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Poll: ** The AMD VEGA Thread **

On or off the hype train?

  • (off) Train has derailed

    Votes: 207 39.2%
  • (on) Overcrowding, standing room only

    Votes: 100 18.9%
  • (never ever got on) Chinese escalator

    Votes: 221 41.9%

  • Total voters
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Regarding the blind test what I don't understand is they took the trouble to wipe the drives, reinstalled win 10, used their own 1080Ti, monitored the installation of the RX, used their own copy of DOOM with the Ultra preset (unaltered) and yet they

actually "dumbed down" the image quality on each panel so we could get closer image quality between the two panels

It seems odd after all that effort to not introduce bias they then manually tweak the monitor settings :confused:
I thought Vega was supposed to be a 4k card...4k this 4k that. So why are they dumbing down the demos to ultra wide 1440? Why not show its performance with the goal posts set at 60 fps in 4k? It is only recently that they started pulling the Freesync "experience" BS.
I would love to see the same test done, only with a Fury vs a Vega. See if their "it feels the same, why pay more?" line still stands up when it is their own products.

As a uw1440 user it's bang on for me all I need to see now is price. While uw1440 is currently a niche resolution it allows those of us on lower resolutions ie: 1920x1080, 2560x1080 & 2560x1440 which is the majority to confidently conclude that it has the oomph for these more numerous res's.

I think you'll find he gives both amd and nvidia a hard time when they deserve it, at the 1080 FE launch he was questioning the point of renaming the reference card "founders edition" basically crapping on their parade for it. He also was no fan of polaris, so i very much doubt he's selling out to anyone. Amd wanted him to test it against the 1080 and he basically gave them the finger and put it against a 1080 ti.

I think everyone's had a dig at all three tech companies at some point what matters is the here & now, After watching the video and how carefully he skirted around the info we really wanted and how AMD had someone on site micro-managing the whole thing common sense is enough to conclude that something was not right. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that he wasn't the first person offered the gig.
What straw - YOU SAID their was a cost adder
Like I said it's not really a cost adder more of a price increase, AOC (and other manufacturers) charge a premium for Freesync (hence their 24" Freesync panel being £30 more than their non Freesync panel).

You raved about how that 22" screen was "only" £100 yet appear oblivious to the fact it would be cheaper without Freesync as a selling point.
It's not really a cost adder more of a price increase, but like I said AOC (and other manufacturers) charge a premium for Freesync (hence their 24" Freesync panel being £30 more than their non Freesync panel).

You raved about how that 22" screen was "only" £100 yet appear oblivious to the fact it would be cheaper without Freesync as a selling point.

I am still waiting for you to find the 22" 1080p monitor with DP which is £70 in the UK. You said around £30 - is there one for £80,maybe??

If FreeSync is adding this huge premium,then why is there a lack of cheaper 22" 1080p monitors with DP out there,even from the cheapest brands.

So where is this cheaper set of monitors even from other companies?? Why would the HannsG cost the same,when its even a cheaper make than AOC??


Also only hardware enthusiasts like YOU would find a way to make a £100 monitor,with not bad IQ and a 35~75HZ range,look negative.

So,also where are all the £100 GSync ones whilst you at it,as I know what you are trying to do here.
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I am still waiting for you to find the 22" 1080p monitor which is £70 in the UK. You said around £30 - is there one for £80,maybe??
I know I saw that straw after you edited it in, I don't care. The £30 I mentioned was the difference between AOC's 24" Freesync and non-Freesync panel (like I said). You know full well they don't make a non-Freesync version of their 22" Freesync 1ms panel as it would clash with their regular £80 22" panel one and there's no point selling a product with less profit at the same price point when people are buying your current one, but none of that is really relevant.

If FreeSync is adding this huge premium,then why is there a lack of cheaper 22" 1080p monitors with DP out there,even from the cheapest brands.
Generally speaking it's because virtually nobody looking for a cheap 22" screen cares about DP or Freesync, so most manufacturers are reluctant to add a production cost with almost zero added marketability.

If you look at AOCs own lineup you will see that the non-Freesync 24/27" monitors don't have DP because there's no point adding that cost for minimal benefit.

But back to the original point as I think all that straw has drifted us away from it: If the 22" AOC screen didn't have Freesync it's retail price would be lower, just like the non-Freesync variants of their 24/27" Freesync screens. It may not add to production cost like Gsync does but it does add to retail price just like any over marketable feature of value, and I honestly can't understand how you can argue otherwise with a straight face...
I can't link to competitor webpage. But I did a search for 144hz 27" either Gsync or Freesync and the difference is under £100.

When your sounding close to 1k on both a GPU and monitor I don't think less than £100 is much of a factor.

Just the brand and model numbers will do I can go down the river to avoid a scam and neither seemed to manage it unless it was IPS v TN or VA, or an ASUS comparison and we all know that ASUS pricing's terrible, I bought ASUS's IPS Dominator Freesync model and it was a monitor, I've found that usually the more you spend the higher the difference goes, I went with a 35" Acer Ultrawide and the difference between the G-syn and Freesync was a couple of hundred, I ended up with a Freesync ACER uw1440 and again the G-sync model is over 200 extra. I'm not looking at spending that much if I do buy another monitor but at the moment I have a partly built racing sim setup that has a Benq 27" 16:9 TN panel and I'd happily move my Freesync monitor over to that as ultrawide's what I'll eventually want for that set-up anyway. I hadn't planned on doing that yet but Vega's thrown a spanner in the works and seeing as I'm curently using a 1060 a well priced G-sync monitor would be worth considering. I imagine I'll just end up getting Vega but it's an option.

oh come on, some people prefer IPS, some don't, the fact you can buy both IPS and VA panels on both gsync and freesync is neither here nor there... the fact that they could have used IPS for both is pretty telling as to what they were trying to achieve

This makes sense.
more strawmen

Instead of deflecting - I am asking you another time. Where are all these £70 to £80 22" 1080p monitors with DP.

You keep saying its adding cost,but the nearest competitor to the AOC,is a blasted HannsG which costs around the same which has no FreeSync. Surely it should be massively cheaper??

You know very well there really isn't a £70 to £80 monitor with DP at all that is 1080p.

Generally speaking it's because virtually nobody looking for a cheap 22" screen cares about DP or Freesync

Now we see the reason,so basically do whatever you have to,to bury cheap FreeSync monitors and push the cost up so you can make it more comparable to GSync monitor pricing,since OFC GSync monitors have gone as "low" as £250 to £270ish sometimes.

Everyone knows the biggest strength of FreeSync is the fact it has a lot of models priced under £200,which makes it accessible to loads of budget builds which need a monitor,not when you are paying £500+ for one with a £500+ card,which at that point I doubt even £100 is going to change much.

The fact is I doubt you even heard of that monitor before I mentioned it,let alone even seen one in the real world.
The FuryX didn't receive massive acclaim yet it's sat in my system for the last two+ years and has served me well, I'm not looking for raw performance figures to be honest. As long as the Vega offers a decent upgrade then I'm in.

Main reason I didn't go to the Nvidia is I have an Acer XR341CK (Freesync)

I bought a Fury pro on release and got the same monitor about 6 months ago and the experience was positive, even before getting Freesync the Fury experience was good, so good that I bought a Freesync monitor to go with it. I sold my Fury a couple of months ago now and I'm starting to regret it.
Just the brand and model numbers will do I can go down the river to avoid a scam and neither seemed to manage it unless it was IPS v TN or VA, or an ASUS comparison and we all know that ASUS pricing's terrible, I bought ASUS's IPS Dominator Freesync model and it was a monitor, I've found that usually the more you spend the higher the difference goes, I went with a 35" Acer Ultrawide and the difference between the G-syn and Freesync was a couple of hundred, I ended up with a Freesync ACER uw1440 and again the G-sync model is over 200 extra. I'm not looking at spending that much if I do buy another monitor but at the moment I have a partly built racing sim setup that has a Benq 27" 16:9 TN panel and I'd happily move my Freesync monitor over to that as ultrawide's what I'll eventually want for that set-up anyway. I hadn't planned on doing that yet but Vega's thrown a spanner in the works and seeing as I'm curently using a 1060 a well priced G-sync monitor would be worth considering. I imagine I'll just end up getting Vega but it's an option.

This makes sense.

