The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

another on my to finish list.Only got around 6 of these watched and lost interest a few years ago.Worth revisiting and finishing off do you think?
E7 Ao on hold atm,ploughing through star-gate Atlantis ,only 3 seasons left to watch:eek:

If you take it as being a bit of a spoof then it's an amusing watch ... if you take it seriously then it just seems weak.

E7 Ao ... I watched the first episode earlier ... it was interesting but there's nowhere near enough indication of what direction they are going to go in to say how good it will be longer term ...

I fancy watching some Gundam anime, which would you all recommend?

I've only seen Gundam Wing (a long time ago I should add) but want to watch some more

I'm not a bit Gundam fan but I quite enjoyed the two series of Gundam 00, (I haven''t got around to watching the Gundam 00 movie yet though).


Watched the second episode of Accel World earlier ... a bit disappointed that this may well turn into a bit of a fight-of-the-week type thing, hopefully there is enough going on outside that to counter balance it.

Also saw watched episode two of Natsuiro Kiseki which was quite amusing. Reminds me of Tamayura although the girls are slightly older and energetic ... and, of course, there is a large magical stone ... I will admit to being biased here as I do like Sphere.

I also watched today, from the depths of my shelves, Magical Meow Meow Taruto ... okay .... how can I put this ... it appears to be from a simpler time where cat girls dressed as maids were the high point of non-mecha things ... it's relatively amusing but the plot has no real depth and even that seems deep when compared to the characters.


Watched a couple more things on Sunday ...

Latest Bodacious Space Pirates ... chaos with the school club in charge of the pirate ship ... hold on, where's the manual?

First "series" of Fate Zero ... not bad. I think that I'm preferring it over the original series, but not by much. I think I'm preferring it as we seem to seeing more about more of the pair instead of just really concentrating mainly on one pair. I do like the Rider character in the new series ... he's fun :)
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Just a quick note to people to be careful on Amazon UK. They have this sponsored links thing which shows up on their pages now and I've noticed that one of the links which shows up on the Howl and Earthsea BD/DVD pack pages (for me earlier) was linking through to a site selling lots of bootlegs.

I've reported this to Amazon via their link to do so but who knows if anything will be done about this. Just because links show up in that section don't assume they are legit.
Finished a re-watch of the series of The Idolm@ster this evening. The series follows the fortunes of a group of young girls starting out as idols working for a small production company.

I like the series; the characters are nice and the music is pretty good. The animation is pretty reasonable and the plot line is interesting. I do like that they have managed to avoid falling into the trap of having to much fanservice, which would have been easy to do here. The series has it's comic moments but is a slice of life drama really and has some quite dark and emotional sections. My favourite section is the last half dozen or so episodes which has some good emotional bit although the wedding dress episode earlier in the series is a good comic episode.
does anyone have a list or know of the studio ghibli films that are out??

Im trying to get my niece into anime an I would think these are appropiate.

Ive got
princess mononoki
howes moving castle
spirited away

an then im stumped
does anyone have a list or know of the studio ghibli films that are out??

Im trying to get my niece into anime an I would think these are appropiate.

Ive got
princess mononoke
howes moving castle
spirited away

an then im stumped

Well if you go to Wikipedia and look at the Studio Ghibli page there is a list of feature films. In the UK we have everything up to, and including, Arrietty (as well as Nausicaä which is listed there as pre-Ghibli). I suspect we will get From Up On Poppy Hill at the end of this year / the beginning of next given the normal release pattern. All of these are available in the UK on DVD.

Laputa (Castle in the Sky), Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Whisper of the Heart, Ponyo, Arrietty and My Neighbours the Yamadas have had UK BD releases with Earthsea and Howl due in a couple of months.

You may want to avoid Ocean Waves and Only Yesterday as they are slice of life films instead of fantasies and also avoid Grave of the Fireflies as it's really depressing and quite difficult to watch. My Neighbours the Yamadas is also a bit different and is a bit of an acquired taste.
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oooo missed that one.not heard about that.
Anyone seen it?any good?

it's only coming out on DVD/BD in Japan in a couple of months; it was in the cinema out there last summer. My Japanese teacher liked it but I haven't seen it.

