The Banter Thread

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It's probably because given the past 20 years United have beaten everyone enough that:

1) Everyone else thinks when they do win it's worth a DVD.

2) When United win they don't care (unless it's an Anfield taking place directly after 'this is our year'-type media buffoonery by the Livermule faithful.

Have a look at the link posted above, its actually about uniteds wins over liverpool :p
So lets see, Rio lashing out at a reporter

Also - Giggs been even more naughty it seems, trying it on with his brother's wife's mother! As well as some estate agent in her 20's:

Additionally, another united player's been at it as well.
The unmarried *footballer at the centre of the fresh claims played alongside Giggs for almost 100 matches under Mr. Ferguson. The pair won three league titles.
I mean, okay so he wasn't married but the woman was :p and its obviously Ronaldo as well .. or possibly Nani but i mean, who would really?

I think fergie needs to train you guys harder, clearly too much excess energy.
Oliver Holt is an absolute scumbag, he's talking as if he has football's best interests at heart yet he clearly was just having a dig at Ferdinand and also insinuated that Ferdinand was guilty of doping. Like most journos, he's a self-important **** and needs to remember that without people like Ferdinand he would have nothing.

What Ferdinand said wasn't clever, but I don't think you'd be restrained if some talentless hack started making unsubstantiated claims about you in the public domain.
What did Holt say?

Im the first to defend a Man Utd player but i really didnt think Holt was out of order.

What he said was that Rio missing the test was as bad as being found guilty and was treated as such by the FA. Now really thats not wrong in so far as if it wasnt then all guilty players would have to do is miss their test and take the lesser punishement. He also said he didnt think Rio had actually taken anything but by missing the test no-one will every be 100% sure.
Footballers I can take as they are. They're job is to play football and not like losing very much. I'd expect most of them to be petulant and childish. Plus they're used to being better at what they do than the rest of us and get paid silly money, so most of them are probably arrogant **** to boot. I mean honestly what do people expect?

Journos on the other hand seem to have developed this attitude where they constantly have to act like footballers are below them, and go out of their way to prove how much more sophisticated/better/educated they are...and yet at the same time they're always trying to use footballers to rub off on some of the spotlight, instead of just doing their ******* jobs...that's actually more unprofessional than a footballer calling someone a ****.

Holt tried it with Owen on twitter, then tried to start talking to him like a mate when it turned out Owen had enough nouse about him not to fall for it...that Kinnear press conference is another example. They actually released the tape as if it was something to be proud of...and Holt and co all sniggering to themselves about Rio's DM. It's absolutely ****ing pathetic. Middle school knobs trying to make up for the fact they were bullied in school by the kids who were better at sports than them. They've taken one of the most fun jobs going and turned it into a club for self sophisticated, pompous knobends, and unlike with footballers, football doesn't actually need them, in fact it'd arguably be better without. So basically they can get ******.

"You're a ****" is actually quite apt.

I'm actually quite fed up with having my intelligence insulted by some journo twisting what a footballer/manager has said, or goading them into saying it. So it's little surprise footballers have become pretty sick of it, as it must seem doubly as insulting to them.

It's like a little microcosm of why I find myself liking this country less and less. Some people can't help being knobs, I can deal with that, but an increasing amount act like knobs when they should know better.

Sums up my view on football writers quite well. They're getting nauseatingly self important.
Ferdinand was guilty of doping..

Except he never did that at all, he actually said words to the effect of:
"I suspect your innocent, but missing the test means we'l probably never know"

To which Rio went off on one about a hair test proving after he was innocent, even though there's been hundreds of reports about how hair tests can only detect recreational drugs such as Cocaine, not performance enhancing steroids and such.

And it spiraled from there
Im the first to defend a Man Utd player but i really didnt think Holt was out of order.

What he said was that Rio missing the test was as bad as being found guilty and was treated as such by the FA. Now really thats not wrong in so far as if it wasnt then all guilty players would have to do is miss their test and take the lesser punishement. He also said he didnt think Rio had actually taken anything but by missing the test no-one will every be 100% sure.

That point is fair enough, but in the article which Holt wrote he is incredibly patronising and, while insisting it's nothing personal, he clearly has an axe to grind about Ferdinand. Also, I don't think it's any business of Holt's to report a private message sent to him. I'm sure worse things have been said to journalists in private.
That point is fair enough, but in the article which Holt wrote he is incredibly patronising and, while insisting it's nothing personal, he clearly has an axe to grind about Ferdinand. Also, I don't think it's any business of Holt's to report a private message sent to him. I'm sure worse things have been said to journalists in private.

I think if you are a famous footballer and you send a message to a journo you would really have to be aware theres a good chance it would be published.
In true schoolboy style, Holt started it. :p

I'm not quite sure what Holt did to start it. There was a debate about Toure's ban in relation to Ferdinand's and (iinm) Holt said Ferdinand/players who miss drugs tests should be punished for longer than 8 months. He also said Toure should have been banned for longer too.
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