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Glad you got it sorted :)

I'll update OP over tonight/tomorrow to reflect the latest drivers.

Also thinking of doing a small benchmarks part linking to posts containing benchmarks, I am trying my best to get the latest and greatest games to give some true day 1 performance on both single and crossfire setups.

I just tested the new Call of Juarez game, possibly the most under demanding game ever, hitting the engine frame limit (around 180fps) with just 70% or so of a single 7970 used. :p
BF3 is the only major game i play atm that requires some grunt and the 13.6 is working very nicely with my crossfired 7950s. No complaints from me so fare. The experience is very smooth.
Is anyone else running Catalyst with no CCC? I find it to be generally useless, except maybe for game profiles. I hate disabling Video and game "enhancements" on every driver update and MSI Afterburner doesn't seem to require CCC for anything.

Does RadeonPro work fine without CCC?
It should yes, I like to keep ccc for some game profiles that I created my self.

Generally speaking everything outside of ccc should run from the display driver.

Any news on a grid 2 cap yet? It's been a while since I've lacked day 1 cf support.
I actually find CCC quite useful for creating game specific profiles (caps) where sometimes i will turn the image quality settings up a bit or change other bits and bobs. It then saves it to the profile for next time you play. However you can also do all that via RadeonPro.
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