MymyselfandI - if I were to ever win the Lottery I'd have a room dedicated to anime/films, big screen, 7.1 surround system, Library/archive style rolling shelving, display cases and a door guarded by a full size replica Robbie* (Fobidden Planet) on one side, and probably a Priss (BGC) or similar on the other....Yes, I am a geek
As it is, I'm thinking it's time to dispose of duplicated disks, and look into triple/quad packing discs as I can get M-lock quad cases that are only 14mm thick, and 6 ways
that are 26mm, but I need to check how much space that would clear up as I've already double packed most single discs.
I suppose I could also dispose of some of the anime that I've not watched in years.
*There is a company in the states which has the official licence to make them, and uses the original mouldings and plans.