The Batman (Matt Reeves)

Just got back - very enjoyable. Long, but as someone else said, it does have purpose and the various storylines tie into each other fairly well. The portrayal of Batman's intimidating presence I thought was really great. I actually got goosebumps a few times - the Batmobile's "entrance" was something else. I also really liked seeing the detective side of Batman. Unfortunately a lot of the action scenes are in the trailer and there weren't many other surprises there.

I did feel there were a few underwritten parts too, namely Bruce Wayne and Alfred, and Wayne manor/building was just bizarre. All that weird Harry Potter-esque, gothic design was inside the Wayne Enterprise skyscraper? Made no sense.
Like a lot of people I suspect, i'm suffering a bit of Batman fatigue - however saw this on saturday and apart from a few small nitpicks, thought it was fantastic.

Pattinson was a superb Batman, an ok Bruce Wayne but luckily this is a Batman movie with plenty of actual Batman in it. All supporting roles were performed extremely well - everyone felt totally invested in the movie. Farrell and Dano both shined in their roles.

Good to see the world greatest detective doing some detective work as well, I truly hope we get more from this director and Pattinson.

8.5/10 for me and borderline as good as TDK which i'd score about the same.

Oh - it's been confirmed that...

Joker in the asylum at the end is just for fun, no plans to run with him as a villain again and there is an earlier scene with him that was also cut.
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Mr H seems to think otherwise.

I'm just going on what Reeves himself said in a recent interview.

Speaking with Variety, Reeves says that despite the scene’s placement this is not set up for the sequel:

“It’s not an Easter egg scene. It’s not one of those end credits Marvel or DC scenes where it’s going, like, ‘Hey, here’s the next movie!’ In fact, I have no idea when or if we would return to that character in the movies.
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Watched this with my boys last night and all of us were very disappointed, just willing it to finish it towards the end. So slow and long and boring. I guess cinematically it may have been nice but it lost me very early on, very much style over substance in my eyes. They dragged every scene out with slow walking, slow talking, slow everything, even grabbing an envelope out of a cage with a bat in was slow. The riddler was pretty awful too. We all gave it 3 out of 10.
What is with the suit and car? Feels like something you'd expect from Kick-ass...

I read that this is akin to Batman year 3 or something around that timeframe - he's young and figuring it all out, so he doesn't have all the fancy gadgets and fully fledged Batmobile all figured out yet.
I read that this is akin to Batman year 3 or something around that timeframe - he's young and figuring it all out, so he doesn't have all the fancy gadgets and fully fledged Batmobile all figured out yet.

His diary has Gotham Project year 2 on it so definitely his early years, clearly see he hasn't got his total confidence around gadgets and toys with the wing suit scene :D

I did like the small touch of his bat logo on the suit being a functional batarang.
I read that this is akin to Batman year 3 or something around that timeframe - he's young and figuring it all out, so he doesn't have all the fancy gadgets and fully fledged Batmobile all figured out yet.

Oh! It was when I saw the stitching on the cowl and thinking, what is this homemade cosplay crap.
Good film, but I'm sorry, again I just cant be on board with a skinny guy dropping big dudes with such ease.
Good film, but I'm sorry, again I just cant be on board with a skinny guy dropping big dudes with such ease.

I never thought I could take to Affleck as Batman but he was believable. You could feel the powerful force of violence with him.
Went in there with low expectations (it's Robert Pattison, it's not Christopher Nolan, etc.) and came out thinking it's up there with The Dark Knight. I'm not sure if that's recency bias and the fact I haven't watched the Nolan films for quite some time but I thought it was excellent.

One of my favorite films is Se7en and it reminded me a lot of that. Really dark and gritty.

Edit: Oh yeah, also loved that they stuck a bit of Nirvana in there too. Was a perfect fit.
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A solid dark and gritty crime/mob well produced thriller where the lead detective could have been anyone really; just so happened to be dressed in a batman suit.

And therein was the only issue for me. We had the realistic non-superhero version already with Nolan's trilogy.

The batmobile first start-up scene, sound and chase scene was brilliant.
Saw it last night with my wife and we both really enjoyed it.

I have to say that the first twenty minutes are a bit slow, but after that it's great.

Probably one of the darkest films I've seen, very much in the same vein as Blade runner and Se7en. A lot of scenes reminded me of the visual style of the Batman Arkham games.

Performances were great from everyone, Colin Farrell steals every scene he's in and I hope he has a more prominent role in future sequels. To me, Robert Patitnson's performance in the suit had a Clint Eastwood vibe to it, which worked for me.

All in all a well very well directed and acted film with oodles of style, fantastic cinematography and art design.

Best sounding Bat mobile ever.
Enjoyed it, but jeez the camera work on the entire film is like the first few episodes of that last series of Game of Thrones: 50 shades of black with the scenes being barely visible.
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