The next older Ghibli films out on BD in Japan have now been announced as being My Neighbour Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies, both out in July so we should get them at the end of this year / the beginning of next ...
Well worth it for less than £10. It's definitely got a unique animation style to it. it gets a bit confusing at times though. Not the best series in the world though.
just got noein boxset from the rainforest place for less than a tenner, havent had time to watch it yet.

anyone know if it was worth the money or if its pants?

Personally I didn't get on well with it and haven't actually managed to finish the whole series. The animation style is quite different from most series and takes a bit of getting used too.
just got noein boxset from the rainforest place for less than a tenner, havent had time to watch it yet.

anyone know if it was worth the money or if its pants?

I liked Noein a lot, easily worth a tenner. The animation is kind of mixed as it's quite experimental and the style changes, sometimes it's stunning and sometimes it doesn't work so well. It can put some people off.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story though.
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Hey Andi
Don`t know if you have visited the BTsuki Maria Sama page recently but they have now got a link to pre formatted translations in both mobi and epub :)
Also book 27 nearly done
Interesting ... I'll have to take a look as I've haven't had time to do any conversions from pdf for a while.

Currently been watching ....

Moyashimon ... re-watch of the anime series. I do think it's a nice, fun watch, and it would have been nice if they created a second season as it really left things open to go further.

Ozma/Ozuma ... a Spring '12 series, although only 6 episodes. Overall I found this series quite annoying. It had a fairly simple concept which could have worked quite well and the pacing of the first couple of episodes gave the impression that it was going to be a lot longer series (maybe 2 cours) ... but the last couple of episodes just seemed to collapse down the plot and have rapidly bring about the end of the series. It was almost as if they decided to make a series and then changed their minds a few episodes in so wrapped things up. I wasn't that keen on the art style either.

Blue Gender ... about halfway through this and finding it pretty meh ...

K-ON! ... re-watching season 1 on Bandai's BD release ... fun and brainless.
Good to hear, i did like Usagi Drop.

Still liking Eureka Seven Ao, it's definitely off to a strong start i thought.

There are some burning questions i would hope are answered though.


- Where did Eureka come from? She fell from the sky 13 years ago (which is Ao's age) and she was obviously pregnant with Ao at the time.

- Renton wasn't there, so where is he? As Ao was born on Okinawa, he never knew Renton and vice versa.

- What happened to/where are all of the other charactes, Holland and co? Dominc and Anemone?

- Is this even the same world?

I do hope they connect this series with the first properly[/spoiler]
Good to hear, i did like Usagi Drop.

Still liking Eureka Seven Ao, it's definitely off to a strong start i thought.

There are some burning questions i would hope are answered though.

- Where did Eureka come from? She fell from the sky 13 years ago (which is Ao's age) and she was obviously pregnant with Ao at the time.

- Renton wasn't there, so where is he? As Ao was born on Okinawa, he never knew Renton and vice versa.

- What happened to/where are all of the other charactes, Holland and co? Dominc and Anemone?

- Is this even the same world?

I do hope they connect this series with the first properly

I would ask if you have seen the episode 0 of E7 Ao ... but having seen it I don't think that it actually answers, well, anything ... :)
I don't know if anyone is interested, but it looks like both the Patlabor and CCS releases from Madman are on hold for now for some reason (possibly problems getting hold of materials?), but they say they are hoping to get it sorted soon.
Hmmm, my post yesterday seems to have gone walkies :/
Recently I've watched Ergo Proxy, and I have to say I have mixed thoughts on it...I'm not convinced it's a show I'll watch again.

Also been watching through Idolm@ster. It's not a bad show so far, about 2/3 through now, a little light relaxing drama, although I perhaps wish there was a little more focus on music as thats what made me decide to watch the series, but it's not a bad watch and enjoyable.
Probably would be more so if I'd played the games :)
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