More terrifying than what? Scenes people don't see? Sure. That point has already been acknowledged, throwing some pictures in doesn't change anything, again, the impact of Covid is hidden away in hospital wards so comparing visuals is rather moot! If anything it supports the argument that this is more of a perception thing, if people don't really think about the serious impact of Covid or put it out of their minds then, of course, rockets that in reality have little chance of killing them could be perceived as scarier.
Ditto to a motorway pile-up - I presume I don't need to add in a picture of a motorway pile-up to highlight the obvious there? But it would be silly IMO to be terrified of driving on the motorway or indeed of being killed by a rocket in Israel - which are currently risks around the same order of magnitude.
Anyway, on another topic, it seems this PCSO didn't get the memo about being politically neutral when on duty: