
Although I seem to remember some of the fans complaining (loudly) about the corrections :p

T-shirts, I think they choose X-Large as that way it fits most of the people buying the DVD :)

LC, aye i'd heard something about it back when it was first released but I didn't realise quite what it was like, although as you say a lot of what happens in the series does mirror real life conflicts in some countries/areas pretty closely :(

On a DVD order related note, I ordered R.O.D. Vol7 + box from the U.S. and they sent the complete DVD set, but only billed me for the vol7 + box (a difference of about $150RRP/$95 at the stores price).
I'm currently waiting to see what their response to my email informing them of their mistake (and offering to pay the difference) will be :p
I know I should probably keep quiet and hope they don't realise, but the retailer in question is one of the better DVD retailers and has great CS so I feel it's only fair that I be honest with them.
On a DVD order related note, I ordered R.O.D. Vol7 + box from the U.S. and they sent the complete DVD set, but only billed me for the vol7 + box (a difference of about $150RRP/$95 at the stores price).
I'm currently waiting to see what their response to my email informing them of their mistake (and offering to pay the difference) will be
I know I should probably keep quiet and hope they don't realise, but the retailer in question is one of the better DVD retailers and has great CS so I feel it's only fair that I be honest with them.

you fallen and hit your head mate???
caveat emptor
my translation:let the seller beware :)
nah, i let them know and paid the difference :)

The retailer in question is great when it comes to sorting out problems when the customer could end up worse off (lost discs/damaged discs etc), so it's only fair to be honest with them :)

It seems my parents did a better job of raising me honest than I had thought, dumb but relatively honest :p
Hey LT when you get girls bravo let me know what its like i'm thinking of getting this soon, ps still on the lookout for Ai yori aoshi Vol.1 with artbox any leads :confused:
fieldy said:
Hey LT when you get girls bravo let me know what its like i'm thinking of getting this soon, ps still on the lookout for Ai yori aoshi Vol.1 with artbox any leads :confused:
me got hte vol 1 the other month,must say i would not get tis series for the english dub way,tina`s voice actress,english,is simply attroacious,a southern american actress,simply horrible accent for the character i felt......i know ,i know most of you/us want the subs with japanese sound but still :(
mmmm i guess its different strokes for different folks :)
but if tina grew up in japan surely she would have lost a lot of the southern accent?.totaly ruined it for me at least :(
Tina's VA did a fairly good job I thought, considering all the VA's were american they had to show that Tina was from the U.S. somehow and I guess the stronger accent was about the only way to really do it :)
Tina isn't one of the characters I like really from Ai Yori though, she's overly loud :p

At least it's not like Love Hina's Koalla Su where the accent really was out of place and over the top, a good example of why at times it's better to let the people doing the english dub decide on how to do it rather than the Japanese company (IIRC it was the decision of the supervisors from the Japanese animation house to go with the over the top accent)
mmmm i guess i find the southern american(U,S,A,) accent really irritating... sorry yanks no offence.
i think overall i prefer the japanese dub with subs on this series
Lostcorpse said:
as i rember she didn't get on with the jap kids so she was schooled on an american base i think, but that was still in Japan. I just put it down to them trying to show that Tina was a forigner and thus has an accent from another country.

Any way Andarial tought you were hardcore Subs only ;)

LC could be wrong, be a while since a watched it and its gona be a hassel diging it out. Ow i think it was mensioned in the second sesaon that she was schooled in Japan on a US base.

"Tina isn't one of the characters I like really from Ai Yori though, she's overly loud" I know what you mean, but we all know It really all about Chika and Myu-chan ;)

Though i dont see the problem with the Love hina Sue Accent since she wasn't from UK or US so they would have wanted to show she was from some other country like India or something.

once i have purchased the disc`s i like to try all options,some of the english dubs have been ok.... please teacher...princess nine and please twins (the latter to a certain extent) i have enjoyed but ai yori aoshi and ai yori enishi have not benefitted from an english dub imho(the above are in my collection)
I'm currently watching Virus Buster Serge, on the 3rd or 4th ep so far. seems a bit boring really but i've got nothing better to do, anyone got any idea if it gets any better?
Lostcorpse said:
On an other note what manga are you guys`n`girls(just Haly?) getting or collecting?, keepthinking of getting the hellsing mangas. i'm currently getting Full metal panic and Sergent Frog, Aio yuri oushi (sp) & Mahoromatic.

Hellsing is good/funny if you can get on with the art style which goes a bit over the top from time to time and book six leaves you at a bit of a cliff hanger (roll on book 7). Full Metal Panic is a hoot, couldn't stop grinning like a madman when reading it on the train, hence some very strange looks from other passengers ;) . There is the first book of a series called Full Metal Panic: Overload! out which is a bit pants (well so far).

Things I'm reading/collecting at the moment include Gunsinger Girl, very very dark and depressing, but good at the same time, up to book 3 is out. Chrono Crusade, nuns with guns :D, devils, etc only just started fairly light hearted (bit like fmp initially), but looks as though it is going to get darker as things go along (no bad thing there). Trigun, only just started because my local comic/manga book shop had a buy 3 get a 4th free offer on and I couldn’t resist, but supposed to be very good.

DVDp are very good on the customer front, got my last GitS:SAC dvd a couple of days ago, not bad seeing as it hasn’t officially shipped yet. Guess I need to put on some weight or shrink the t-shirt when I wash it to get it to fit then, downside of being small, and don't get me started on dubs with strong American accents. Although the more Japanese I manage to learn the less of a problem that becomes :) , be glad once its done then roll on gunsmith cats.

Lostcorpse if you want to get rid of Evangelion book eight let me know as I may be interested seeing as there don't appear to be any SE's after book 7.
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