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Right installed and running.

On setting 1 and 2 the 'Core Voltage' is locked but the worrying thing is that on both settings the clocks are 925/1375. I'm guessing that i'd have to flash the 1000/1XXX BIOS on setting 2 as it doesn't seem to work properly? unless it doesn't show up on Afterburner after a restart.

Edit: Went into options and ticked 'unlock voltage control' and it's showing it fine but the clocks on both switches are still 925/1375.
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AMD Drivers

Am currently using Beta 12.11 and haven't updated in a while, is there any benefit in going to 13.4whql ? Card original 7970 ghz windforce.
Yeah they don't go up at all no matter what.

I've also just had a go at flashing the BIOS and none one them work. I've used a guide from here and after a re-start I get no display but the computer does turn on. I've tried this with switch 1 and 2 and both do the same thing. I'm guessing i'll just have to leave it alone as all the Sapphire BIOS i've tried don't seem to work unless you have any other suggestions?

I've tried these 2 BIOS:



And i'm about to re-start and slash 2 with the stock one again (Tahiti.rom) that i've saved from my original card.

Edit: Again tried both of those BIOS on both switches and none of the would show a picture, the display turned off but it did boot into Windows 7 fine.
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Cheers mate but i'm about to give up. :(

Tried different BIOS on switch 2 from the list and while 2 of them gave a picture the resolution was at 640x480 and the card didn't who up in GPUZ properly.

It just seems like I can't do anything to have the advertised clocks and it's pretty irritating, does anyone have the same card with the blue PCB as me that can dump higher clocked BIOS please?
Reported an issue with 13.5 beta 2 in far cry 3. The picture on screen kept shifting left by about 3". The bit that got chopped off would appear in the 3" of space left on the right. Once it had happened exiting, changing display and changing resolution made no difference, only resolved with a restart. Going back to 13.4 seemed to fix it. (been running for a few days to make sure)

This is the first issue i've ever run into with an amd/ati driver so far since the original Radeon DDR. (however long ago that was) I've been lucky so far.
This could be part of the bug that is giving other users a red line down the left side of the screen, which is known to only exist in the latest beta. What display output are you using?
Using displayport to a dell 2408wfp @ 1920x1200 60hz. Never had a red line whilst using the betas. It would occur randomly both in game and whilst paused. Sometimes took a few hours to occur, other times it would do it within 15 minutes. The problem only ever happened with far cry, everything else was problem free.

Switching to one of my other displays using dvi or hdmi wouldn't cure it either. I never tested playing via a different screen to see whether the problem would still occur at a different resolution and refresh rate. (My other display is 1280x1024 75hz, a bit small for games these days)
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