Yeah, It was one of the few really interesting bits of the ces presentation, along with the ai max (stupid name) chips.
Back in the day it was the deal between dell and intel that nearly drove amd out of the cpu space completely. And now it's amd with a deal
When even Dell can see the writing on the wall...
AMD are repeating the late 1990's early 2000's, for those who don't know from about the early 1990's AMD were knocking out X86 CPU's that were better than anything Intel had, just like today, by the early 2000's AMD had overtaken overall X86 marketshare, that is +50% total and at this point also accelerating rapidly.
What AMD had was better X86 products, what they didn't have was pots of cash, unlike Intel who used their vast accumulated wealth to buy AMD's marketshare, to such an extent AMD went from selling more CPU's than they could make to not even being able to give them away, they offered Dell 1 million CPU's for free, Dell turned them down citing they would lose money if they accepted them, that's when AMD learned Intel was paying people like Dell not to use AMD CPU's.
It got so bad AMD almost went bankrupt.
This time with AMD being older and wiser they realised they had to drain Intel of their accumulated wealth, which they have now done, Intel are skint, heavily in debt and making 0 money, infact at the last fanatical report Intel have lost a staggering $16.7 billion, which added to their spiralling debt.
This is personal for AMD.