The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Oooh, more Ghost is always good :D
I've had an itch to rewatch SAC for a few weeks since my MP3 player played "be human" and "lithium flower" whilst I was waiting for my dad at the doctors :)

Does anyone know if there any news of the UK getting K-on S2?
I ask as I ordered S1 yesterday :)
well i still remember when scifi and channel 4 use to air anime in the earier hours of the morning. then we got an anime channel but that was short lived as it only repeat the show it initally aquired to air and nothing new then when belly up to online only for paying members.
Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22 are the first two films in the series of cinematic remakes of the classic 90's anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. There will be four films in all with the.third having hit theatres in Japan at the end of November 2012. The fourth film was due to be released this year but has been pushed back. We'll probably see a western release of the third film in 2014 is my guess.

The original series was reasonable for the most part but does get strange near the end. I also find, in my opinion, that it is one of those classic series that can be overrated by some people. The films are diverging from the original story as they go on so it will be interesting to see what the third and fourth films bring.

yeah strange is the word.
I've borrowed a copy of the original series and that's................stranger...
first ep appears to be going the comedy+seriousness route then they drop all vestage of comedy for a few episodes?
yeah strange is the word.
I've borrowed a copy of the original series and that's................stranger...
first ep appears to be going the comedy+seriousness route then they drop all vestage of comedy for a few episodes?

It gets seriously depressing towards the end, note the last two episodes of the TV series didn't go the way that was intended as they completely ran of money. later when the series was a hit they had the money to do End of Evangelion, which essentially replaces the last two episodes of the TV series and should be watched instead. Doesn't stop it from being complete mind-**** through!
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Does anyone know if there any news of the UK getting K-on S2?
I ask as I ordered S1 yesterday :)

The likelihood of season 2 coming out over here will be somewhere between slim and none due to the poor sales of season 1 (but that is mostly because manga stabbed us in the back by canning the BD release because they thought it wouldn't sell well even though most were waiting on that release instead of getting the DVD singles).
Ah, drat :(

That's a pity as I would have liked a UK version :(

On a different note, does anyone know if Blade of the Immortal any good?
AOL have it on offer :)
Has anyone watched sword art online? I enjoyed it despite all the plot holes and perverted bits nearer the end (tentacles)


Worth watching if you've played a lot of mmos.
Has anyone watched sword art online? I enjoyed it despite all the plot holes and perverted bits nearer the end (tentacles)


Worth watching if you've played a lot of mmos.

I really liked the first half of the series, wasn't too keen on the second. The ending felt a bit rushed and cobbled-together but meh, it worked well enough.
Watched a couple of things this weekend ...

Freezing ... on Funi's BD release ... not a bad series but a bit to much violence and fanservice for my tastes really. My main problem with it was that I didn't really give a monkeys about any of the characters and the series did nothing to make want to like them.

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (Part/Series 1) ... on Sentai's BD release. Overall i would say that this is a strange series. It has a lot of interesting characters but doesn't really use them that well and there is times where the plot seems overly complicated for it's own good. There is also too many things which are not explained well and you are expected to pick up as you go along. I would say it is an interesting series overall though but takes a bit of concentration to watch and keep up with what is going on.
well just finish watching black lagoon season 1 & 2 on blu ray. wish they do a season 3 but all they done is a ova.
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