The American Police

I, personally, do not trust the US police in any capacity, and they are one of the main reasons I'll never visit the US. The case of John Lang is a very sad example of police in the US committing murder and getting away with it.

Really? Pretty weird attitude, actually its probably not if the only information about the US police you get is from the mainstream media.

I suggest following Active Self Protection on youtube, sort of opens your eyes a bit.
Look up Joe Horn (there's a great 911 call recording of the incident) for an example of an American doing his civic duty by hunting down criminals.

I, personally, do not trust the US police in any capacity, and they are one of the main reasons I'll never visit the US. The case of John Lang is a very sad example of police in the US committing murder and getting away with it.

At the end of the day they are people, it's the laws that dictate everything, maybe some rogue cops here and there.

I'm guessing the police are honed into who to target. Tribal sense and all that. You would come across as an outsider and you just wouldn't be in the kind of situation to warrant special police attention. Just don't be lippy with them.

Truth is though that the US has been a very violent complicated place from the beginning.
Putting him down before he took a hostage is basically what I suggested no? Take him down before he can cause any (more) harm?

You said "shoot him in the leg" Which is not going to stop the threat.

Even if you're a good enough marksman to make that shot, amongst other reasons why police dont shoot people in the legs.
Look up Joe Horn (there's a great 911 call recording of the incident) for an example of an American doing his civic duty by hunting down criminals.

I, personally, do not trust the US police in any capacity, and they are one of the main reasons I'll never visit the US. The case of John Lang is a very sad example of police in the US committing murder and getting away with it.

Interesting case, John Lang, never heard of it before, blatant murder by the police if I've ever seen it.

There's definitely a partial movie script in there.
They should have got between him and women straight away.

The direction they were pointing their guns from the off was a mistake, she was in the firing line the whole time.
I take it back about the John Lang case I should really read note before making assumptions. After reading a reddit it seems obvious that Lang actually was paranoid and killed himself.
A lot of arm chair experts here. The LAPD should call in the OCUK Arm Response Criticism Unit to advise on how best to manage their city. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'd like to see all you guys do your day job knowing that any mistake big or small could become footage that is criticised internationally by people who have no knowledge of the city, the people or the culture, let alone how to handle such a situation.

I feel sorry for the family of the disabled lady and I feel sorry for the officers involved that have to live knowing they took an innocent life while trying to do the right thing.

But sure, go ahead. Make wild guesses as to the accuracy of an entire Police force while forgetting he was cutting her neck and waving her around while there were many other by standers that didn't get hurt despite 16 bullets NOT hitting the hostage.

I don't think I have ever been more disgusted at this forum.
Are you a Brit living in LA jbod, if so give us some stories/impressions.

I am a brit living out here.

The culture is the same but different (useful insight! You are welcome..). But that is to say the language is the same but the sentence structure is different but it all leads from different culture, life priorities and life styles. I live in Long Beach now and I have been in the car (not driving) when it was pulled over for not stopping sufficiently at a stop sign. The Cop was perfectly pleasant and well mannered and almost apologetic. That is the only time I have ever directly interacted with an officer.

We have had multiple occasions to make an non-emergency call to the local department to have people removed from the stoop of a Elementary school across the road, they responded reasonably quickly and politely. They even come out when on two occasions the drive was blocked, they pre-check before the vehicle is towed.

I see cops all the time, way more than I ever did in the UK. Police cars and officers are far more present, they are actually on patrol. Every single day I will pass multiple people who have been pulled over on the freeway, often for using a mobile phone while driving (the traffic is too slow for speeding).

I work in Santa Monica, I hear of the odd shooting, the odd car chase. Never seen either in the 3 years I have been here. Depending on who you speak to and their background depends on whether they have respect for the Police force or not. A few people in my team literally grew up in the ghetto, with one close friend telling me he was surprised to live passed 16 years old.

Life is not seen as "cheap" here and the police certainly act more like prison wardens that what we see in the UK. But they don't walk around like Judge Dredd and it drives me mad when people forget that officers are people too.

The gun culture is insane, perfectly normal people just expect to own a gun in the same way a brit would expect to buy PG Tips. It is a mindset almost impossible to understand.
The gun culture is insane, perfectly normal people just expect to own a gun in the same way a brit would expect to buy PG Tips. It is a mindset almost impossible to understand.

Have you been down a range yet and fired off a few rounds?

I did a Glock19 and Remington 870 pump action shot gun this year, so much fun, but then i've always been into guns since I was a kid.
I'd like to see all you guys do your day job knowing that any mistake big or small could become footage that is criticised internationally by people who have no knowledge of the city, the people or the culture, let alone how to handle such a situation.

A few of us do :p

And I'm not sure how you can be disgusted by people commenting on how appallingly the situation was handled.
a load of nonsense

I think you need to actually watch the video before commenting. There is a reason it went viral.

The knife-man walked away from the bystanders only to be driven back towards them with the bean bag shots. The police made a complete and utter mess of the situation. No armchair needed just eyes and an ounce of common sense.
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