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Poll: ** The AMD VEGA Thread **

On or off the hype train?

  • (off) Train has derailed

    Votes: 207 39.2%
  • (on) Overcrowding, standing room only

    Votes: 100 18.9%
  • (never ever got on) Chinese escalator

    Votes: 221 41.9%

  • Total voters
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So what are the guesses for clock speed for the water cooled version?

1630mhz or do we reckon they might have squeezed out more through boosting?

What would you guys go for AMD Vega or GTX 1080ti if the performance and price would be the same. I am not upgrading just curious what would the majority do?

If the watercooled version had the same performance (which it won't) then Vega. Pascal might be a little weak in DX12 in the future.

But I already have a 1080 so that ain't happening.
The three games on the horizon that interest me are new Metro, new Wolfenstein and new Assassins Creed. Now if we look back historically at least Metro and Assassins Creed where Game Works titles.

If I knew they where DX12/Vulkan titles this at least would be something in AMD's favour.

(And the new Far Cry of course but that's next year)
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Really not a fan of the placement for the tubing.

It might not even make it to the top of my chassis with my tower air cooler in the way, unless it put the tubing up against the back of the Noctua.
The Fury X tubing was perfect at the back, and was longer than that Limited Edition's.


Tubing looks longer to me? It was so short on my FuryX it would only fit the rear case fan position and even then I had to take the air cooler off as it wouldn't fit in the case otherwise. Actually I've still got the stock cooler on as I've been unable to detach it from the motherboard!
I don't understand the appeal of that Linus tech tips bloke. I find him unwatchable, I think I maybe alone in my dislike though

You're definitely not alone, As you can see from the audience he appeals to the children.

He is a bit annoying. Just last week he was ripping AMD a new one on Vega FE, strongly implying that RX was going to be awful in a kind of angry, petulant way, and now he's fawning all over them because they gave him stuff.

He's been getting worse and worse as his fan base has grown tickling his ego, Especially over the last couple of years, I've become tired of being taught like a school child. I used to like watching the shows with Esther in, she was the best of the bunch. ;)

wtf did I just watch?

The most annoying man in Canada

The thing is I could probably learn quite a bit from him. But his ADHD theatrics make me want to stab out my own ear drums

Tubing looks longer to me? It was so short on my FuryX it would only fit the rear case fan position and even then I had to take the air cooler off as it wouldn't fit in the case otherwise. Actually I've still got the stock cooler on as I've been unable to detach it from the motherboard!

My Fury X rad was at front top ( blowing up ) in my Enthoo Luxe chassis. The 980Ti Hybrid makes it to the middle top and presses against my cpu cooler.

The Vega card tubing might be smidge longer, but the position at the front it the card is plain silly.

It'll either press badly against the CPU cooler, or I'll have to shove the tubing back up against the cooler, and have the rad at the top back. Therefore sucking in hot CPU exhaust.
Tubing looks longer to me? It was so short on my FuryX it would only fit the rear case fan position and even then I had to take the air cooler off as it wouldn't fit in the case otherwise. Actually I've still got the stock cooler on as I've been unable to detach it from the motherboard!

Better too long than too short. I'm assuming the pipes are soft?
what? Lots of us expect our expensive - now very expensive - gpu to last 2 to 4 years. I need dx12 performance months ago in games like hitman. Many of those dx11 titles will be irrelevant in the next few years. Not much good if it's only fast it old games we don't play anymore!

It was the same argument with Fiji, and like then the majority of future releases will still be DX9 or 11 with tacked on DX12 patches. Going and buying a gpu just for DX12 & Vulkan isn't quite there yet. Maybe with Navi.
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