The two monitors I am referring too are DELL S2716DG vs Asus MG278Q. Price difference is less than £20.

So that's 27" 144hz either FreeSync vs Gysnc. Comparable price.
This thread has turned into 'the Cat rant' thread. Give it a rest please fella. Some of us are actually interested in what Vega talk is going on.

So again another case,of you supporting your mates in an AMD thread,and trying to get sympathy for them,when they get into issue with the statements they make.

Its the same lot all the time - first people go on about GSync being "better" which was stated earlier in the thread. Then when a FreeSync monitor is obviously doing a better job,then argue about GSync being better,and then rage quit.

Now,when its pointed that their are good FreeSync monitors for £100,then more of you jump in and make statements like this:

Generally speaking it's because virtually nobody looking for a cheap 22" screen cares about DP or Freesync

Its always the same crowd of posters who always do this,and then tell people they are ranting.

Yet,its always about trying to push Nvidia is better in an AMD thread.

Go into a Nvidia thread - how often do you see any FreeSync vs GSync debates there(at least recently)??
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Looks like because they havn't got the performance, they're trying to play a FreeSync card, here we have a system with a single 480 in it, FreeSync monitor, range is between 35-75Hz, the other system, has 4x Titan Xps in it in quad-SLi, a G-Sync monitor, with the same range, between 35-75Hz, DOOM Vulkan on both, lets play.

No i couldn't tell the difference, they both seemed to be sitting within the Free/G-Sync range, as didn't see any tearing etc... that you would get from going out of it, so no, from that, i wouldn't pay the thousands of pounds more for one system over the other.

I would probably say it's not a good idea to lose Freesync unless Vega is really slow. On the blind test between the 1080ti (with G-Sync) and RX Vega (with Freesync) the experience was much the same on both machine. If you lose Freesync i would say with a 1080ti on your monitor you would be downgrading your experience. That's assuming you want to pay for a 1080ti. Anything lower like a gtx1080 and i would comfortably say you would be getting a lesser experience due to missing out on having Freesync available.

If i was you i would wait to see what the pricing and performance is before making any decisions.

Yep cheers, thats the plan, but i can feel myself turning green soon .... both in an angry and expensive way ..
Looks like because they havn't got the performance, they're trying to play a FreeSync card, here we have a system with a single 480 in it, FreeSync monitor, range is between 35-75Hz, the other system, has 4x Titan Xps in it in quad-SLi, a G-Sync monitor, with the same range, between 35-75Hz, DOOM Vulkan on both, lets play.

No i couldn't tell the difference, they both seemed to be sitting within the Free/G-Sync range, as didn't see any tearing etc... that you would get from going out of it, so no, from that, i wouldn't pay the thousands of pounds more for one system over the other.


there was a difference though.3 preferred the AMD system and 1 Preferred the Nvidia system :D:D:D. The other 6 couldn't really tell the difference.
I think everyone's had a dig at all three tech companies at some point what matters is the here & now, After watching the video and how carefully he skirted around the info we really wanted and how AMD had someone on site micro-managing the whole thing common sense is enough to conclude that something was not right. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that he wasn't the first person offered the gig.

They didn't have amd on the site micro managing anything, someone from amd installed the card and drivers, that was it. They weren't allowed to divulge information under embargo so obviously the information you got from it was limited.

Might want to read the article and the forum thread for more info on what actually was going on. The machines were totally formatted, kyle used one of his ti card and not the 1080 supplied by amd, they wanted him to use a 1080 and he said nope and used a ti. Even the choice of game was down to him, not amd.
Its a sad day when the enthusiast segment of the pc gaming community starts getting sucked in by the whole 'blind test' bench marking methodology, i mean who needs gaming benchmarks and extensive testing when a blind test will do ? What a load of ******* ******.

This. It really has the advantage of showing how futureproof a card will be :)

Agreed, this is what worries me re the blind tests, if its e.g. 40 fps less than a 1080ti in whatever now but still just gets into the Freesync range and smooths out nicely and all looks great against Nvidia. But hows it going to perform in 2 years time when more performance is required and i.e. the 1080ti on the latest greatest AAA games just about manages 60fps ..

Plus i often stream via Steamlink to the Telly, so Freesync isn't going to help me there.
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