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** The AMD Navi Thread **

It's an overpriced gimmick.
But Navi's similar price without it.
Hi, As you said it's an overpriced gimmick, that's my point, Nvidia are overpricing RTX cards & AMD want us to pay just as much without the overpriced gimmick. Today we can buy an acceptable twin fan RTX 2070 for £480, based on the current Navi pricing non reference 5700XT's will likely cost just as much if AMD have their way.
We'll see what the price of Navi cards is when they're actually released, because the E3 figures don't make sense. AMD pitched the 5700XT as $100 cheaper than the RTX 2070, but point me to a $550 RTX 2070 to match what AMD quoted. Now that's a good undercut of price for a card that has comparable (if not slightly better) raw performance to the RTX 2070, but it's a joke in the real world given there is no $550 2070.

And doesn't the 5700 come out $30 more than the RTX 2060?

I think AMD have goofed and the prices will change a little on actual launch; their numbers do not reflect reality.
We'll see what the price of Navi cards is when they're actually released, because the E3 figures don't make sense. AMD pitched the 5700XT as $100 cheaper than the RTX 2070, but point me to a $550 RTX 2070 to match what AMD quoted. Now that's a good undercut of price for a card that has comparable (if not slightly better) raw performance to the RTX 2070, but it's a joke in the real world given there is no $550 2070.

And doesn't the 5700 come out $30 more than the RTX 2060?

I think AMD have goofed and the prices will change a little on actual launch; their numbers do not reflect reality.

There are $550 2070s.
Albeit there's also ones at $480 too.

That's forgetting the rebate too.
Now of course anything is possible, but just remember this is going to be an APU, so I certainly wouldn't expect miracles.

I'm half expecting it to go the way of async compute on the 980ti, but if it is capable of proper raytracing it's going to be a real low level version with barely any rays, something in name only.

I've been seeing console gamers on some channels raving about how the next gen consoles are going to be capable of 4k at 120fps. I replied to one chap saying they'll only get that if they release Half Life 2 on console & wow I could feel the hatred emanating through the fella's keyboard & out my monitor. :D
The last Radeon card I had (other than a Vega 64 which I sold on again after a few weeks) was an X800 Pro. They were ahead in performance and higher in prices back then, IIRC.

(I may be wrong, it's been a long time)

That was because they were in huge demand and you couldn't get hold of one for love nor money hence the price. I ended up finding one on fleabay and it was shipped over from San Francisco!

Well, Nvidia's price gouging has been working well for them, people are still buying, so AMD likely don't see a reason not to charge similar prices. This is all a result of people being prepared to pay over the odds, and it's not going to stop now.

AMD used to be the budget manufacturer, but people still bought Nvidia. So they're changing tactics, and honestly the consumers are largely responsible.

People still buy Nvidia anyway so they probably figure they might just as well charge top dollar for the few that do sell. No point in deliberately cutting your own profits.
Good lord if that’s real it’s pretty grim. At least now we know why amd are not worried about the super cards, Nvidia did not think they would need a 2060 super so it will not effect Navi.

But seriously if this is another case of amd over promising and under delivering can they just shut down the gfx division it would be better for the consumer if Nvidia had an actual monopoly rather than a virtual one at least then legislation might kick in to rein them in.
Im gona guess these Navi cards wont be as good as Vega for mining right?

Just that a friend mentioned Bitcoin prices hit 10k recently so curious about any price rises on GPU's again due to this?

Really hope the mining craze doesn't kick into high gear again...

Graphics cards, however good, are no good for mining Bitcoin any more. What you're looking out for is the price of the altcoins, particularly ethereum. That's currently at about 25% of its peak price. If full on craziness kicks in again and the alts start to rocket in value again, that's when it'll start to be felt in the graphics card market.

Right now a Vega 64 can make you about $0.5 a day, and a 2080Ti can make you about $1.50, on domestic electricity prices, depending on what currency you choose to mine, so they would take several years to repay the card cost. But if the upswing carries on we might see a return to the bad old days.
But seriously if this is another case of amd over promising and under delivering can they just shut down the gfx division it would be better for the consumer if Nvidia had an actual monopoly rather than a virtual one at least then legislation might kick in to rein them in.
Thanks for the chuckle, much needed on a Monday.

Shut down the graphics division because they struggle to compete at the top end of the ridiculous niche market that is PC gaming? lol OK. So bin off the console market, bin off the semi-custom business, bin off mobile, bin off data centre compute, bin off the deal with Samsung, bin off Stadia and cloud gaming, all because AMD can't beat the 2080 Ti and decided to fleece the market that the consumers created?

Yeah, I chuckled.
Thanks for the chuckle, much needed on a Monday.

Shut down the graphics division because they struggle to compete at the top end of the ridiculous niche market that is PC gaming? lol OK. So bin off the console market, bin off the semi-custom business, bin off mobile, bin off data centre compute, bin off the deal with Samsung, bin off Stadia and cloud gaming, all because AMD can't beat the 2080 Ti and decided to fleece the market that the consumers created?

Yeah, I chuckled.

Made me laugh too. That chart added 64% to the 2060 for being more popular than a card that isn't even out yet :D
So what's going on with Navi then?

Nothing, it isn't out yet but that doesn't stop people taking issue with userbenchmark 'results' which compare incomplete metrics. If that link is even remotely accurate however, the 5700 was always meant to compete with the 2060 and that is what the link shows. Don't know why some people are getting their panties in a bunch :p
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