The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

My gf has some creative ability :D

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this as i was considering getting it but two things stopped me from getting it. 1. I already have all the novels and 2. i've heard that it was difficult to read because of the tiny font used. If that's the case then i'll just keep my current novels

Will update you as I can. Rightstuf turned out to have the international version so I've also got an order in with Amazon as that is meant to be the numbered version but more expensive.

Amazon's one is due mid November so hopefully sooner rather than later.
Having received my replacement disc from Technicolour during the week I've just watched "When Marnie was there", which was very good with a couple of surprises.

I'm planning on watching some of my old favourites over the next couple of weeks as I've finally got round to buying FLCL, Cowboy Bebop and Fate Stay on BD (and Escaflowne turned up yesterday).
Few more updates to my watched list:

My List so far


Kantai Collection (Kancolle) (Waiting for season 2 and film) Also been playing the game for 12 months now
Girls und Panzer (Completed Inc Film)
Fate Zero (Completed)
Fate Stay night (Completed)
God Eaters (Waiting for season 2)
Black Lagoon (Completed)
GATE (Waiting for season 3)
Erased (Completed)
Re:Zero (Completed)
Canaan (Completed)
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga (s)hitai (Completed)
Konsuba (Completed)
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta (Completed)



On list to watch:

Monogatari (Will soon start)
Steins gate
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Appreciate the list. I've seen a few of them on there -
Tokyo Ghoul S1
Berserk (old one cant stand the new one)
Gate (if it's that show where all the supernatural creatures come through and attack the city I've watched a few eps)

I'll check out the others for sure though, thanks.

Recently finished Canaan and cant recommend it enough! Its like Black lagoon meets Ghost in the Shell
Stiens Gate is very good :)

My current Disc watch list is.

Last 4 episodes of Fate/Stay
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Samurai Flamenco
Escalfowne & Film (although this may wait until January when they are sending out a fixed disc 3).
Rolling Girls
Trinity 7

Netflix etc
Vivid Strike
Fairy Tail
And I just finished Fate :)

It was as good as I remember, even if I couldn't remember most of what happened.
Next up is some FLCL I think :)
This is the only place I can find selling a legitimate version of One Punch Man (that has GBP pricing anyway). £53 though.

What's the average price you lot pay for your Anime?
Check the episode count on that one, it looks like it's the Japanese release with only 1 or 2 episodes per disc.

If you can wait I think the series has been licensed for release in the US (by Viz) which will be much cheaper, although there may be some trade off with the picture quality (probably not much though).

The amount I pay for anime varies a lot, the most I've paid for a single disc was something like £50 for 4 episodes (about once in 16 years and over a thousand orders), but at the other end of the scale it's been as low as £10 for 26 episodes.

I've never bought anything from CDjapan etc as I tend to get the US/UK/Aus releases which are always cheaper than the Japanese ones (which are usually insanely expensive).
I think I read somewhere that "one punch man" was in the process of being Dub, so maybe first or second quarter of next year it will be released in a box set or at the very least either news of a dub released or sub released.
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